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Volume on Advanced Linear Cryptanalysis -- Contributions sollicited

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Pascal Junod

Mar 7, 2010, 3:08:49 AM3/7/10

A new volume of the IOS Press Cryptology and Information Security
Series on *Advanced Linear Cryptanalysis of Block and Stream Ciphers*
will be edited by Anne Canteaut (INRIA) and Pascal Junod (HEIG-VD).

* Scope *

Since the invention of linear cryptanalysis in the early 90=92s, several
aspects of this powerful attack have been well studied, understood and
generalized, resulting on the one hand in much more elaborated attacks
against certain ciphers and on the other hand, in some negative
results regarding the potential of various attempts of generalization.
Although many researchers are still working on this topic, the field
is now reasonably mature to take a snapshot of its current state and
look at future potential developments.

* Topics *

The volume will consist of a mix of invited contributions and of high-
quality submissions on all aspects of linear cryptanalysis of block
and stream ciphers, including, but not necessarily limited to the
following topics:

- Efficient search for linear characteristics in block and stream
- Multidimensional linear cryptanalysis
- Linear cryptanalysis over non-binary fields
- Linear cryptanalysis over large binary fields
- Advanced statistical methods
- Provable security related to linear cryptanalysis
- Experimental linear cryptanalysis
- Design of Boolean functions resistant to linear cryptanalysis

Contributions will particularly be expected to give a survey of a
larger part of the literature, and prepared using LATEX. Interested
authors should send a 1-page abstract of their planned contribution
with a provisional table of contents as well as a page count
estimation to both editors by electronic mail before April 15, 2010.
Upon acceptance, the full contributions are due by September 15, 2010.

* Important Dates *

Abstracts due on April 15, 2010
Notification on May 15, 2010
Manuscripts due on September 15, 2010
Completion of reviews on November 15, 2010
Revised manuscripts due on December 30, 2010

A PDF version of this CfP, including contact information, is available

Tom St Denis

Mar 9, 2010, 6:29:58 PM3/9/10

On Mar 7, 3:08=A0am, Pascal Junod <> wrote:
> The volume will consist of a mix of invited contributions and of high-
> quality submissions on all aspects of linear cryptanalysis of block
> and stream ciphers, including, but not necessarily limited to the
> following topics:

Sadly I have nothing to contribute to the journal, but I'd be totally
interested in picking up a copy when it's in print. Could you please
post to sci.crypt again when it's available?

Also, have you guys considered a consolidation with differential
cryptanalysis (and/or is their a volume on that anyways?


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