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Summer Institute for Garden Based Teaching: Archived Teacher Trainings

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Sam Ullery (OSSE)

Oct 19, 2020, 2:43:16 PM10/19/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi All,
I'd love to know how others are training teachers on garden-based topics virtually. Please share! Like many, we were forced to pivot rather quickly with our summer teacher training- here's the result: 

Sara Severance

Oct 22, 2020, 6:05:15 PM10/22/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Thanks Sam.
Here at Life Lab, we are getting ready to launch a brand new Life Lab Educator Certification Course starting in January 2021!  For years, folks in our community have asked how they could become certified by Life Lab as School Garden Educators, so we're really excited about this new program! We’ve put together a series of 4 virtual courses, each lasting approximately 8 weeks. Upon completion of the 4 courses, participants will receive a certification and the distinction of being a Life Lab-Certified School Garden Educator. The courses are designed to support educators in leading students in face-to-face learning, but we are also embedding modifications for distance learning while COVID restrictions are still a reality. We are very close to launching the course registration on our website, and we’ll send out details when it is available.  In the meantime, we have also begun hosting stand-alone virtual workshops, and you can find more information on those at
Look forward to hearing about what others are up to in this regard!
Best, Sara

Anne McCormick-Hocine

Oct 22, 2020, 6:42:41 PM10/22/20
to Sara Severance, School Garden Support Organization Network
Sara this is EPIC news and brings sunshine to sooooo many of us who could never make it out there. Thanks for brightening my year.


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Erica Jones

Oct 22, 2020, 6:44:16 PM10/22/20
to Anne McCormick-Hocine, Sara Severance, School Garden Support Organization Network
I can’t wait for this!!😍

- Erica

William Giblin

Nov 4, 2020, 2:08:51 PM11/4/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
I am a teacher at Phillips Middle School in Chapel Hill and I am one of the teachers who work with students in our hoop house and garden. I have learned a lot over the years, but I feel I need to acquire more knowledge. 

Claire Sinovic

Nov 4, 2020, 3:18:43 PM11/4/20
to William Giblin, School Garden Support Organization Network

Hi all,

I am a part of our Schoolyard Gardens team here at Kansas City Community Gardens. We have pivoted in a few different ways including – creating lesson plans for teachers participating in virtual learning: and Making Instructional Videos to feature on our  blog and YouTube channel:


Hope this is helpful!





Claire Sinovic

Preschool Garden Coordinator



6917 Kensington

Kansas City, MO 64132

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Amy Bowman

Nov 4, 2020, 5:45:00 PM11/4/20
to Sam Ullery (OSSE), School Garden Support Organization Network
I am a STEM Educator with North Carolina State University Plants for Human Health Institute.  We have been creating short videos, some are geared toward teachers and others are more student focused.  We have also identified several of the standard that fit in well with school gardens and have videos and lessons to accompany the videos.  Our teachers are really just trying to keep their head above water and we are trying to support them with a variety of resources.  We are currently in the planning process to create an online school garden course for teachers in our state.

On Oct 19, 2020, at 2:43 PM, Sam Ullery (OSSE) <> wrote:

Hi All,
I'd love to know how others are training teachers on garden-based topics virtually. Please share! Like many, we were forced to pivot rather quickly with our summer teacher training- here's the result: 

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William Giblin

Nov 5, 2020, 8:16:06 AM11/5/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Thank you so much. I was at the sustainable conference in Minneapolis two years ago and I was not sure you presented, but there was a dynamic presentation by a school district near you. 

Sara Severance

Dec 10, 2020, 3:39:36 PM12/10/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi All,

It's great to see what everyone is doing to support professional learning for garden educators during this time.  I wanted to cycle back and inform everyone that registration for our on-line Life Lab Certified Educator Program is now open!  You can find out more info at Our first course on Building Connections in the Garden starts at the end of January.  Feel free to reach out individually to me at if you have any questions!

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