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Aliens added to mix in sudden evolution

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David Dalton

Jun 17, 2023, 11:43:37 PM6/17/23
Some may be interested in my thread by the same name
as this one on alt.religion.druid .

Basically I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
probably into multiple species, and aliens if any in
my very large region will become part of human
species group after the evolution.

As of 0323 UTC June 18, 2023 molecular adjustments have
begun, and will be followed later by physical transformation.

Humans, cetaceans, nonhuman simians, aliens, the microbiome
of those four groups, and avian flu virus are all evolving.

I am posting to these groups since some on these groups
should be able to verify my claim. If I have failed
again, perhaps this will at least serve to amuse you.

However note that the aliens were not DNA-based, but
were based on similar molecules, so I don't know
if the resulting human species group of 55 species
will be DNA-based yet.

-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"This could be the final breath; This is life and death;
This is hard rock and water; Out here between wind and flame;
Between tears and elation; Lies a secret nation" (Ron Hynes)

David Dalton

Jun 20, 2023, 8:34:49 PM6/20/23
In article <>,
David Dalton <> wrote:

> Some may be interested in my thread by the same name
> as this one on alt.religion.druid .

That attempt failed but I am trying again in the thread
"Silver Bough thumb, once again" on alt.religion.druid,
arguing that early waxing crescent is auspicious for
new beginnings.

> Basically I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
> probably into multiple species, and aliens if any in
> my very large region will become part of human
> species group after the evolution.
> As of 0323 UTC June 18, 2023 molecular adjustments have
> begun, and will be followed later by physical transformation.
> Humans, cetaceans, nonhuman simians, aliens, the microbiome
> of those four groups, and avian flu virus are all evolving.
> I am posting to these groups since some on these groups
> should be able to verify my claim. If I have failed
> again, perhaps this will at least serve to amuse you.
> However note that the aliens were not DNA-based, but
> were based on similar molecules, so I don't know
> if the resulting human species group of 55 species
> will be DNA-based yet.

So far avian flu virus has been rendered benign at 1945 UTC/GMT
June 20, 2023, and the cetacean, nonhuman simian, human (now
including former alien) microbiome has evolved as of
0017 UTC/GMT June 21, 2023. Is it all now DNA-based? I do
not know. Does it include other instances of those bacteria
anywhere in my region? I do not know. Follow up if you
notice effects, and I hope you get the confirmation scoop.
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