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Utility electricity generating natural gas turbines could generate larger amounts of turbine rotating fluid warmth from much faster oxidation of natural gas, i think it is possible to energetically prompt this to occur with x-rays, notably, experimen

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Treon Verdery

Dec 9, 2022, 10:49:52 AM12/9/22
ATP from citric acid cycle many micropulse, gigapulse, or faster pulse spectroscopy particular wavelengths of absorption like blue or physiologically mildest UV cause the atp's molecular orbital to change shape, at some absorption spectra like THz, 1-7 micrometers, and just possibly microwaves, radio waves, and low frequency rf a warming effect of the atp could occur, also remotely possible is that water with 4-22 hydration shells around an atp or any other physiochemical has a slight but utilizable difference in absorption spectra than non hydration shell water, if that different absorption spectra exists then along with the spectroscopy numerous absorbed photon wavelengths another simultaneous spectroscopy photon source is active on the hydration shells around the atp, it's possible that putting sufficient hydration shell spectroscopy photons at the cyte or tissue causes a large reduction of the quantity of hydration shells, which could be a thing that causes the atp to much more frequently be much nearer and vibrate next to an atp utilizing cytothing like a receptor peptide, a DNA repair enzyme, transcription and translation of genes numerous and varied physiochemical polymers and enzymes, and neurotransmitter production, it is also possible that spectroscopic hydration shell amount modification of cytoprocesses with other high volume molecules like acetyl coa can cause much more reaction activity at acetyl coa

Structide atp, a new kind of tissue energy pill would be a version of atp with some Ge or Si atoms replacing C atoms so the structurally stronger atp would be refilled and recycled from being Amp and ADP back to atp more times, possibly numerous orders of magnitude more times, i do not know where to put a halogen like chlorine or fluorine, but as these are negative, putting them near the po4 phosphates might make the po4 phosphates more likely to meet and combine with other physiochemicals and phosphorylAte them much more avidly, because the halogen strongly changes the spectroscopy absorption photon wavelengths the multipulse spectroscopy effects of stimulating the structide are distinguishable from regular atp

At gathering valued elements from seawater like PKN plant macronutrients and micronutrients an osmotic membrane similar to a water desalination membrane can be utilized when the membrane has a coating of ion exchange resin on the ocean water side that is highly Gathering of npk and micronutrients, also rather than a two layer system it is possible to sandwich the ion exchange resin between a highly porous near 11 micrometer mesh and an osmosis membrane, such that the concentration of these nutrient things right next to the membrane is many multiples higher than ocean water, the similar but different desalination membrane uses pumped pressurized water to direct the direction of ion flow, the effect of pushing water through the ion exchange resin coating to motionize the plant nutrients occurs for perhaps 1/100-200th of the time, about 3.3 seconds each 10 minutes, making it such that for much larger amounts of minutes ocean water npk and micro nutrients have an opportunity to be glommed with the ion exchange resin, concentrating the nutrients and causing periodic ability of the three layer system to be refreshed with new nutrients, which works better if there is a water current maker on the mesh side

A person on quora. Com says the first two things that cease working at ice large engines are sparkplug and filters, sparkplug made of an optimal metal for laser peening can be 15 times more durable than untreated metal, it is even remotely possible that a spark plug with a superbase or superacid core at the spark gap parts could create an electrical field that guides the spark, possibly to lengthier path, which produces more effective hydrocarbon oxidation starting energy ionization amount, at filters like oil filters and air filters superacid alkane disintegration reactions as described at Wikipedia could be tuned to disintegrate and react with C element particles at motor oil, cleaning much of the gunk out of the oil so the oil filter lasts an order of magnitude or greater longer, another possibility is an electric oil filter a couple cm longer that has a custom shaped piezoelectric element that acoustically vibrates at a pattern that causes centrifuge like oscillating motion of the oil, the simplest version could be much like a person with a paper cup moving the cup in circles to create a spinning vortex at the fluid in the cup, which at piezoelectric physics of motion resonance causes continuous acceleration of the centrifuge like vortex, with sufficient centrifugal effect to clump up oil non useful particates like the way a dense pellet is formed at a centrifuge tube, the extra couple cm length of the oil filter at 11 cm diameter and 4 cm depth can cumulatively remove about 256 CCs of solid gunk from the oil, which could be an order of magnitude or greater duration of oil filter effectiveness, at air filters, solvent with vacuum puffing of the fiber like a paper fiber to be 11-37 times greater volume like puffed grain cereal creates 11-37 times greater surface area of the full volume of the puffed paper fiber, to make the full volume reachable for air filter cleaning the paper fibers before puffing can be a very loose weave of fiber threads, or a fractal surface and depth felt, which can be or contain embossment like cut outs using a shaped geometry metal punch, with sierpenski fractal like holes in it at a few nanometers to millimeter size,

Laser diodes are near $1/watt at alibaba, and LEDs are about $1.26 for 24 watts, some high utility technologies like laser peening metal to be 2-15 times more durable and stronger, with some production of corrosion resistance could possibly be accomplished with LEDs that are 19-20 times cheaper than laser diodes, making laser peening at manufacturing about an order of magnitude more affordable, thinking of benefitting the durability and corrosion resistance of magnet wire and dwelling wiring, laser peening doubles the strength of Cu wire, and increases its corrosion resistance, and at aluminum resistance to fatigue cracking was 28-40 times higher than untreated aluminum, that suggests that a new kind of magnet wire and a new kind of dwelling wiring based on aluminum core Cu coated wire could be much cheaper, stronger, more durable, and more corrosion resistant than 2021 magnet and dwelling wire,

Note on the anyone grows anywhere approval of tomatoes genetically engineered to produce proanthocyanidins that prevent cancer in mice and cause mice to live 3/10 longer, I'm very enthused, and looking forward to getting these at grocery stores, farmers markets, and even taking dried concentrated tomato juice pills as supplements. There could even be a simple social idea that if any of your parents, grandparents or cousins have had cancer then purple tomatoes, and purple tomato sauces are right for you. Including school lunch entrees. 3/10th longer lifespan at mice is impressive, and purple tomato concentrates could be added to a variety of pet foods, zoo diets, and milk cow and egg chicken feeds. Adding a 3/10 lifespan increasing purple tomato concentrate to milk cows and egg chickens could increase the amount of milk and eggs produced over the agricultural animals lifespan double digit amounts, causing higher profits to agribusinesses and farmers, which promotes use of purple proanthocyanidin tomato concentrates and new purple tomato varieties.

The approval of longevity heightening, cancer reducing purple tomatoes could make approval faster for things people eat even more often than tomatoes like whole grain breads and noodles with proanthocyanidin enriched wheat, as well as rice, as well as tubers used at crispy fast foods.

Proanthocyanidin of some molecular form are purple, it is also possible that screening naturally occuring chemical molecule variants of the proanthocyanidin molecule can find molecular variants that are white or transparent, making a new rapidly approvable anticancer, longevity increasing group of crop plants that are longevizing and cancer preventing at white bread, white noodles, white and whole grain rice, white or yellow corn, potatoes and other tubers, bananas, apples, pears, and the world's most frequently eaten fruits and nuts, including ground nuts, almonds, grapes and raisins.

Also, screening several hundred plant produced variations of the proanthocyanidin molecule could find molecular versions that make mice live notably longer than 3/10 longer, imaginably greater than 40% longer, and those even more effective anticancer, longevity heightening proanthocyanidin made part of numerous crop plants. It is even possible that some of those possible 40% longevity increasing molecular variants are produced at purple tomatoes now, and just breeding purple tomatoes together can cause a new variety of purple tomatoes very full of the more longevizing and cancer reducing molecular variant.

The environment purple tomatoes are raised at, and the kinds of soil nutrients used likely effect the amount of proanthocyanidin at the tomato. I read that sun exposure, and I think UV light causes variation in fruit color. So, whether grown outdoors or at greenhouses with grow lighting, it could be possible to strongly increase the amount of proanthocyanidins at tomatoes and other plants with supplemental light, possibly including UV LEDs. I read there is such a thing as LED outdoor plant grow lighting available now. Adding UV LEDs to that outdoor grow lighting could increase the amount of anticancer, longevity heightening proanthocyanidin at purple tomatoes, and beneficially effect a wide variety of wellness causing plant chemicals at many different plants. Adding UV LEDs to grow lighting could, perhaps with timed activity, beneficially effect plant flavor as well.

At LED or other plant grow lighting optical lensing it is possible that very affordable mass stamped optical function gratings, similar to 8-9¢ a square meter diffractive color decorative paper, with grating structures that Cofocalize light at leaf or other plant part depth, like fruit, could cause deeper illumination of the leaves or fruit, reaching more thylakoids, this causes greater glucose and other nutrient production at the plant, also to increase plant food yield, rapidity of interval between crops, as well as new to me ways of cooling a plant in direct sunlight, the plant could also be engineered or bred to have greater numbers of chlorophyll containing thylakoids at greater depth, optimized for growing with depthy light grating utilizing grow light, outdoor grow light, greenhouse, and canopy technology, another technology that a depthy light optical grating surface between the plant and the sun could produce, is, if the plant is at its optimal growing temperature the grating could lens warming IR outdoor lighting to travel very strongly at a very narrow 0-11 and 169-180 degree light angle path, keeping the ir from reaching the plant when the plant is already optimally warm, this benefits the ability of the plant to be more water or irrigation efficient, causes optimal osmotic springiness, omitting wilting, another thing about 8-9¢/sq meter or even more affordable optical lensing of the light that reaches the plant is the purposed combination of different wavelengths of light together to make a group of light energy that s tuned to the spectroscopic absorption identity forms of chemicals and molecules at plants, with the heightened intensity of spectroscopy light causing beneficial charge distribution modification, like Homo highest occupied molecular orbital charge variation that causes Calving cycle enzyme greater reaction velocity and new molecule and enzyme occurrences to occur more frequently, similarly, the spectroscopic stimulation of the atp cycle enzymes, the ribosomes, and plant immune system molecules could all benefit plants and crop plants, a new to me way of causing plant enzymes and molecular chemistry to go 1.4-1.7 times more rapidly, is, noting that 18F doubles enzyme activity, assembling spectroscopy wavelength absorption groups with numerous particular molecule particular IR wavelengths makes a kind of light that is most absorbed at a particular yield optimizing plant enzyme, causing thermal increase of enzyme activity at just that particular enzyme, rather than warming the entire plant

Along with greenhouses, vertical farms, and any canopy based location for a geometry of diffraction grating photon lensing element that is 1/10¢-8¢ per sq meter, it is possible to make multiple meter^2 lighter than air flat optics that float above an outdoor field, this could be from plurality of highly affordable drone-like propeller corners on a circular, rounded perimeter lensing sheet that floats in the air above an outdoor crop or other plant, utilizing a long narrow lighter than air balloon perimeter, or lighter than air balloon at circular or rounded form perimeter areas, as well as optional lighter than air balloons at the lifted multiple sq meter flat optical grating lens internal area of the circular or rounded form optical element, the multiple meters^2 optical element could stay cleaner, transmitting more light, from being modified to have electret character that attracts the least particulates, and even repels particulates, also, a plurality of micropillars at a surface are published as causing water to have less wetting at a surface, as well as micropillars decreasing particulate surface accumulation, causing cleanliness of the flat optical element even from particulates in rainwater, spray irrigation water, or wind based particulate transport, optimally, the flat optical lensing element lasts plural decades, possibly from being a highly light transmissive plant or bacteria produced polymer, notably I have heard of polylactic acid, but it is possible the physiopolymer that makes up the cornea or eye lens protein could be as affordably produced as bacterial sourced polylactic acid, it is also possible for bacteria to produce optically transparent proteins and polymers with many, most, or all dextro amino acids resistant to most enzymatic digestion that cause living organisms to omit using the optically transparent physiopolymer floating optical element as a nutrient source, also, the floating flat optical element benefits from putting chemical antioxidants at it, the 1/10¢ to 8-9¢ meter ^2 fiscal range comes from the slight manufacturing change of 1/10¢ to roller mold existing canopy and greenhouse polymers during manufacture, to decorative photon effecting color effect decorative paper having 2 or 3 layers, a paper backing, a press molded grating feature polymer, possibly with a very thin aluminum mirror sputter coating like at a candy wrapper, and a top layer of very thin film possibly acrylic printing color, if just 1/2 of these can be used, and the embossed lens polymer facially durably attached to thing like strapping tape with strength threads, or chikenwire glass as a very sparse weave polymer support, with, at 1/10 mm threads each cm^2, less than 99.5 parts per hundred of the mass of the embossed lens part, suggests 3-6¢ per meter^2 and the option of a thicker grating polymer that is more durable, the lighter than air gas that lifts the lens can be produced at the dronelike rotor area lifting balloons with the electolysis of water of water to produce hydrogen, and then that mixture ratio of hydrogen, with nitrogen, oxygen and argon from the air that is the highest amount of hydrogen that is absent creating an autosustaining oxidation of hydrogen plasma when an electrical discharge occurs, refractive index matching coatings similar to binocular lens coatings, or new negative refractive index coatings could save 4-8% of the light travelling through the floating circular or rounded form optical grating

A variety of materials have a variety of refractive indexes with both cubic zirconia, moissionite, and diamond being higher than many, it is possible that cubic zirconia rounded forms, smaller than uv light in nanometers, if placed in a moldable emboss able plastic matrix can give the plastic a much higher refractive index that can do optical things more effectively than most polymers, making cubic zirconia floating flat grating optical plant enhancers more effective, zirconium oxide or dioxide is $2.30/KG if you get 100 metric tons on alibaba

Duckweed genes separated into 700 groups, then putting each of those gene groups at plant tissue culture agricultural crop plants, as well as the actual growing plant phenotype, to find out which duckweed genetics cause the doubling of duckweed plants every 24 hours, a combined plurality of combinations of the 700 different duckweed gene groups could also be measured at either a matrix research protocol, notably, rapidly making an oy exon genetically modified form of duckweed with a genome that contains only genes that get transcribed and translated to plant materials could be measured as to its duckweed doubling interval, if that interval is 24 hours or less then dividing just the duckweed genome that is all exons into 700 groups makes it so each group might contain 29-34 times less DNA genetic material making the different combinations of the 700 gene groups have high utility, but briefer DNA amounts, and greater coverage of the plural combined genes effects with fewer plant culture tissue, and phenotypically developed plants utilized during product development research to find the plant genes that cause duckweed like high rapidity of growth and higher velocity doubling interval at crop plants, trees, park and dwelling beautification plants, edible macro algae like kelp, nitrogen fixing plants used at agricultural land, any planted vegetation that causes areas without plants to become plant filled, particulate material retaining, organic material accumulating, fertile soil building, and water transit gradualizing and dwell optimizing to support and hydrate plant growth

It is possible that equation solving slime molds, and any fungi doing form or energy, or IT pattern content or also activity with what I have described as It pattern at the fungal presence or active form of being, especially benevolent fungi, white pattern form and energy fungi, white with blue form and energy fungi, as well as white compatible white and green form and energy fungi benefit from applying and genetically modifying these fungi to have the component genetics of the fastest growing and reproducing white color fungi that also causes greater mammalian longevity such that all these beneficial white form and energy fungi reproduce much more rapidly, and reside at more places on the earth, at space, sometimes called outer space, as well as anyplace humans that is Homo sapiens or branch species are at if the human becomes previously alive, as well as anyplace any organism, animal, or also mammal is at if they become previously alive, to heighten the thriving of benevolent and white form and energy pattern, like IT pattern fungi, the genes of the Atp making cycle can be enhanced to make more ATP, more rapidly, and at fungi that metabolize previously living plant material, likely described as detrivores, the enzymes that digest previously alive plant material can be increased in amount with epigenetic modification that causes them to be created in greater amounts, as well as the genetics of the fungal previously living plant food sources activated receptors, and growth chemicals that cause nutrient availablizing and transporting hyphae to proliferate more at fungi food source surfaces benefit white form and energy fungal thriving and spreading, another fungal organism chemistry enhancement is either a reduction in the amount of histones, noting that dehistonated yeast double their mass and amount similar to 2 times or an order of magnitude more rapidly, such that 1/8 as many histones combined with 4 times greater amount of DNA repair enzymes and any enzymes that support higher accuracy DNA replication during cytodivision and reproductive spore formation could reduce genetic mutation and drift at the much faster growing white form and energy fungi with just 1/8 the histones of previous fungi

To make better longevity and youthspan drugs and treatments faster, along with the p value of the findings they could publish the distribution of the ages of living and indicators of youthspan height to width ratio for any distribution, including the normal distribution, this would allow calculating the number of measured organisms like yeast, c elegans, mice, human tissue culture cytes, and entire humans necessary to find 99.99th percentile or higher longevity and youthspan researched and measured organisms of varied genetics, and monozygotic twin or clone genetics, the specific purposed production of very very high longevity and youthspan responders makes it possible to find out what causes the ultra high longevity response, one version of this could look at the number of genetically diverse mice or human tissue culture cytes sufficient to find 4 80% greater longevity and youthspan from rapamycin from a 60% rapamycin all mice median longevity increase like those found at published research, when those mice or other species with the very very high longevity response are found, they can be cloned or bred together using in vitro fertilization technology to make baby mice or other organisms, or human tissue culture with plural simultaneous genetics of 80% longevity and i perceive youthspan response to rapamycin, breeding or genetic engineering potentially creating 90% longevization from and at rapamycin mice, other organisms and human tissue cultures, this also provides a way to find the genetics, alleles, and epigenetics of mouse and human tissue 90% longevization very high longevity responders, notably, because there are a number or rapamycin effect like Mtorc1 inhibiting peptides, these peptides can be measured one at a time and in combination to produce a 90% longevity heightening effect at mice, human tissue cultures, likely highly responsive human medical and internet genome database located high longevity response humans of all ages, another similar longevity technology is to find mice and human tissue cultures that respond much more greatly than median to a reduction of a longevity decreasing physiochemical like ppapas protein, senescent cyte emitted physiochemicals, spleen longevity reducing physiochemicals, insulin growth factor 1, the antilongevity of some sex hormones, or their networks and cascades, and while preserving of increasing cognitive function and happiness and light triad psychometric measure of being, thought, feelings, and actual light triad actions, decreasing the brain chemicals or neuron activation of brain structures associated with much higher decreased numeric likeliness of remaining alive after a live-in affectionate partner or possibly partners becomes previously alive, notably the genetic, epigenetic, and physiochemical response can be applied at many entire human, human tissue culture and mouse organisms simultaneously, all together, and at bathed groups to cause the greatest heightened longevity and youthspan and healthspan, also this longevity utraresponder genetics, epigenetics, and possibly immune response attributes could be found at lkm512 yogurt bacteria published at two studies as making middle aged mice live 95% as well as 85% longer, epigenetic modification that upregulates gdf-11, khlotho, a double digit longevity heightening protein that has a P, and any epigenetic or genetic modification that upregulates pineal and substantial nigra longevization causing longevity and youthspan associated physiochemical production, any epigenetic or genetic modulation that causes much greater longevization and continued being alive response to epithalon and thymalin could also be researched and characterized to find genetically varied mice, yeast, c elegans, daphnia, rapid lifespan fish, human tissue culture, and the very high 99.99th percentile or above epithalon and thymalin effect of causing halved or better number reduction of becoming previously alive that is published at older people, that is humans, Homo sapiens and branch species, such that they live a plurality of years longer, and with having 1/2 the risk of becoming previously alive that is published, at and when administering epithalon and thymalin to older humans,

One study of epithalon and thymalin I have not been aware of, is what mRNA are produced and what genes are transcribed and gene products made, or even gene products reduced when humans, human tissue cultures, and mice are administered mouse longevizing dosages and human equivalent longevizing dosages of epithalon and thymalin, this data directly supports the creation of epigenetic modifiers that longevizes like epithalon at all human tissue types,

Epigenetic upregulation of the gene products stimulated at the administration of epithalon and thymalin could farther create even greater longevization, youthspan, and health pan heightening if these are epigenetically prompted to occur at tissue and cyte types that epithalon might be less active or concentrated at, like slower structure replenishment cytes like neurons with a blood brain barrier between them and some amount of epithalon absorption and supply, sperm generating cytes with a testis-circulatory system barrier, all the cytes of the lymphatic nodes and channels noting their partial separation from the oxygen circulatory system, osteocytes, adipocytes, ligaments, cartilage, and other non vascularized or minimally vascularized tissues like joints, corneas, lenses, eyeball filler gel, joint lubricant filled spaces, and any cyte type of the body that has less frequently occuring than body median regeneration, division to make new cytes, or stem cyte differentiation produced cytes and tissues with new cytes, along with epigenetics, epithalon and thymalin peptides can simply be made with synthetic new genes, as well as from modifying existing genes to have some additional epithalon and thymalin producing DNA at genes that are activated at all body cyte types, such as nucleus based mitochondrial component genes, cytomembrane production genes, as well as placing the DNA sequences that make epithalon and thymalin on 4 different chromosomes, each at what is technically described as a highly conserved gene about 1/3 of the chromosomes length from the chromosome center, this causes the new longevizing epithalon and thymalin genes to be highly conserved and very highly persistent at humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species, as well as all mammals, all organisms that have a heightened longevity, or also heightened youthspan, or also greater wellness response to epithalon and thymalin such as fungi, slime molds, plants, zooplankton, algae, lichens, microorganisms, beneficial to plants mycorhizzial community bacteria, nitrogen fixing bacteria, plant illness reducing bacteria, human probiotic bacteria, all mammal, and other organism probiotic bacteria, achaebacteria, commercial product producing bacteria from supplement and pharmaceutical producing bacteria to mineral element gathering heap leachate bacteria, to yogurt and other food bacteria, to water an wastewater sewage treatment bacteria, to coal cleaning and desulfurizing bacteria, to liquid fuel and commercial polymer producing bacteria, these likely all benefit from epithalon, and thymalin peptide production being engineered to be part of their genome,

Finding a better, more, longevizing, youthspan heightening, and health span heightening 4 amino acid peptide sequence than epithalon is beneficial, of 23 amino amino acids, 11 different amino acids are most similar to epithalon's AEDG separate amino acids at their electric charge like isoelectric value, molecular radius and volume, and hydrophilicity or lipophilicity, every possible 4 amino acid peptide amino acid variation among those 11 amino acids is about 14,900 dfferent different peptides, and although there are thriftier ways these peptides or their ready to do genetic engineering nucleotide sequences that code the epithalon variations is about $7 each commercially online, i think, making the entire testable epithalon variant library $105,000, or perhaps $49K with overseas vendors competing to supply the epithalon variant library, that is enough epithalon variants to dose 111 or more cytes periodically throughout the tissue culture cytes full span of living, which could be partial decades or longer, at hundreds of different human tissue culture cyte types, fungal cytes, plant, crop plant, beneficial to plants mycorhizzial community organisms, algae, phytoplankton, kelp, and any other photosynthetic organism tissue culture cytes, bacteria, different mammals including all cetaceans including dolphins and whales, all primates and other monkeys, and typical mammals of genetic relation at a plurality of mammal forms including bears, ungulates like deer and cows, rabbits, any species genetically modified to be herbivorous rather than eating animals including feline species, ermine, mink, otter species, squirrel and rodent species, monotremes like the platypus, marsupials, cephalopod species including octopuses and squid and other cephalopods, herbivorous bird species and bird species genetically modified to be herbivorous, reptile species genetically modified to be herbivorous, fish genetically modified to be herbivorous, as well as characterizing epithalon and thymalin variants at honeybees and stingless bees and honeybees genetically modified to both increase at an order of magnitude or greater the form of being and cognition like or actual cognition of the hive mind of honeybees simultaneously genetically modified to be stingless, some genetic modifications to honeybee stingless honeybees to make the hive mind able to communicate enhanced behavior changes to bees 4,8,16,32 faster, discern between 4,8,16,32 different nectar nutrient and other beneficial molecules, and pollen availability at different nectar sources, as well as have 4 or 8,16 or 32 times more adjustment precision of queen egg laying, ratio of different kinds of bees at a hive to enhance and optimize hive group persistence, a possible longevity increase at the hive mind, the genetic modification of the bees to see more color and uv wavelengths, which provides the hive mind with richer data, genetically engineering the individual bees to have 16 times more effective positive reinforcement learning, 16 times longer chronological interval of positive reinforcement learning, 4,8,16 times as many ampa acetylcholine neurons as honeybees and stingless bees have, if they have ampa neurons, which are neurons that at humans respond to nootropics to cause heightened cognitive function, heightened sensitivity at honeybees and stingless bees of completely pleasant body surface touch sensors, vibration sensors, chemo sensors like scent, taste, and other chemo sensors, neural network expansion, duplication,
And richer data representation forms, with human or nonsentient AI doing nonsentient genetic algorithm simulations to find neural network geometries and variable forms that simultaneously create greater options, enjoyment, well being, and entire beehive thriving at both the hive mind and all individual honeybees and stingless bees

benefitretention, vegetarian ehbivorous

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