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Re: Low Traffic Big 8 groups for 12 months ending February 2004

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George William Herbert

Jan 24, 2005, 6:27:08 PM1/24/05
George William Herbert <> wrote:
>Jim Riley <> wrote:
>>>>[suggest removing idle groups]
>>>>sci.aeronautics.simulation . . . . . . . . . 11 m
>>Is there any sci.aeronautics.simulation content that would be
>>off-topic for sci.aeronautics?
>I can't think of any. I will ask sci.aeronautics moderator.

I have discussed this with David Lednicer, the sci.aeronautics
moderator, and he has agreed that the sci.aeronautics.simulation
content is appropriate to roll up into sci.aeronautics in the
absence of viable traffic on sci.aeronautics.simulation.

Given that, and the lack of legitimate non-spam postings
in the last 12 months, I am recommending to the
news.announce.newgroups moderators that they send
a rmgroup message for sci.aeronautics.simulation
and that they formally recommend rolling the subject
material up into the parent group sci.aeronautics .
I authorize them to do this as current moderator
for sci.aeronautics.simulation .

If further confirmation is needed they know where to reach me.

Anyone still reading sci.aeronautics.simulation:
If you have any further interest in this topic area,
please use sci.aeronautics for future discussions.

It is a wide and interesting subject, it just appears
that the newsgroup never recovered critical mass after
the first moderator abandoned it and I picked it up
as an orphan.

-george william herbert
Moderator, sci.aeronautics.simulation

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