Tisch Food Center Announces New Resources: Nutrition Education Programs in New York City Schools

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Koch, Pamela

Mar 28, 2018, 6:58:01 PM3/28/18
to National School Garden Network

Hello All,

I wanted to share this report  -- and searchable database -- about nutrition education programs (including school gardens) in New York City schools. While it is specific to NYC, I thought some of you might find it interesting.

Here's some findings not in the report that I thought all of you would find interesting  -- there are 62 elementary schools with 5 or more nutrition education programs working with the schools -- 59 of these schools have registered school gardens (which counts as one of the programs). 

We have often thought that school gardens serve as a gateway to other food-based education, programming, policies etc., and that seems to be the case. I am happy to talk to anyone about this and answer any questions about our study design and methods if you would like to do something similar where you live.


All New York City students deserve access to great nutrition education, yet 44% of New York City public schools lack external nutrition education programming.


The Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy (Tisch Food Center) in the Program in Nutrition at Teachers College, Columbia University, studied 40 organizations that run 101 nutrition education programs in schools across New York City. Our research revealed key opportunities to ensure ALL NYC students have access to great nutrition education, including:

  • Coordination: Create a network that coordinates nutrition education distribution, advocacy, evaluation, and resources.
  • Investment: Build program and school capacity through funding, technical assistance, tools, and training.
  • Collaboration: Amplify and align the unique roles of nutrition education programs, school community members, funders, advocates, and policy makers. 

To learn more, delve into:



Why does this matter?

School-based nutrition education is a key component of a whole child approach to education, supporting student health and academic achievement. Many New York City schools partner with external nutrition education programs. Through engaging activities, these programs provide students with motivation, skills, knowledge, and supportive environments to make food choices that promote health, ecological sustainability, and social justice. Nutrition education gives students confidence to navigate challenging food environments and resist persuasive marketing of unhealthy foods. Yet significant gaps exist in the distribution of nutrition education programs in New York City schools.

We would appreciate your help spreading the word this week! Below we have provided sample social media posts. Feel free to share your own, using the hashtag #AisforApple.


We welcome any questions or comments. Thank you for your partnership!



The Tisch Food Center Staff


+ + +




All #NewYorkCity students deserve access to great #NutritionEducation, yet 44% of NYC schools have no external nutrition education programs. How do we increase equity? Read the BRAND NEW report from @tischfoodcenter: #AisforApple http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/nep-report-announcement/




New research from the Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy shows 44% of New York City schools do not have any partnerships with #NutritionEducation programs! How do we increase equity? Read more about the #AisforApple report here: http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/nep-report-announcement/


**Feel free to use attached image along with social media posts**

Support for this work was provided by the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth). The mission of NYSHealth is to expand health insurance coverage, increase access to high-quality health care services, and improve public and community health. The views presented here are not necessarily those of the New York State Health Foundation or its directors, officers, and staff. 


Claire Uno, MLIS

Deputy Director, Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy 

Teachers College Columbia University, Program in Nutrition

525 West 120th Street Box 137, New York, NY 10027

office: 212-678-3693 

Read the latest Tisch Dish Newsletter: The future of nutrition education; the latest on the farm bill; new faces at the Tisch Food Center; and more...

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