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Did Jesus know Latin ?

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Mar 26, 2002, 7:55:10 PM3/26/02
Obbie L Kirk wrote:
> You mean to say that you don't believe that one that was able to turn
> water into wine and plus walk on it wasn't capable of speaking a
> language that was known to mankind. And not only did he raise Lazurus from
> the dead;he had predicted his own death on the cross and then rose from
> the grave three days,later. I personally believe that he knew every
> language known to mankind and then some.
"And then some"?

Of what languages are you aware that are unknown to mankind?

After all, even the language of the angels was known to John Dee, for
one! ;)



Mar 27, 2002, 2:12:44 PM3/27/02
"Gordon" <> wrote in message news:<orul8.23199$>...
> "Peter Mackay" <> wrote in message
> news:MPG.1700eaaa6a735281989a8a@news-server...
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > > On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 20:46:16 +1100, Sartor Campion
> > > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > >Mark Johnson < > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>>>Why not Aramaic! That's what Jesus spoke. He couldn't speak Latin.
> > > >>>Excellent point! -- Dawn
> > > >>Sure - if you insist Our Lord couldn't speak Latin.
> > > >
> > > >He lived in a town run by Romans.
> > > >
> > > >I am sure that he could manage a bit of broken latin.
> > >
> > > The references I've seen say that Jesus spoke Aramaic, and likely knew
> > > a "tad" of Greek. I've not seen a reference to his knowing any Latin.
> >
> > The Romans were occupying his country - I'd say he knew at least a few
> > words - it's like saying that French people knew no German during WW2
> > when France was occupied.
> >
> > And given that the first scriptures were in Greek, at a time when the
> > Romans were persecuting Christians, there would have been little
> > incentive to push the idea that he had little Latin and less Greek.
> So, why were the first scriptures written in Koine?
> > Why on earth would he know any Greek, anyway? Were there Greek settlers
> > or traders in his everyday world?
> Why was the rabbi who embalmed his body named "Nicodemus"?
> > We may be sure of Aramaic, and as Latin was the language of the
> > occupying power, at least a few words of Latin sounds reasonable.
> Reasonable, yes.

Why would a simple carpenter that spoke to the mass of jews need to
know any Latin? Just because the soldiers and governors of Judea spoke
latin why would he? When he spoke publicly he certainly used Aramiac
and not Latin as he used 'Abba' the Aramaic for Dad. There is no
reason to suspect that he spoke Latin, unless you believe that as God
incarnate he had inherited omniscience.

Dick Wisan

Mar 27, 2002, 10:31:41 PM3/27/02
Odysseus, ( says...

>Obbie L Kirk wrote:
>> You mean to say that you don't believe that one that was able to turn
>> water into wine and plus walk on it wasn't capable of speaking a
>> language that was known to mankind. And not only did he raise Lazurus from
>> the dead;he had predicted his own death on the cross and then rose from
>> the grave three days,later. I personally believe that he knew every
>> language known to mankind and then some.
>"And then some"?
>Of what languages are you aware that are unknown to mankind?

Well, when people are speaking in the tongues, they do not
know the language they're speaking. But seriously, if the
human (bodily) Jesus had known latin, what need of Saint

R. N. (Dick) Wisan Email:
Snail: 37 Clinton St., Oneonta, NY 13820, USA
Just your opinion, please, Ma'am. No fax.

dmitri mosier

Apr 4, 2002, 12:51:52 PM4/4/02
"Gordon" <> wrote in message news:<9pCl8.25713$> An ignorant, illiterate carpenter might not. A first century Jew, on the
> other hand, likely would. He had to read and memorize large stretches of his
> scripture just to pass his bar mitzvah.

Um, 'scuse me, but I hope you're joking about the bar mitzvah comment,
but in case you aren't, you DO know, don't you that the bar mitzvah
ceremony (indeed the whole concept) is a medieval invention, right?
I.e., there was no "bar mitzvah" to *pass* in Yeshuah's time.

iowa city iowa


Apr 4, 2002, 5:47:30 PM4/4/02
In article <>, says...

Interesting. Nope, hadn't heard that.

Still, there is a hefty amount of modern confusion out there between
"illiterate" and "ignorant."
"I have just as much authority as the Pope.
I just don't have as many people who believe it."

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