hydroponics & aquaponics lessons

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Aubree Roth

Nov 17, 2020, 6:59:01 PM11/17/20
to school-gar...@googlegroups.com
I'm looking for lessons/activities covering hydroponics and aquaponics, beyond just the basics of what each of those are. I have searched a few of the typical places I would look for garden based lessons, but haven't turned much up yet.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!



Aubree Roth
Montana Farm to School Coordinator

Em Shipman

Nov 17, 2020, 7:07:59 PM11/17/20
to Aubree Roth, school-gar...@googlegroups.com
Hi Aubree, 

National Farm to School Network and KidsGardening developed an accessible guide called Exploring Hydroponics.

Developed through a partnership between National Farm to School Network, Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation, and KidsGardening, the Exploring Hydroponics curriculum is available to download at no cost.

This guide includes:

  • basic how-to information for growing plants hydroponically in your classroom;
  • lesson plans to help students learn through hands-on investigations;
  • construction plans for simple hydroponics setups; and
  • additional reference materials to support your endeavors.
Green Our Planet also has a lot of good hydroponics and aquaponics resources.


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Emily Shipman 
Executive Director

Gabriela Prato

Nov 18, 2020, 3:59:11 PM11/18/20
to Aubree Roth, school-gar...@googlegroups.com
Hi Aubree,
This is the link to our Green our Planet Virtual Academy! There you can find some great hydroponics videos lessons that might be helpful! Our video library also offers Nutrition lessons, STEM Garden lessons, Garden Tutorials and more. Thank you Em for recommending our videos!


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Gabriela Prato
School Garden Coordinator - Education Specialist
Green Our Planet

702-504-5618 | gabr...@greenourplanet.org


6795 Edmond St. 3rd Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89118



Chelsea Lathrop

Nov 18, 2020, 3:59:16 PM11/18/20
to Aubree Roth, school-gar...@googlegroups.com, Chris Anderson
Good morning Aubree,

My name is Chelsea Lathrop with Green Our Planet. We have a Virtual Academy on our Website that we are working on releasing hydroponics video lessons each week. You can take a look at greenourplanet.org/virtualacademy. And if you subscribe to our newsletter we send out new lessons every Tuesday! In our Hydroponics Tutorial folder there is also a DIY aquaponics tutorial on how to use a fish tank at home. See here.

Please feel free to contact myself (che...@greenourplanet.org) or Chris Anderson (ch...@greenourplanet.org) our hydroponics manager for more information or ideas. 

Hope this helps!

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Chelsea Lathrop
Virtual Academy Producer and Marketing Team Lead
Former Horticulturalist and Hydroponics Specialist
Green Our Planet


Nov 30, 2020, 1:51:34 PM11/30/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
From one of our wonderful and experienced hydroponics teachers in Chula Vista, California:

Attached is the template I used to start the conversation with students before we engaged in hands on activities.

Please let me know what was helpful or if you have any other questions.  

I think expanding the program's scope into hydro and aquaponics is a great idea.
Agriscience Notes digital presentation mission statement.pptx
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