Garden and Nutrition Educator Position Available at Torrey Pine Elementary School in San Diego

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Karen Saake

Jun 29, 2021, 5:08:39 PM6/29/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Torrey Pine Elementary school is looking for a Garden and Nutrition  Educator. Please see job description below. 

Seeking Garden and Nutrition Educator

Torrey Pines Elementary School is seeking a gardening and nutrition educator to cultivate and maintain our school garden and develop and maintain a new kindergarten garden. We are looking for someone to care for garden beds, a worm home, a greenhouse and several citrus and fruit trees. In addition, we would want the teacher to design and lead a food recycling and composting program.

This teacher would provide weekly gardening instruction to all students in grades TK-5. In addition, the teacher would maintain a cooking cart classroom for students. This would provide opportunities for the students to practice healthy cooking and eating of natural produce they have personally cultivated.

The teacher must have a passion for sharing his or her joy of growing vegetables, fruits and other plants and seek to share their expertise and appreciation with elementary-aged children. We would expect the gardening teacher to work with the Sage Garden Project community for training and planning. We would hope the teacher could join in the summer training offered through the Sage Garden Project on July 13, 14 and 15. 

It is important for families to learn about the gifts of harvesting and cooking, so we would hope the teacher would organize times for families to participate in tastings and sales.

We would like the garden and nutrition teacher to prepare for the lessons; shop for the ingredients for the program; coordinate with volunteers who are helping maintain the garden; and collaborate with the school Foundation and parents to make the gardening and nutrition program self-supporting. 

In summary, the instructor would be responsible for:

a) Instructional hours

b) Lesson preparation

c) Shopping for garden/nutrition classes

d) Class set-up and clean-up

e) Volunteer coordination

f) Garden maintenance

g) Event management

h) Evaluation and assessment, including end of year impact report (template will be provided) 

i) Spearheading and collaborating efforts to be self supporting (activities include grant writing, fundraising, meetings with stakeholders, etc. )

Salary will be determined based on qualifications and experience.

For more information, please contact Principal Nona Richard at

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