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DUG Earth Week Panel Sessions Apr 19-23

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Rob Payo

Apr 14, 2021, 5:44:39 PM4/14/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi everyone, just wanted let you all know of our week-long series that we are running for Earth Week starting Monday April 19th talking about Food Waste. On Wednesday, we'll feature panelists supporting youth and schools. We'll end on Friday on a really interesting discussion on Health and Wellness.  Hope you can make it! 

Join Denver Urban Gardens every day at lunchtime (12pm-1pm MT) between April 19th and April 23rd for their Food for thought: 2021 Earth Week panels. Each day, local experts, partners, and policy-makers will be weighing in on topics including food waste, soil building, healthy kids, climate action, and wellness, as well as sharing how you can take action towards a more sustainable future.

This is a free event, but pre registration is required. Learn more about the panels, meet the panelists, and get registered at

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