My name is Kimberly Jones and I am a PhD Candidate at Texas Tech University (Lubbock, TX). For my dissertation, I am recruiting adults involved in garden-based education on secondary (middle and high) school campuses to participate in a research study this summer. Specifically, I need teachers, administrators, parents and community members to remotely share about their program through digital storytelling and interviews. I have attached a recruitment flyer to this email which has a live link to the study information website. You can help advance school garden education by forwarding this flyer and encouraging participation to your contacts at secondary school programs.
The digital story task is expected to take about 4 – 5 hours over a period of approximately two to four weeks. Participants will then complete a brief interview (approximately 30 – 60 minutes) sharing more details about their garden program. Participants will receive $135.00 for completion of the digital story. Completion of the interview will be compensated with $15.00. The total for completing both tasks is $150.00.
This study is being supervised by my dissertation chair, Dr. Shirley Matteson from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you can contact me at Kimberly...@ttu.edu or call (210) 859-2936. Dr. Matteson can be reached at (806) 834-3841. Texas Tech University also has an Institutional Review Board that protects the rights of people who participate in research. You can contact them at 806-742-2064 or hr...@ttu.edu.
PhD Candidate, Curriculum and Instruction
College of Education,
Texas Tech University
Box 41071 | Lubbock, TX 79409-1071
Phone: 806.834.3841