SGSO Network School Garden Lessons Webinar WEDNESDAY

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Tristana Pirkl

Mar 15, 2021, 6:05:32 PM3/15/21

Finding, Improving and Sequencing High Quality Garden Lessons 

Wednesday 3/17/21, 11am PST / 2pm EST  

Details & Registration

How do school garden practitioners find or develop lessons that are inspiring, engaging and effective? How do they design lesson sequences intentionally to align with seasons, connect with standards, and optimize learning? Different programs require different lessons sequences to reflect their unique, local context; their program goals; and their students. In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all garden curriculum. In this Webinar, we will share a roadmap for developing an exceptional lesson sequence and highlight promising practices and stellar examples from SGSOs across the country along the way.

We’ll share lesson planning tools; exemplary lesson sequences organized around different goals; resources for making lessons culturally responsive; and more!
Register Here
Can't make the webinar? No problem! 
All webinars are recorded and shared in the Archived section of our webinars page, along with any relevant resources. And if you register for the webinar, you'll receive the follow up email with a direct link to the recording. 

2021 Leadership Institute
Promising Practices Webinar Series

Join us as we summarize the findings and resources of the 2021 Virtual Leadership Institute, a project of Life Lab in partnership with Whole Kids Foundation.

This four part webinar series will dive into key areas relevant to SGSO's today: 

  • Sustaining School Garden Programs - March 10
  • Finding and Sequencing High Quality Lessons - March 17
  • Strengthening Equity and Inclusion in Garden Education - April 7
  • Program Assessment – Measuring and Sharing Impact - April 14

Strengthening Equity and Inclusivity in Our Organizations, Programming, Community Partnerships and Gardens

Wednesday 4/7/21, 11am PST / 2pm EST  

Details & Registration


In this webinar, we invite all SGSO organizational team members including leadership, educators, board members and anyone else driven towards creating stronger more just SGSOs. We will be sharing a compilation of resources intended to help SGSOs explore potential ways to intertwine equity, inclusivity, diversity, and justice into all aspects of their organization and work.
Register Here
Call for Future Webinar Topics & Presenters
We are a peer to peer network and strive to facilitate SGSOs sharing with one another on relevant topics to enhance all of our work. Let us know what topics you’d like to see or present! With the support of Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation, we provide honorariums for our presenters. Learn more and share your ideas here.

Tell us about your SGSO by Updating Your Organization's Profile

The School Garden Support Organization Network (SGSO) connects over 3,300 individuals and organizations working to support school garden programs at a district, regional, statewide, or national level. Members share resources and strategies for supporting multiple schools gardens, with the ultimate goal of aligning efforts across communities.
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Monica Gehrig

Mar 16, 2021, 2:57:56 PM3/16/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
I'm really excited for this one!! See you all tomorrow :) 


Mar 18, 2021, 6:23:32 PM3/18/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi Everyone, 

As a follow up, here is all relevant info from Wednesday's webinar. Huge thank you to our amazing presenters! All information is stored in the Archived section of our Webinars page. 
Hope its good info! 

Thank you, 
SGSO Network Program Manager
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