NCYGS Notes from the Garden To Cafeteria Breakout

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John Fisher

Jul 11, 2015, 6:20:56 PM7/11/15
At the AHS National Child and Youth Garden Symposium we hosted a workshop entitled "School Garden Support Organizations Unite!"

Here are some discussion points we discussed from the Garden to Cafeteria Break Out.

Question: Can School Gardens actually provide food for school food service


Yes but you need buy in from school food service and need a good production model.


Participants shared the following resources:

Ashleyridge High School Ag Program was mentioned as a farm program that produces for their cafeteria:

Waco TX - Rappaport Academy Charter School supplies a Garden Salad Bar once a week


CA Farm to School Conference – Had a session on Farm to Cafeteria  and Cooking in the Garden see the presentation here: Presentations:

Cooking in the Garden - highlighted San Diego USD Garden Cart program

School Based Farms - shared the work of Manteca USD who has a FoodService Staffed Farmer and Encinitas Union School District's Farm Lab that is a 4 acre production farm for school school food service.


Find a School Garden to Cafeteria webinar here: to find policies including the USDA memos that state federal school meal program dollars can be spent of edible gardening supplies and staff.


FoodLab the best school food service program in the nation!



Question: How to get food service to compost?

The Ultimate School Composting Resource Page has models of school and district wide composting programs.

Look at Davis RISE district wide program


John Fisher - Director of Programs and Partnerships

Life Lab  •  1156 High St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95064  •  831.471.7831  -  831.459.3483 (fax)

Life Lab cultivates children's love of learning, healthy food, and nature through garden-based education.

The Book of Gardening Projects for Kids: 101 Ways to Get Kids Outside, Dirty, and Having Fun
Hear how Life Lab is Changing the Nature of Education.
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