Spanish Garden Resources: Books, songs and more!

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Maite Saco

Jan 21, 2021, 5:09:03 PM1/21/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network

I'm a Bilingual Outdoor Educator and am looking to create a robust resource library for our staff in Spanish. I'm specifically looking for Spanish books covering topics like composting, soil, gardening, force and motion, energy, FBI and/or plant traits. 

I would also love to hear of any Spanish songs out there related to the garden! 

Cualquier ayuda se les agradece :) 

Maite Saco

Shea Scribner

Jan 21, 2021, 5:25:45 PM1/21/21
to Maite Saco, School Garden Support Organization Network

¡Hola Maite!

I’m learning Spanish and working with a Duo-language elementary school in Washington State. I’d love to learn of more Spanish books and songs too!

I have some book recommendations for K-5 level readers I can share later (working from home today so I don’t have ‘em with me). I’d recommend checking out Life Lab’s collection of resources:

We also love this simple and sweet song, “Cada Semilla”


¡Buena suerte!


Shea Scribner

Education Specialist

Phone: 503-939-6991

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Em Shipman

Jan 21, 2021, 5:27:33 PM1/21/21
to Maite Saco, School Garden Support Organization Network
Querida Maite,

I am really excited to let you know that KidsGardening is in the process of translating our Lessons to Grow By program into Español. It should be ready in the next month or so at the link below:

Lessons to Grow By is a four-month program of weekly garden-themed lessons and activities for parents teaching at home, or for educators instructing via distance learning. 

The resource is free but folks need to subscribe to the program to receive the weekly lessons. If you sign up for our email list you'll receive an alert when they are ready.


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Emily Shipman 
Executive Director
she/her (why pronouns?)

Bruce Ferguson

Jan 21, 2021, 8:59:17 PM1/21/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Estimada Maite, ¡muchas gracias por abrir el tema! 
Some of the materiales we have developed at Laboratorios para la Vida in Mexico might be of interest:

There's a Spanish version of Nathan Larson's excellent book, La Enseñanza en el Aula de la Naturaleza,

I'm looking forward to seeing the KidsGardening materials and others shared on this thread.

Muchos saludos,

Katherine Pryor

Jan 21, 2021, 9:47:07 PM1/21/21
to Bruce Ferguson, School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi Maite,
I'm not sure if this is the type of resource you're looking for, but thanks to purchases by some state WIC programs, my first two picture books Sylvia's Spinach & Zora's Zucchini were recently translated into Spanish:

The publisher has been focusing mostly on bulk orders, but you should be able to buy individual copies wherever you buy books. If you have any problem finding them, let me know & I'll try to help.

I'm loving the other resources on these fabulous lists!

Katherine Pryor

Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram: @readyourgreens.


Sherman Garden

Jan 22, 2021, 1:59:06 AM1/22/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Hi Maite,
A lot of my Spanish language books seem to have lent out to teachers, but this is what I have on hand:

Calabaza, Calabaza by Jeanne Titherington

Un Puñado de Semillas by Monica Hughes

El Suelo: Tierra y Arena by Natalie Rosinsky

La Araña Muy Ocupada by Eric Carlo

El Camino de Amelia by Linda Jacobs Altman

Hope this helps,
Christina Abuelo
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Coordinator - (858) 210-2628
Sherman Elementary School Garden & Barrio Botany
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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Cultivating Healthy, Happy, Nature-Connected Kids

Cristina Vila

Jan 22, 2021, 9:07:05 PM1/22/21
to School Garden Support Organization Network
Saludos Maite, 

Mi libro favorito para mis clases de elemental es El camión de papel por Roberto Aliaga. Toca el tema de donde viene el papel y reciclaje en una historia super linda. Video de lectura en voz alta

Exito, Cristina.
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