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Is this Primum Sapienti really retarded?

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Jul 29, 2022, 10:06:00 PM7/29/22

Primum Sapienti wrote:

> I Envy JTEM wrote:
> > I Envy JTEM wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Owning cars is asking for too much. Driving is too good
> >> for you. Travel is too good for you. Meat is too good for
> >> you...
> >
> > Sorry. Thought I was posting that to the Gwobull Warbling
> > group. My bad.

> Maybe you meant the Nostradamus group. Or alien research.

Lol! You're proving my point. After all, what is my position on
UFOs? Hmm? How do I describe "UFOlogists?" What do I think
of their practices? Their conclusions?

What I'm saying is that you eat dung. Lots of dung. You're just
so stupid that you think you're dining on steak...

Oo! Did you know? I've also been on several paranormal
investigations! And Ghost tours. And I've attended two
seances though, admittedly, one was advertised as "An
authentic 19th century seance" i.e. a fraud.

Compare this to the extent of your curiosity which, by all
accounts here, amounts to wondering aloud how anyone
can doubt intentional burials from animals which didn't
even manage to evolve tool making...

Now you goo have yourself a great day! You deserve it,
after making me laugh so hard... at you.

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