![2012 Oakland Symposium Image Banner (click on "Show Images")]()
Dear Hosts, Sponsors, and Partners,
I would like to thank you for your support for the 2012 Oakland Symposium. Each of you have played a integral role in the facilitation and promotion of the 2012 Oakland Symposium. For this, you are greatly appreciated.
If you participated in or attend the symposium, please complete the survey which will help us better plan for subsequent symposia at Oakland University. You can also leave general comments or suggestions for our planning purposes even if you were unable to participate. Survey here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9PQLGP8
Photos from the Keynote, Sex-Trafficking Panel, and Benefit Dinner here: http://photorick.net/P1203141/
Again, thank you and please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
Benjamin Eveslage Student Body President
Oakland University Student Congress 62 Oakland Center Rochester, MI 48309
Cell: (248) 894-8970 Office: (248) 370-4292 |
See the press release, symposium program, and photos.
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