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Upcoming marathons in Belgium and Massachusetts

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Primum Sapienti

Jan 26, 2024, 1:26:47 AMJan 26

Marc Verhaegen

Jan 26, 2024, 3:11:32 AMJan 26
Some idiots believe their Pleistocene or even Pliocene ancestors ran after antelopes :-DDD

Why don't these idiots *think* a little bit??
Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD
Internet: "Antelopes have the ability to reach top speeds of c 98 km/h and can run at a steady clip of 48 km/h."

Human ancestors had
- poor olfaction = opposite of hunters
- fat bellies -> slow running speed
- naked skin (sun!)
- flat feet (vs unguli- or digitigrade cursorial mammals)
- sweat = water + Na+ (not in savanna...)
- island colonisations as far as Flores & Luzon
- ear exostoses = cold water irrigation
- very large brains = sea-food
- heavy bones (pachy-osteo-sclerosis) = shallow+diving
- H.erectus fossilised amid edible shellfish: Mojokerto, Trinil, Sangiran...
- flat long low skull (platycephaly) = hydrodynamic
- tooth-wear caused by shellfish, Towle cs 2022
- made shell engravings, Joordens & Munro
- external noses (vulnerable)
- used stone tools cf. sea-otter opening shellfish etc.etc.etc.

How incredibly outdated & stupid are still some paleo-anthropologists!!

JTEM is so reasonable

Jan 26, 2024, 7:48:45 PMJan 26
Primum Sapienti wrote:


Not that Savanna Idiocy is treatable much less curable but, there
wouldn't be marathons if this were typical behavior in humans.

It's BECAUSE such running is A-Typical that we have such

But you know what is unquestionably typical?


Running is an emergent trait. The physical abilities we evolved in
direct response to selective pressure ALSO lent themselves to

-- --

Marc Verhaegen

Jan 27, 2024, 7:22:49 AMJan 27
Op vrijdag 26 januari 2024 om 09:11:32 UTC+1 schreef Marc Verhaegen:

Sorry, here some corrections:

Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD
Internet: "Antelopes have the ability to reach top speeds of c 98 km/h and can run at a steady clip of 48 km/h."

Human ancestors had
- poor olfaction = opposite of hunting mammals
- fat bellies -> slow running speed
- naked skin (sun!)
- flat feet (vs unguli- or digitigrade cursorial mammals)
- sweat = water + Na+ (not in savanna...)
- island colonisations as far as Flores & Luzon
- ear exostoses = cold water irrigation
- very large brains = sea-food (DHA etc.)
- heavy bones (pachy-osteo-sclerosis) = shallow+slow diving tetrapods
- H.erectus fossilised amid edible shellfish: Mojokerto, Trinil, Sangiran...
- flat long low skull (platycephaly) = hydrodynamic
- tooth-wear caused by shellfish, Towle cs 2022
- made shell engravings, google "Joordens Munro"
- external noses (vulnerable)
- used stone tools cf. sea-otter opening shellfish
- etc.etc.etc.

Primum Sapienti

Feb 5, 2024, 12:08:02 AMFeb 5
In the aa world, all they could do is shuffle along
and would have been wiped by predators very quickly.

Birds are bipedal and can run on the ground quickly, but
the rest of the time they WALK.

Swimming and diving are Atypical.

Go look up: hunters and gatherers.

There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.

Marc Verhaegen

Feb 6, 2024, 10:55:01 AMFeb 6
Op maandag 5 februari 2024 om 06:08:02 UTC+1 schreef "antelope hunter":

> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.

Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD
Internet: "Antelopes have the ability to reach top speeds of c 98 km/h and can run at a steady clip of 48 km/h."

Human ancestors had
- poor olfaction = opposite of hunting mammals
- fat bellies -> slow running speed
- naked skin (sun!)
- flat feet (vs unguli- or digitigrade cursorial mammals)
- sweat = water + Na+ (not in savanna...)
- island colonisations as far as Flores & Luzon
- ear exostoses = cold water irrigation
- very large brains = sea-food (DHA etc.)
- heavy bones (pachy-osteo-sclerosis) = shallow+slow diving tetrapods
- H.erectus fossilised amid edible shellfish: Mojokerto, Trinil, Sangiran...
- flat long low skull (platycephaly) = hydrodynamic
- tooth-wear caused by shellfish, Towle cs 2022
- made shell engravings, google "Joordens Munro"
- external noses (vulnerable)
- used stone tools cf. sea-otter opening shellfish
- etc.etc.etc.

= beach + shallow water = flat feet
= breathhold -> speech
= suction feeding -> speech
= stone use + handiness
= DHA -> large brain
= pachyosteosclerosis = H.erectus

But no: some idiots still believe than can run + hunt antlopes... :-DDD

Marc Verhaegen

Feb 6, 2024, 5:35:55 PMFeb 6
Op dinsdag 6 februari 2024 om 16:55:01 UTC+1 schreef Marc Verhaegen:
Sorry for the misspellings... Here corrected:

Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours...
Internet: "Antelopes ... reach top speeds of c 98 km/h and can run at a steady clip of 48 km/h."

Human ancestors had
- poor olfaction = opposite of hunting mammals
- fat belly -> slow running speed
- naked skin (sun!)
- flat feet (vs unguli- or digitigrade cursorial mammals)
- sweat = water & Na+ (not in savanna...)
- island colonisations as far as Flores & Luzon
- ear exostoses = cold water irrigation
- very large brain = sea-food (DHA etc.)
- heavy bones (pachy-osteo-sclerosis) = shallow+slow diving tetrapods
- H.erectus fossilised amid edible shellfish: Mojokerto, Trinil, Sangiran...
- flat long low skull (platycephaly) = hydrodynamic
- tooth-wear caused by shellfish, Towle cs 2022
- made shell engravings, google "Joordens Munro"
- external nose (vulnerable)
- used stone tools cf. sea-otter opening shellfish
- etc.etc.etc.

= beach + shallow water = flat feet
= breathhold -> speech
= suction feeding -> speech
= stone use + handiness
= DHA -> large brain
= pachyosteosclerosis = H.erectus
= fossilisations amid shellfish/barnacles...

But no: some idiots still believe they can run + hunt antlopes... :-DDD

JTEM is so reasonable

Feb 6, 2024, 11:05:27 PMFeb 6
Primum Sapienti wrote:

> In the aa world, all they could do is shuffle along
> and would have been wiped by predators very quickly.

You need to point the Google thing at: Non sequitur

"Wait. Running is an emergent trait? That means they
were eaten by lions!"

> Birds are bipedal and can run on the ground quickly, but
> the rest of the time they WALK.

Ironically enough, nearly all of bird anatomy is explained
by the fact that they descend from bipedal, terrestrial
dinosaurs that grew feathers or feather like thingies.

"Thingies" is a technical term.

I forget names here but, supposedly the link between
dinosaurs and birds first arose during the course of a
chicken dinner -- noting the similarities.

So, yes, humans really are descended from the Aquatic
Ape the same way that birds are descended from ground
living dinosaurs.

> Swimming and diving are Atypical.

That's not true. Just visit a beach or pool on any clear
summer day.

It's also not true that swimming and diving were ever
required. Aquatic Ape would have it's roots many millions
of years ago -- 10 or 20 million years -- and the good
doctor points to his evidence of diving in, what? Erectus?

I'm guessing they could have spent millions of years just
picking up food and eating it -- shellfish, anything beached
they could scavenge. Diving, real diving -- as opposed to
going underwater -- probably arose during interglacials,
as rising sea levels turned lands into islands and blocked
what was otherwise a clear path along the water's edge.

> Go look up: hunters and gatherers.

Okay I did. I didn't see you anywhere.

> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.

It's not entirely unique, but it's certainly close to unique.
So it's something /Almost/ unique to humans and
that requires a DIFFERENT environment or set of
evolutionary pressures on humans, or order for this
behavior to exist in humans but not Chimps or Gorillas.

Aquatic Ape.

-- --

Marc Verhaegen

Feb 10, 2024, 4:23:05 PMFeb 10


Yes, thanks a lot: very slow: human marathons confirm our ancestors were the opposite of cursorial mammals.

Ape+human evolution, modern insights: google e.g.
-David Attenborough Marc Verhaegen
-Gondwanatalks Verhaegen
-Mario Vaneechoutte cs 2024 Nature Anthropology 2,10007 “Have we been barking up the wrong ancestral tree? Australopithecines are probably not our ancestors” open access

Marc Verhaegen

Feb 12, 2024, 4:27:46 AMFeb 12

> >
> >

> Yes, thanks a lot: very slow: human marathons confirm our ancestors were the opposite of cursorial mammals.

Yes, 42 km in >2 hrs... :-D
Only incredible imbeciles still believe their ancestors ran after antelopes over African savannas... :-D

Primum Sapienti

Feb 14, 2024, 9:03:13 PMFeb 14
Re: Upcoming marathons in Belgium and Massachusetts

Marc Verhaegen wrote:> Op maandag 5 februari 2024 om 06:08:02 UTC+1
schreef "antelope hunter":
>> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.
> Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD

Many humans can. Many. And also run shorter
distances. Infants run soon after they can walk :=}}}

Marc Verhaegen

Feb 15, 2024, 6:14:34 AMFeb 15
Op donderdag 15 februari 2024 om 03:03:13 UTC+1 schreef Primum Sapienti:

> >> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.

> > Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD

> Many humans can. Many. And also run shorter
> distances. Infants run soon after they can walk :=}}}

Yes, 42 km in >2 hrs... :-D
Only *incredible* imbeciles still believe their ancestors ran after antelopes over African savannas...

H.erectus waded/dived for shellfish, e.g.
• pachy-osteo-sclerotic skeleton (heavy++, brittle) = slow+shallow-diving animals,
• auditory exostoses ← cold water irrigation,
• enamel wear caused by shells+sand (Towle cs 2022),
• island colonisations, e.g. Flores,
• brain size++ ← sea-food: DHA etc.
• fossilisations amid barnacles-corals-shellfish...: Trinil, Mojokerto…
• shell engravings, google “Joordens Munro”,
• stone use & manual dexterity++ (cf sea-otter). Etc.etc.

The savanna ideas of human evolution are the most stupid just-so fantasies thinkable!
Running after antelopes with flat feet, slow speed, shorter tibias, huge brain, big nose, no fur, fat belly…??? :-DDD

Pliocene Homo was not even in Africa:
1. "Evolution of type C viral genes: evidence for an Asian origin of man" RE Benveniste & GJ Todaro 1976 Nature 261:101-8 … only gorilla & chimp seem by these criteria to be African … gibbon, orang & man are identified as Asian: most of man's evolution has occurred outside Africa ...
2. "Lineage-specific expansions of retroviral insertions within the genomes of African great apes but not humans and orangutans" CT Yohn cs 2005 doi 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030110 ... Pan troglodytes endogenous retrovirus-1 (PTERV1) has become integrated in the germ-line of African apes … absent from human & Asian ape genomes ... a RV infection bombarded chimp & gorilla genomes independently & concurrently, 3-4 Ma ...
3. "Have we been barking up the wrong ancestral tree? Australopiths are probably not our ancestors" M Vaneechoutte cs 2024 Nature Anthropol.2(1),10007 open access doi org/10.35534/natanthropol.2023.10007 ... upright posture/gait is already present to different degrees even in Miocene apes … hominoid orthogrady is a primitive characteristic … knuckle-walking has evolved in parallel, independently in both Pan // Gorilla ... numerous similarities between australopiths & extant African apes ... not our direct ancestors ...

Apparently, Pleistocene Homo dispersed intercontinentally along coasts→rivers, starting from Indian Ocean coasts, e.g. Java…
Recent insights in ape+human evolution: Miocene Hominoidea were already aquarboreal in swamp/coastal forests (aqua=water, arbor=tree).
Traditional paleo-anthropology is incredibly outdated (anthropo_afro-centrically biased).
Ape+human evolution, modern insights: google e.g.
• aquarboreal
• Gondwanatalks Verhaegen (my 2022 book)
• David Attenborough Marc Verhaegen
• Mario Vaneechoutte cs 2024 Nature Anthropology 2,10007 “Have we been barking up the wrong ancestral tree? Australopithecines are probably not our ancestors” open access Have We Been Barking up the Wrong Ancestral Tree? Australopithecines Are Probably Not Our Ancestors

Primum Sapienti

Feb 20, 2024, 5:11:47 PMFeb 20
Marc Verhaegen wrote:
> Op donderdag 15 februari 2024 om 03:03:13 UTC+1 schreef Primum Sapienti:
>>>> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.
>>> Some humans can run 42 km in 2 hours... :-DDD
>> Many humans can. Many. And also run shorter
>> distances. Infants run soon after they can walk :=}}}
> Yes, 42 km in >2 hrs... :-D

And no kudu can run that far :=}

Found those snorkel noses yet?

Primum Sapienti

Feb 20, 2024, 10:03:38 PMFeb 20
JTEM is so reasonable wrote:
> Primum Sapienti wrote:
>> In the aa world, all they could do is shuffle along
>> and would have been wiped by predators very quickly.
> You need to point the Google thing at: Non sequitur
> "Wait. Running is an emergent trait? That means they
> were eaten by lions!"

As opposed to being eaten by sharks because we
are terible swimmers and can't breath water?

>> Birds are bipedal and can run on the ground quickly, but
>> the rest of the time they WALK.
> Ironically enough, nearly all of bird anatomy is explained
> by the fact that they descend from bipedal, terrestrial
> dinosaurs that grew feathers or feather like thingies.

All aquatic mammals are short limbed quadrupeds.

> "Thingies" is a technical term.

For people who only went to film school.

> I forget names here but, supposedly the link between
> dinosaurs and birds first arose during the course of a
> chicken dinner -- noting the similarities.
> So, yes, humans really are descended from the Aquatic
> Ape the same way that birds are descended from ground
> living dinosaurs.

Except that all aquatic mammals are short limbed quadrupeds.

>> Swimming and diving are Atypical.
> That's not true. Just visit a beach or pool on any clear
> summer day.

You need a beach or pool? Walkers and runners merely
have to go about their home or go outside. THAT is

> It's also not true that swimming and diving were ever
> required. Aquatic Ape would have it's roots many millions
> of years ago -- 10 or 20 million years -- and the good
> doctor points to his evidence of diving in, what? Erectus?
> Neanderthals?
> I'm guessing they could have spent millions of years just
> picking up food and eating it -- shellfish, anything beached
> they could scavenge. Diving, real diving -- as opposed to
> going underwater -- probably arose during interglacials,
> as rising sea levels turned lands into islands and blocked
> what was otherwise a clear path along the water's edge.

"swimming and diving" not required - there it is, folks!

Then WHAT on Crom's bloody earth would make them aquatic?

>> Go look up: hunters and gatherers.
> Okay I did. I didn't see you anywhere.

And you didn't see any swimmers and divers either.

>> There is no equivalent for swimming and diving.
> It's not entirely unique, but it's certainly close to unique.
> So it's something /Almost/ unique to humans and
> that requires a DIFFERENT environment or set of
> evolutionary pressures on humans, or order for this
> behavior to exist in humans but not Chimps or Gorillas.
> Aquatic Ape.

Cat fishing under water.
free diving leopard
tiger diving
puppies diving

ALL aquatic mammals are short limbed quadrupeds. Not
one otter or beaver or walrus is bipedal.
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