Garden programs supporting LGBTQ+ youth

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Em Shipman

Nov 3, 2020, 3:48:15 PM11/3/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Fellow garden supporters,

In early 2021, KidsGardening will be collaborating on a program to provide garden-based learning resources and professional development to programs that support LGBTQ+  youth. We're currently doing some research into the key ingredients of the most successful environmental education programs for the queer community. Do you know of any great programs you can point us towards? Are there gay/straight alliances in your schools that are using the garden as a place for wellness and learning? 

Thanks so much,

Nov 3, 2020, 4:24:05 PM11/3/20
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Wow, love this idea and want to learn more. I am a new Farm to School Program Manager in an existing program in Walla Walla, WA with multiple school districts. We have a youth LGBTQ+ support group in town that is currently unable to meet in person, only once a week via Facebook. I intend to reach out to them and would be interested in what you and your collaborators come up with. 

I have experience as a trauma-informed trainer and am queer myself and know firsthand the need for a supportive community, it does get better. Spectrum Center in Spokane, WA does a lot of workshops and outreach for LGBTQ+. May be worth reaching out to as a resource.


Karen Wagner (OR GEM)

Nov 3, 2020, 4:34:22 PM11/3/20
to, School Garden Support Organization Network
A recent Edible Schoolyard webinar a program called Girl Ventures, Tryka Tyrka was the presenter/director?  They focus their outdoor education program on DEI principles and socio-emotional learning, and had some great ideas around youth leadership, decision-making, participation, safe zones (and mostly done virtually at this time).  I thought it was an excellent presentation that would serve LGBTQ youth in any setting, very well.  That Aug. 11 webinar might be on one or both of those websites.  

Karen Wagner
F2S/SG Education Manager

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Shea Scribner

Nov 3, 2020, 5:02:09 PM11/3/20
to Karen Wagner (OR GEM),, School Garden Support Organization Network

Oooo I’m also excited about this! The folks at Queer Nature ( and the Institute of Queer Ecology ( are doing some awesome work I’d recommend checking out. If there’s a way to keep in touch/involved in this project, sign me up!



Shea Scribner

Education Specialist

Phone: 503-939-6991

Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs


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Erica Curry

Nov 5, 2020, 2:55:58 PM11/5/20
to Shea Scribner, Karen Wagner (OR GEM),, School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi everyone, 

Thought I'd share this Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students resource developed by Teaching Tolerance. 

Love this conversation topic! 

Erica Curry | FoodCorps
| she/her

Mindysue Swanson

Nov 5, 2020, 3:23:47 PM11/5/20
to Karen Wagner (OR GEM),, School Garden Support Organization Network
while my program is not specifically lbgtqai - I see all students on campus weekly through "special enrichment" (and even now on zoom). our population is diverse in many ways -- from all the languages and the variety in the families...

we do our best to incorporate inclusive language and anti-racist learning. I also have time set aside to do "horticultural therapy" -- not formal therapy but time working in the garden with individuals and/or small groups to work on composting, harvesting or some other garden task while chatting about life...


Dig Down Deep Garden Educators
Mindy Swanson
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