Big Green to host literacy and learning gardens webinar August 18th

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Laura Thompson

Jul 30, 2021, 6:21:48 PM7/30/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Dear Network,

My name is Laura Thompson and I am the Assistant Director of Strategic Alliances at Big Green, a national nonprofit that builds healthy places that kids can learn and grow. Through outdoor learning environments and programming, we cultivate a network of school communities that advance student wellness, forge connections between education and health, and offer learning experiences that engage the whole child. 

When the pandemic began we launched Big Green at Home, an ongoing virtual platform that provides kids with opportunities to learn and grow at home, through activities, recipes, and lessons geared toward students, families, educators, and out of school time providers. 

As we move into a new school year, we would like to invite you to join us for a live webinar on August 18th at 1pm ET/10am PT focusing on utilizing literacy connections to teach in the garden and connect kids to healthy food. This webinar is geared toward professionals such as library media specialists, out of school time educators, caregivers, or anyone working with young people. 

The webinar will feature children’s book author Katherine Pryor and her book Zora’s Zucchini, as well as Big Green Program Manager Marie Dennan, and Michéal Newman-Brooks, Program Manager of School Gardens for Chicago Public Schools. This webinar will be accompanied by a bundle of activities that you can utilize with kids, hosted on Big Green at Home.

We hope that you can join us!

Please RSVP for the webinar here. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out! Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

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