Introductory Videos on Sustainable Agriculture/Food Systems for HS students?

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Emma Latham

Jun 10, 2021, 9:15:51 AM6/10/21
to, Liz Kleisner
Hello Everybody,

I was wondering if anybody had any good introductory videos to sustainable agriculture/industrial food systems? 

At City Green in NJ, we run a High School internship program, and we want to show a 20-40 minute video as part of our orientation program (assuming no prior knowledge on the subject!). Ideally, we would want a publicly accessible video so YouTube or Vimeo ideal are idea, but any Netflix/Prime suggestions are welcomed too! 

(We used to show the film "Nourish" but that is feeling very outdated.)

Thanks for your help!

All the best,

Emma Latham (she/her)

School Grounds Manager 

171 Grove Street

Clifton, New Jersey 07013



Erin Croom

Jun 10, 2021, 9:45:11 AM6/10/21
to Emma Latham,, Liz Kleisner
This is an oldie-but goodie from Georgia Organics! 

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Leann Barber

Jun 10, 2021, 10:09:24 AM6/10/21
to Erin Croom, Emma Latham,, Liz Kleisner
“Kiss the ground” on Netflix is very good. They also have a soil course with many other recommended videos and readings that explain the importance of maintaining healthy soil to reverse climate change. 

Kind regards,
Leann Barber
Made in Broward
The Cottage in Flagler Village
500 NE 1st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

On Jun 10, 2021, at 09:45, Erin Croom <> wrote:

This is an oldie-but goodie from Georgia Organics! 

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 9:15 AM Emma Latham <> wrote:
Hello Everybody,

I was wondering if anybody had any good introductory videos to sustainable agriculture/industrial food systems? 

At City Green in NJ, we run a High School internship program, and we want to show a 20-40 minute video as part of our orientation program (assuming no prior knowledge on the subject!). Ideally, we would want a publicly accessible video so YouTube or Vimeo ideal are idea, but any Netflix/Prime suggestions are welcomed too! 

(We used to show the film "Nourish" but that is feeling very outdated.)

Thanks for your help!
All the best,

Emma Latham (she/her)

School Grounds Manager 

171 Grove Street

Clifton, New Jersey 07013


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tamara o'brien

Jun 10, 2021, 6:21:05 PM6/10/21
to Leann Barber, Erin Croom, Emma Latham,, Liz Kleisner
Haha I would also recommend Kiss the Ground!! I have watched it a few times and my teens actually enjoy it!
Also The Biggest Little Farm is amazing! Similar length to Kiss the Ground but focuses on one farm and how they do everything sustainability and with regenerative farming practices. 

Whitney Cohen

Jun 11, 2021, 4:39:46 PM6/11/21
to tamara o'brien, Leann Barber, Erin Croom, Emma Latham, School Garden Support Organization Network, Liz Kleisner
There are also free, downloadable lessons to go with Kiss the Ground at: - Designed for Middle, but could likely be adapted for HS. 

Hope that’s helpful!

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