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Protons with gluons and a kind of quark I read about that are 4 AMU when the proton they are part of is only 1 AMU could be protons that release 4times as much energy when mass is turned to energy than matter like fusion events than other kinds of pr

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Treon Verdery

Dec 9, 2022, 10:49:06 AM12/9/22
Babies get some kinds of increased immunity from breastfeeding, this likely has to do with proteins, antibodies, or other organic polymers at breastmilk, it is likely that different women and girls produce different baby immune building chemicals, making a library of all the differing breastmilk immunity builders from 1111,10K,100k women or more, then making all those different immune builders using human tissue culture or yeast culture, and then administering the numerous immune building factors to babies could cause much greater immunity to illnesses at babies and the persons of all ages they become, a way of making this even more effective at causing greater wellness at people is possibly findind older women volunteers who have fully recovered from many illnesses and administering the hormones that cause all the kinds of breastmilk produced, and see if they have an even larger number/library of immune system building physiochemicals, also i have read that some immune system active chemicals that have phosphatidyl chemicals like possibly phosphatidylserine linked to them actually cause reduced immunosensitivity to those chemicals, older women volunteers could be phosphatidyl linked to any of the body's autoimmune reactions, such that the wellness causing decrease of autoimmune reactions associated with arthritis, cardiovascular autoimmune effects that may exist and be associated with atherosclerosis, allergies, atopic dermatitis, asthma, lupus, be a beneficial effect of the phosphatidyl molecule being linked to an autoimmune antigen, also possible is the phosphatidyl molecule being linked to the nucleotides and chemical forms of any beneficial probiotic bacteria, or as they are found to exist at humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species, beneficial viruses, one notable beneficial virus is a virus published as causing beneficial reduced body mass index, noting that svelte humans have less cardiovascular illness, cancer, diabetes, and enhanced frequency and liveliness of motion, reduced inflammaging, and reduced amounts of any deleterious physiochemicals produced at adipocytes, another beneficial virus could be a virus that is like a diarrhea producing virus, but so minimally active it omits causing illness, while simultaneously causing an immune system response building that immunizes against the cytoproducts other than the beneficial virus that cause the actual very high fluidity of gi tract materials during diarrhea to occur, that makes it occur that a completely different group of diarrhea producing viruses, bacteria, or microorganisms have much less diarrhea producing effect, noting that diarrhea was the leading cause of becoming previously alive at children five years of age or younger during the 20th century AD, another beneficial virus that might be searched for and found is a pneumonia virus that is so minimally active as to omit actually causing any illness from pneumonia, while still causing immune system building of immune response to the cytoactivation, viral pneumonia produced specific chemicals that cause a thing that might occur which is much greater mucous secretion, or any effect on lung cyte cilia that might reduce their activity, as well as any physiochemical activity of viral pneumonia that causes greater permeability of capillaries that could cause greater nutrient supply to pneumonia virus multiplying cytes, are all immunized against with the asymptomatic beneficial viral pneumonia virus that is absent producing illness, noting that pneumonia was a top 8 most frequently occuring cause of older persons becoming previously alive during the 20th century AD, another beneficial virus that could be findable is any asymptomatic ic virus that strongly increases the amount of ATP the cyte makes, noting that this could prexistingly occur at viruses because it strongly increases viral replication amount with more ATP supplying energy for greater viral replication, so an asymptomatic virus that causes greater atp production at a variety of cyte types then has a human body cyte response similar to, or better than NMN dosing effects on cyte youthification, and other benefits of greater atp production like seven times greater exercise capacity, and noting a thing I read that said 80 year Olds had only 1/5 the number of mitochondria as people I perceive I remember being in their twenties, the strongly heightened atp production from asymptomatic beneficial viruses could cause older persons, supercentenarians, and humans with multicentury multimillenium lifespans to have atp production as similar as possible to that of fetuses, children, and teenagers, so viruses that cause much higher atp production are a kind of beneficial virus, also along with viruses that do this at the environment, when and if such an atp increasing virus is found, the virus can be grown at human tissue culture, mutational variants and variants produced or engineered that produce more atp, another possible findable beneficial virus, bacteria, cytointerior located mycobacterium, or fungi that causes the cyte it is surrounded with or next to to cause, at the cyte it is at r next to to cause any of greater mitochondrial size, greater mitochondrial number, or greater mitochondrial atp production, one possible gene therapy that greatly benefits humans is finding and existing virus that almost all humans already have, and then directing the gene therapy to the viral DNA or rna being actively produced, functionally modifying a viral infection to make the products and chemicals that beneficial viruses make, i have read cytolmegalovirus is at 8/10 of the adult population, an it's possible epstein-barr virus was also frequently occuring at the 20th century population, it is also that gene therapy on replicating or non active viruses like uncoated DNA and rna viruses are gene/nucleotide editable, could cause the genetic modification of hiv, pneumonia, diarrhea viruses, herpes, any cardiotissue effecting virus, Corona virus, influenza, wart viruses and possible carcinogenic viruses, to cause the illness linked virus to be genetically modified to be nonharmful, and less virulent or spreading, a possible way to do this automatically is to have a virus gene editing molecule, group of molecules, or tansfection agent from something like a lentivirus, adenovirus, crispr/cas construct, or peptide aptamer or antibody Localization peptide able to diffuse and actively moved to cytes that have viruses that is linked to an virus replication ceasing transferred nucleotide such as plural stop codons, with possibly the plural stop codons being preceded and anteceded with a number of other nucleotides such that the stop codons are distributed at many places on the viral genome,

Another beneficial virus that could be found are viruses that are active at terminating replication and illness causing agent existence at cardiovascular illness and dental nonoptimality causing gingivitis bacteria, tooth plaque bacteria, acne bacteria, rosacae causing organisms, body odor producing bacteria, including any genital odor bacteria yeast or fungihumans prefer to omit, tuberculosis mycobacteria, bacterial pneumonia bacteria, microorganisms like spirochetes, falciparum malaria organisms, diarrhea microorganisms, any parasite, staphylococcus aureas, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, any bacteria with antibiotic resistance that causes illness, as well as the bacteria or other organisms that are the most frequent cause of nosocomial medical infections, including surgical and air transferred nosocomial infections, as well as completely beneficial viruses that terminate and cease replication of sexually Transmitted bacterial, fungi, wart tissue material, and other microorganisms, finding and testing these beneficial viruses on human tissue culture, and mutating or engineering them to be more effective is a way to measure the effectiveness of the beneficial viruses and heighten their benefit.

One possible findable beneficial virus is to find viruses that only activate, replicate and cause gene transcription and translation to produce body physiochemicals when another virus is already active at a cyte, which modifies the cytosurface, and physiochemistry of the cytoplasm, and possibly the nucleus, as well as other cyte structures, if it is possible to find existing beneficial viruses that only replicate at cytes where another virus, like an illness virus is active makes it possible for the beneficial virus to cause production of cytochemicals that cease the replication and activity of the illness virus, a few approaches are making a cyte apoptosis physiochemical such as a peptide, protein, or even lipid like the physiochemicals that can tell mitochondria to do cyte apoptosis, lysosome disintegration apoptosis, peptide or aptamer peptide production that gloms onto active transport channels, making them cease to actively transport energy nutrients, sugars, lipids, proteins, water, ion recycling, to cause both an absence of resources to replicate an illness virus, as well as from ion imbalance and osmotic water effects, cause the virally infected cyte to omit living, besides apoptosis ways a beneficial virus can cease an illness virus effects are the production of viral surface glomming aptamer peptides, nucleotide sequences and forms that can attach to virus DNA, rna, or capsid surfaces, with the effect of both of these to cause non portability through the cytomembranes of uninfected cytes, reducing viral propagation throughout the body and making human to human transmission much less frequent

Dendritic immune cytes and other immune cytes respond to antigens, vaccinations, possibly breastfeeding, and infections to gather form data that then builds new immune response, it is possible that modifying the epigenetics of dendrite and other immune system repertoire increasing immunocytes is able to make them produce 2-4 times as many protein form molecules that patternize on an antigen, as well as make 2-4 times as many cytomembranes structures that might exist that actively transport new antigens to the cytoplasm which enriches their concentration rediffusively onto the outer cytomembranes, as well as any new antigen immune building repertoire physiochemical activity at the cytoplasm, that produces 4-8 times more effective immune system repetoir building response, making would previously be a human company produced immunization that had less than sufficient response to then have sufficient response as a beneficial vaccine that increases lifespan and youthspan, such as vaccines against senescent cytes, deleterious old mammal Parabiosis chemicals, spleen chemicals, any deleterious non sexual characteristic, non secondary sexual characteristic, pregnancy, spermatogenesis or mind effecting sex hormone physiochemical form, including the nonsteroidal gene products like proteins produced at the gene activation networks and cascades that sex steroids like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone produce, such that the 19% or greater longevity increase at human enunchs is available or heightened at humans while permitting the fertility, voluntary appearance, and voluntary mental attributes including active interest in sex to be unmodified or enhanced, along with the 4-8 times greater vaccine effectiveness at causing greater longevity and youthspan, vaccines against illnesses also become more effective, commercially available and cheaper to produce

A vaccine technogy that causes greater immune response building is attaching a moiety like glucose or polyglucose, or a peptide that causes active transport at the outer membrane of vaccine antigen immune recognize cytes, at 4-11 different active transport channels simultaneously, each at 1000 times more transport than diffusion causes the immune system building cytes to accumulate 4K or greater amounts of vaccine antigen to respond to, this causes greater vaccine effectiveness and makes the active ingredients of vaccines hundred or thousands of times more affordable, and immunizes more people with less active ingredient, another vaccine like technology is attaching 4-11 different active transport channel peptides to immune system building breastmilk, as well as at tissue culture produced 1111-111K woman breastmilk baby immune system system building physiochemicals at libraries, it could also be possible to attach aptamer to breastmilk physiochemicals that also have 4-11 different active transport channel transportation of the breastmilk immunobuilding chemicals attached to differing peptides

or ausesnhileg Irustenfections smittedsogenerationhthatylheashe, immunityMultiple double digits of different milk samples

Epigenetics of velocity of immunocytes from marrow to increase it, also increase differentiation factors to make multiples more dendritic cytes

Faster semiconductors than one trillion cycle per second indium phosphide transistors, i perceive indium phosphide transistors are faster than ge and si ransistors because of higher electron velocity and quantum emission levels that are very much nearer each other than other semiconductors. If a dry chemical molecule known as a superacid or superbase with its tens of thousands of height of acidity or basicity is placed next to a semiconductor molecule, that the superbase causes the electron cloud volume of the semiconductor element to compress itself possibly hundreds or KS of times to avoid the ultra electron surplus of the superbase molecule, similarly a superacid molecule right next to a semiconductor atom or material would cause the electron cloud radius of the semiconductor atom or material to be hundreds of times larger, i perceive this could change the voltage and current at the different quantum levels and emission levels of a semiconductor atom, making it so that electrons are willing to hop up a level with much less energy, that could increase both semiconductor energy efficiency, and the number of quantum events each second from the atoms already preferring more distance from the semiconductor nucleus, and thus the electrons already at part of the distance from the nucleus to reach a quantum level, there coul be an error with what I am thinking about here but a superacid molecule might stretch out quantum levels, from stretching the size and volume of the electron cloud, while a superbase that communicated very high electron effect at a distance could cause the quantum levels of a semiconductor molecule or ic feature, or junction layer to be physical distance compressed, it seems like one or the other of a superacid or superbase next to a semiconductor molecule could change either the nearness of quantum levels to be much nearer, or the ease and rapidity of hopping up quantum levels to be much higher velocity at less velocity/volts to hop up a quantum level, and that one or both of superacid and superbases can then raise indium phosphide transistors and sensors to be much larger amounts faster switching or light detecting, as well as making Ge and Si semiconductor features like transistors, photon and other sensors, and light emitters and lasers have much faster functional switching speeds, clock frequencies, laser diode output spectra new frequencies produced, an at optical communications like nternet optical fiber and light communication through vacuum, atmosphere, waveguide, being able to generate data representing pulses much faster, possibly at higher power and photosensors functioning much faster, and being much more sensitive from a dry superacid molecule stretching the electron cloud radius of the photosensitive semiconductor or other photonic response chemical or molecule, with an electron cloud compressing superbase possibly causing quantum levels to change both their distances from each other, as well as making it so that electrons at the electron cloud of the photosensors semiconductor or other molecular material are compressed to 3-5 orders of magnitude higher electron field density that could cause 3-5 orders of magnitude greater ability of an absorbed photon, or other wave or particle to add just the amount of extra energy that can quantum hop and emission rrefractive materials and negative refractive materials

Two possible medical technologies that reduce hiv transmission and reduce risk of aids, there is an enzyme, C something that is nonfunctional at some European Caucasians that hiv has to use to replicate, it is possible to make an rnai epigenetic drug that hypermethylates, that is downregulates the production of the C something enzyme at people with fully functional enzymes, making it so that those people make too little/none of the c something enzyme and thus become highly resistant to hiv infection, and have minimal transmissivity of hiv to other people, as an actual drug that is 1/3-1/5th of 1 ¢ per dose, where one dose of an epigenetic drug lasts for centuries of living, a production $ estimate is about 1 mg divided into 11 ninety microgram dosages are administered during an 11 day period to reach all the cytes of the body with the RNAi epigenetic C something enzyme down regulator, much better than that is a 4-8¢ iontophoretic applique, with RNAi dodecanate that diffuses into the circulatory system both immediately, and also gradually, to make it so the rnai epigenetic modifier has 440k times higher dose potency, a peptide, or actually 4-11 of them that cause preferential active transport of the rnai at, and to the cytoplasm of the cyte using structures called Active Transport Channels, where each active transport channel transports things 1000 times faster than diffusion, that makes the rnai epigenetic modifier concentrate at 4K to 11K higher concentration, then one or two active transport channels of the nuclear membrane, with an active transport multiplier imaginably 111 times greater than diffusion causes the at the nucleus area concentration of RNAi epigenetic modifier that downregulates the production of C something enzyme to zero amount, because the rnai also has a nuclear membrane transport peptide on it, making a concentration at the nucleus area of the epigenetic modifier rnai to be 400k to 2.2 million times more concentrated than it is at the circulatory system, that makes it so that just 2.5 Pico grams can do the same amount of modifying epigenetics as 1 milligram of RNAi, if the rnai is 40 nucleotides long, it might be perhaps $1100/gram, a milligram is near $1, and a microgram is about 1/10th of a cent per dose, 100 Pico grams is about 1/100th of a ¢, if a gradually diffusing drug depot, like the material moved to 1/2 cm to 2-4 cm dermal depth with an iontophoretic applique places the rnai at the dermis, then 1-4 centuries of continuously updated epigenetics are possible at about 1¢ of actual rnai ingredient, continual updating of epigenetics with rnai is beneficial because new cytes arriving from and developing from stem cytes continually appear, together these technologies make an hiv replication preventative, aids preventing iontophoretic patch that lasts 4 centuries from a single depot forming dose and is 8¢, notably it is possible to reduce that to 1/10-1/3rd of a cent if a keratin reactive RNAi drug is applied as 1-2 cm^2 dermal skin cream, with liposoes, that is applied to the surface of a person, such as a baby or child, Micheal reaction of keratin with the rnai epigenetic modifier chemical causes the rnai to attach to the dermis and then gradually diffuse to the circulatory system, metaphorically this is similar to transparent henna that rather than lasting 90 days like henna, lasts for 1-4 centuries, another technology that makes this hiv and aids preventing technology have much greater 1-4 century chemical depot span, and also makes it 111 times less per active chemical dose is replacing some or a few of the C atoms at the rnai with Ge or Si, this supports multicentury durability from the body's enzymes being unlikely to digest it, also chlorine or fluorine atoms could replace some of the hydrogens

Another technology to prevent hiv and aids, and reduce its transmission, and minimize its effects is to find the 2-3 protease inhibitor drugs with the fewest side effects, possibly one I read about where a well person without hiv utilizes it and has a possible million times reduction of hiv risk, then with those two protease inhibitors, that suggests there are two protease genes that can be downregulated to 0/100 activity with epigenetic hypermethylation of their genes, this completely inhibits these proteins, blocking hiv and aids, like the other epigenetic drug depot mentioned, this could be as little as 1/10th-1/3rd of a ¢

Researchers have already published about how bacterial epigenetics is associated with antibiotic resistance, that suggests something researchers have already thought of which is that epigenetic modifiers can cause increased antibiotic sensitivity at bacteria, making bacteria easier to terminate with fewer doses of antibiotics, making single pill or oral liquid monthlong dodecanate antibiotics effecive at treating illness, causing much higher effectiveness, and even making tb mcobacterium treatable with a single drug depot administation, also different epigenetically modified versions of the longevity wellness youthspan heightening bacteria lkm512 could cause even greater longevity, youthspan, and wellness effects of lkm512 bacteria, noting that two lkm512 bacteria studies have graphs where lkm512 causes 95% or 85% longer mouse lifespan, and greater youthspan and wellness

Researchers have already published the effect of epigenetic modifiers on viral DNA, and perhaps rna as an antiviral effect producer, at beneficial viruses this could cause greater benefit

Researchers have published a soft synthetic material that changes its shape with electricity that supports the making of robot actuators, grippers, and hands, a silicone layer I around h2o2 with microsilver wires doing electrolysis and is reversible, I just read about a different researcher who made a carbonized fabric with Ni surface hydrogen generator that is 20 times more hydrogen volume productive/second than Pt electrodes, suggesting the possibility that it might be more efficient than the Agh2o2 system, if it is, then robot actuators based on the newer hydrogen generator system could be 20 times faster or stronger, possible technologies that heighten that are illumination of the shape change material with UV light of particular frequencies, swapping out some of the si atoms in the silicone with Ge or C, and some of the hydrogen with fluorine, doing a version of very durable nylon with silicon rather than C, and nitrogen at nylon nitrogen locations, it is also possible to silicone stamp, or otherwise print 111 nm or more minute sized regular linear features that support repeated stretching and bending at particular angles, also, industrial diamonds are $35/kg at alibaba suggesting that smooth nonabrasive diamond shapes of single nanometer size could heighten abrasion resistance of the polymer,

A way to increase the electrical efficiency of LED, laser diode, quantum dot, or other artificial lighting of plants at greenhouses and automated crop plant growing is to find out the interval duration of a photosynthesis photon electric event, and then pulse the light source on and off at a pulses/second that keeps the photonic system fully active but uses less artificial light, if that is a 1/2 cycle of some pulse frequency then imaginable just 1/2 the electricity is used, another technology that increases light efficiency of greenhouse and automated crop plants is micrometer or nanometer micropatterning of the polymer lens already on plant LED lighting to send out 3D light shapes from the different grating forms possible, this might make it occur that plant leaves get deeper brighter illumination, increasing photosynthesis at all depths of the leaf, reducing the amount of electricity utilized at the artificial lighting, also, if a plant is spray coated and micro layered with an alginate gel, then a wide sheet area laser engraver can put negative refractive index shapes and optical forms on the plant leaf surface, then, much like refractive index matching optical lens coatings let's perhaps a high single digit % of greater light into the plant leaf

This might seem unlikely, but illuminating the inside of semiconductor fabs with laser diodes or LEDs at warming frequencies changes throughout fab, and individual fab stations to all be at identical temperatures, causing an absence of wafer and machine shape change from being at a distribution of warmths, this makes it so more fully functional chips are produced, another technology that makes clean rooms and ic factories cleaner is to use laser acceleration of any microparticles at the area to push them towards particle absorbing surfaces, perhaps on plural surfaces of the clean room

At an outdoor photovoltaic panel like one in a glass box a meter on each side, a standing up acrylic or glass lens 1 cm thick and 49 cm tall can pick up light from all angles of the sky like a 360 fisheye lens or 720 sphere lens and then have lenslets at its base that recast the light onto the entire photovoltaic surface, that is about 16000 cc of acrylic lens, or about 11-16$¢, or about 8-14$ of glass lens, but increases the amount of sunlight from all sky angles turned to electricity 24-49%, then alibaba 2021AD 30¢/W photovoltaics are 22-16¢ per watt equivalent

Using space minerals like planetary and orbital materials to make mechanism parts. Supporting this is that some laser diodes are greater than 90% electrical energy efficient. Also, the researchers at WSU are really likely to know what i just read online which is that there is a lot of magnesium and aluminum on different planets. Making permanent magnets

Geotextiles could have probiotic like soil mycorhizzial bacteria in them to heighten plant growth, the Geotextiles could have or the bacteria could make RNAi that do epigenetic modification to favor preferred plant species

New longevity causing food prervative and supplement, BHT is published as increasing rodent lifespan a double digit amount, and Ndga a guarietic acid is published as causing single or double digit amount greater lifpan at mice, a guarietic acid possible similar chemical is the biguanadine longevity drug metformin with double digit lifespan increase, that suggests that an engineered gauretic acid or multiguanadine or gauretic acid moiety on BHT, or even a BHT polymer could combine three longevity chemicals into one food preservative, longevity supplement, and additive to fast food oil treatments of food, vegetable oils, packaged breakfast cereals, and a preservative at any of many different pharmaceutical drugs, RNAi epigenetic drugs, insulin and insulin equivalent drugs, and with sufficient testing breast milk and the less optimal infant formula preservatives, multivitamin preservatives, dairy milk preservatives, cheese preservatives, as well as instant microwave dinner preservatives, cosmetic cream including peptide cream preservatives, dermal surface and orally active cytoactive messenger lipids like youthful active ceramides, peptide aptamer preservatives, as well as a variety of pysioactive chemical body depot gradual diffusion or actively facitated diffusion physiochemical, supplement, pharmaceutical drugs, nucleotides, peptides, proteins, lipids, neuron and nerve active messenger chemicals, glial and white matter and other cns, spinal cord, and smooth muscle nerves, vagus nerve,lymphatic system and hematooetic stem cyte preservatives, oocyte, ovary, and genital tissue preservatives, notably varieties of BHT with guarietic acid, poly or duoguaindine youthspan increasing preservatives, noting metformin, to my perception heightens youthspan, inhaled nanopowder once each decade lung tissue preservatives such as Micheal reaction with lung connective tissue reactive forms of preservatives, possibly inluding very high dose potency ethynylized, enzymatic digestion reduced or precluded silicon or Germanium Atom replacing Some C atom containing BHT guarietic or multiguanadine preservative molecules, as well as Si or Ge atom containing hyper durable forms of body antioxidants like superoxide dismutase, equivalent to body produced Se element antioxidants, as well as any known, or newly engineered Si, Ge, halogenated, ethynized, cbirally novel so as to be super durable physiochemical and DNA repair enzymes that are dosed at the entire body with enzyme or chemical depot or pill forms also, different than a preservative but with youthification as well as possible longevity benefitting and living duration effects are Si, Ge replacing some C atoms, halogenated, ethynylized, alternate forms of nucleotide, possibly new synthetic nucleotide version, chirally novel forms of NMN and NR, which has a descriptor similar to niconatide mononueotide where the halogenation of the moiety part kind of like a niacin vitamin is one form, as well as novel si, ge atom, doing C atom partial replacement, and chirally novel mononucleotide nucleotide, or different known different body nucleotide, as well as verifiable as more effective at causing greater NMN like ATP generation, youthspan, longevity, and youthification effect from these NMN or NR variants as well as synthetic nucleotides which also could be tested on human tissue culture, mice, and marmoset to verify longevity, youthspan, youthification, as well as anticancer, anticardiovascular illness, anti deleterious body amount adipocyte chemical effects from making more atp energy more often and at greater amount, where that metabolic activity shrinks adipocyte,

Another possible longevity supplement or drug, cytofunction preserving supplement or drug is ultra durable ATP with a few C atoms replaced with Si or Ge, such that the ADP and Amp cytocommunication forms are preserved, functional, and able to become GeSiATP energy molecules

A novel antibiotic is antibacterial lactoferrin, and even more effective at being antibacterial lactoferrin fragments that have Ge or Si C atom partial element replacements so the lactoferrin goes undigested from body enzymes, also completely new but very similar to lactoferrin proteins that sequester Fe are highly similar molecules that sequester elements bacteria require to live like Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, possibly even high amount ions like potassium, P, S, as well as Se, Co,

A new antiviral drug that could prevent, treat, preclude, and minimize many viral infections, virulence, and replication, including viral pneumonia, any heart, cardiovascular illness, cancer, hiv, herpes, genital wart, diarrhea, epstein barr virus, influenza, Corona virus, tropical illness virus, veterinary science virus, plant or crop virus, honeybee and sting less bee virus, hepatitis virus, and even treat any nonoptimal tissue thickening no viral illness like Arthritis, prostate benign or other cancer, breast and other cancers, psoriasis, nonbeneficial scar tissue formation, as well as reduce any of a few different insulin, IGF, and adipocyte growth, just possibly tau protein or other azheimers illness physiochemical, findable nonoptimal gene expression of any kind, including genes associated with any nociception, nociceptive neuron type, psychiatric illness associated neuron and neuron receptor form, deleterious low density cholesterol, endogenously produced deleterious lipid such as possibly arachodonic acid, saturated fats, and at any bacterial infection various previously deleterious lipopolysaccharide or enzyme secretion, toxoplasmosis mental illness producing chemical, tuberculosis metabolic structure and energy supplying supporting tb chemical, all of the chemicals associated with malaria organisms staying alive and the chemicals that cause malaria symptoms, also all other deleterious human illness microorganisms that cause STI/STD during the 20th century AD including herpes viruses spirochetes, chlamydia, yeast, lice, and even ticks, all worm like parasites like tapeworms, tropical parasites, and even mosquitos and flies that visit humans, veterinary illnesses and fleas, mold and fungal growth at human dwellings, athletes foot, toenail fungus, acne, body or also genital odor bacteria, nosocomial medical illness organisms, rosacae dermal organisms, allergy associated dust mites, any species of what is a functionally opposite of probiotic bacteria, any of the deleterious chemicals produced at the 20th century AD human spleen, noting splenectomy causes 14% greater lifespan at rodents, and even the published brain areas and cns brain structures and neurotransmitter neuron types found at 20th century AD humans to actually cause less cognitive capability and intelligence, as well as any cns brain areas that cause nonoptimal feelings and behaviors like aversive amygdala structures, also brain structures associated with repetitive drug auto administering areas associated with EtOH, some 20th century AD drugs, deleterious repetitive food behaviors, as well as any brain areas where gene based physiochemical production causes schizophrenia, psychosis, religious delusions, hearing voices absent audio waves, paranoia, any reverberating and increasing negative emotion, as well as any brain cns structures and areas that cause deleterious big five psychology metric called neuroticism that is greater than the 99.9th percentile of least measured neurotic ism, all of these sources of nonoptimal it can be treated with a group of 1,2 or 4 aptamer peptides or glomming antibody fragments, one aptamer that treats bacteria and viruses is an aptamer that strongly attaches to the first 3 amino acids of the start codon keeping it from being read, ending bacterial and viral gene product production and ending bacterial, and viral replication, also a depot drug, supplement or pill that contains two aptamer where the new one gloms onto and blocks any beginning of a DNA or rna transcribed promoter codon, causes the bacteria or virus to make so little of an virus particle, bacterial form, microorganism, or thing like a fly, mosquito, louse, or tapeworm organism or human gene product that it ceases to live and replicate, another peptide aptamer that precludes bacterial and viral replication and living is an aptamer that gloms to and blocks the use of, just 1,2,3,or 4 different transfer RNAs, that are kind of like trays that carry a particular amino acid, and for greatest illness reduction of all kinds, the 3 or 4 most frequently occuring and RNA specified amino acids of all kinds get the diseases nonreplicating and rapidly terminated, also, bacteria do not have nuclei, and viruses are made of DNA and RNA, so an epigenetic modifier chemical like an an RNAi is used to hypermethylate and downregulate all five nucleotides including uradine, aptamer peptides can be be produced and have only bacteria and microorganism active transport channel passing peptides on them distally, making it so that bacteria and microorganisms make zero continuous RNA, and also one that gloms and blocks Uridine, without Uridine, functional RNA cannot form, and the bacteria or virus or microorganism cannot transcribe or translate any genes, ending the illness.

A new longevity supplement or drug similar to nmn or better at humans, animals, plants, and fungi are medically doseable new forms of all the enzymes of citric acid atp generation, as well as all the Calvin cycle enzymes at plants that make glucose that have been modified to be what I call a structide, a structide is like a peptide but with different forms of amino acids that are physically stronger and resist chemical change, putting Ge or Si at some C locations causes multiorganism digestive enzyme resistance, and warmth resistance, and structide can minimize immune response from having a short C-C length, Ge or Si group replacement of the hydrocarbon legs of phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline, or, to find and make an even more immunoneutral, unreactive, body soothing

Histamine variant blocks all body and immune system, skin erythema, nonoptimal perceptual feeling, rashes, dermatitis, asthma, hives, inflammation of some joints reducing arthritis, many food allergies, vasodilation,, and possibly or possibly not medical shock, the histamine variant molecule could be a cheaply deuterated, Ge or Si replacing carbon, with different membrane passing peptides on it like CAG peptide, and two active transport channel transport moieties like glucose, or the various 7-9

Epithalon and thymulin longevity peptides can be made 3 orders of magnitude greater physiologically available from putting two different active transport channel peptides on it, at both distal tips of four amino acid epithalon, or two amino acid thymulin, each active transport channel transfers molecules 1000 times faster than diffusion, two amino acid

Atom corrals with a virtual or kind of nonncleus, single atom computation atom from a 32 or 49 electron center waveform identity that imitates Ruthenium, Pt, cobalt, or even an atom corral with actual peptide or protein, or RNA enzymes stacked concentric ally around the middle electrons as waves cofocal point, also, cofocal atom electron waves at atom corrals could have a circle of halogenated methanes, dry atom superbases, or dry atom superacids that Cofocalize to make a high definition halomethane virtual electron structure, or a a virtual super acid or supebase pH - 11K to pH 11K that without actually having a proton with neutron nucleus acts on any alkane or two alkanes passing through the atom corral near the center to destabilize the orbitals of the alkanes from the cofocal electron wave structure being very intensely charge having from the superacid, superbase, or halogen, that partially breaks apart the alkanes, including methane or poly C atom petroleum heavy fractions, causing them to react with each other

At nanotechnology, like Drexler Ian nanotechnology or better, the Atom corral, electron waveform structure can function as catalyst, a nonnucleus shaped molecule like slicer, a shaped molecule like atom and orbital combiner, as well as a 3-4 orders of magnitude of physical matter reaction promoting, physical molecule disintegrating, superacid or superbase nucleusless very high energy electron structure that can do things like drill into any material rock the nanomachine or nanoassembler wants to take apart to get fresh or rare atoms for building things,

Another use for a cofocalized electron wave structure made from the actual encircling atoms at an atom corral is completely new semiconductor-like functional devices like 1-7 trillion cycles per second indium phosphide semiconductors and sandwiches at multiple concentric layers around the perimeter, creating a electron structure at the center very much like a simplified transistor, beneficially, because the center indium phosphide like pure cofocal electron structure is absent having an atomic nucleus, it's semiconductor quantum line and band gap states and numbers can be purposefully engineered to be any of a variety of values the engineer or technologist would like to produce, notably indium phosphide is known for its teraHz transistors, but without a proton having nucleus to gradualize and attract orbitals and electrons it is possible to imagine the cofocal imitation nucleusless indium phosphide sandwich having thousands or millions of times more electron mobility, creating a thing that functions like transistor but at a quadrillion or petillion cycles per second, 250 million times faster than a 2021AD 4 GHz PC CPU, Another new thing atom corral center semiconductor device or quantum dot perimeters could do is make a new kind of laser, or camera, able to do and see things much faster than usual, just possibly a really fast kind of quantum ghost imaging camera.

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