As originally written, `guard` invokes `raise-continuable` when none of the guard clauses is satisfied (which implies that there is no `else` clause). That is the Right Thing, because it means that whether or not the original raising procedure was `raise` or `raise-continuable`, the `guard`-expression will return control to it.
Unfortunately, erratum #17 changed the prose and the sample definition to use `raise` instead. The change to the sample definition was correctly undone, but the change to the prose was not. I have just corrected to make the prose say "raise-continuable'
The list of R7RS errata already said that #17 had been undone, so no change needed there. However, any implementers that copied the definition of `guard` should check to make sure their definition of `guard` invokes raise-continuably rather than raise. Chibi is definitely wrong, and I'm filing a ticket for it.