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High School Garden Curriculum

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Abbi Marrs

May 2, 2024, 12:14:53 PM5/2/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Good morning, 
  I work with a cooperative extension and am looking for some good garden curriculum to use for high school students.  I know of a lot for ECE through 8th grade, but any suggestions for beyond are greatly appreciated.

Lauren Tolbert

May 2, 2024, 5:57:44 PM5/2/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network

I've found these two books to be great resources for HS garden curriculum:
"Garden Genetics: Teaching With Edible Plants" (Teacher Edition) by: Elizabeth Rice, Marianne Krasny, and Margaret E. Smith
"A Resource Guide to Year-round Gardening" by Larry Cipolla (includes hydroponics lessons for winter gardening)

I also like Gizmos simulations for experiments with germination and studying the effects of compost, water, temperature, and light.


Joelle Kohn

May 2, 2024, 7:18:06 PM5/2/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network

John Fisher

May 2, 2024, 11:29:37 PM5/2/24
to Abbi Marrs, School Garden Support Organization Network
Here is the list of Middle and High School lessons that are linked to from the page

There is a wide range of materials like the Huntington's Plant Science Units and UC Davis's sustainable ag concepts. 

On Thu, May 2, 2024, 9:14 AM 'Abbi Marrs' via School Garden Support Organization Network <> wrote:
Good morning, 
  I work with a cooperative extension and am looking for some good garden curriculum to use for high school students.  I know of a lot for ECE through 8th grade, but any suggestions for beyond are greatly appreciated.

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Abbi Marrs

May 3, 2024, 11:19:48 AM5/3/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Thank you all for your responses!  I certainly have some great information to share with my state lead to look into this further.


May 3, 2024, 6:09:46 PM5/3/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network

Do you have more information on the Larry Cipolla book?  I can find other titles by him, but not that one.


Sarah Pounders

May 3, 2024, 7:31:44 PM5/3/24
to Joelle Kohn, School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi All!

I just wanted to share a direct link to the Digging into Soil Guide that Joelle shared out from KidsGardening:

You can also use the "Explore Our Resources" function on our lesson page at:  (just click on "Grade") to just view ones appropriate for high school.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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Sarah Pounders
Education Specialist

132 Intervale Road

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Nakia Navarro

May 6, 2024, 9:57:59 AM5/6/24
to Sarah Pounders, Joelle Kohn, School Garden Support Organization Network
We (Building Audacity) offer a curriculum on hydroponic growing. We train teachers how to grow as well as do in class presentations. Happy to discuss further if anyone is interested!

Nakia Navarro

Building Audacity: Be An Accomplice.
Follow Us on Instagram! @buildingaudacity
Find the indigenous land you occupy here

Lauren Tolbert

May 9, 2024, 5:53:53 PM5/9/24
to School Garden Support Organization Network

Here's a link to all of Larry Cipolla's books:


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