Ideas for a Greenhouse

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Roman, Rolando

Jul 16, 2020, 8:13:28 PM7/16/20
to, Roman, Rolando
Hello. We received a grant to build a greenhouse for our school that will serve as a lab/classroom setting for our curriculum based gardening program that all ~650 students of our school participate in throughout the year. 

We have a space of 25’ x 20’ for the greenhouse.  We want to build a sustainable structure. We will also be supplying seedlings to near by schools to help them kick start their garden. 

Our school in located in Central Mississippi (Madison, MS). 

1) Any recommendations on designs? 
2) What should we include?
3) Should we use plastic panels, poly or treated 4) glass?
4) Any important details we should consider?  

About our school: 
At Manndsdale Upper Elementary School we have onsite Garden, we have 39 raised beds, chickens, multi-chamber compost bin and we are building a green house. 

Our program uses a foundation created by The Texas A&M and Mississippi State University Ex-
tension Office, Junior Master Gardener Program Curriculum. All students of our school will
have an opportunity to learn how to take care of our garden within each state it’s in. Student go to the garden once a week during our 4-week rotation blocks on Thursdays. Please see link to our master plan created for the Fall 2019 Garden; left-side garden and right-side garden https://photo-

We document our program with photos and progress at

Thank you for your support. 

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Healthy Regards,

Coach Ro
Rolando Román M.Ed.
Physical Education Teacher
Mannsdale Upper Elementary

Moses Thompson

Jul 16, 2020, 10:51:48 PM7/16/20
to Roman, Rolando,
I've built a couple greenhouses for Tucson Unified and have been called out to do maintenance and greenhouses I haven't built. My advice is to build the nicest greenhouse you can afford. I built one of these greenhouses in 2010 and one in 2015 and they're both as nice as the day they were built. They're glass (doesn't fog, doesn't deteriorate with UV and become brittle) with aluminum framing engineered to bear wind load. 

The downside is cost--the above link has all the bells/whistles and with a discount code runs $30K. You might be able to negotiate a lower price for a school or through the university if they do the purchasing. 

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Sarah Pounders

Jul 17, 2020, 7:34:52 AM7/17/20
to Moses Thompson, Roman, Rolando,
Have you seen the new Greenhouse Manual from City Blossoms and the US Botanic Garden?  They offer an overview of lots of different options. You can download it at:


Sarah Pounders
Education Specialist

132 Intervale Road

Burlington, VT 05401

p: 281-292-0841



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School Sprouts

Jul 20, 2020, 11:12:12 PM7/20/20
to Sarah Pounders, Moses Thompson, Roman, Rolando,
I’ve been part of the planning team for 2 greenhouses that are part of the school garden program. These are the ones we built.  They’re both holding up great!  I love the thermostatically controlled fans and vents - a must in MS! We used Trex for the beds so that we never need to rebuild.  That has also held up well and the cross beams above let me hang supports for climbing plants.  Ours are double walled polycarbonate which is more durable than glass but does fog.  
Good luck, 

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