runnable state after migration of schedulix instance

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Apr 3, 2023, 4:12:11 PM4/3/23
to schedulix
I migrated schedulix server to a new instance and everything is working smoothly but when I am trying to reconnect our old ETL jobservers they go green but their log stays empty and all jobs which suppose to run on ETL are getting to runnable state.

After I start the jobserver the jobserver log remains empty.
When I kill the jobserver process on the ETL server the jobserver stays green in schedulix GUI.
After I start it again I am getting "Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected"

The only error message I was able to find in BICserver log
MESSAGE [1186(Listener)]        03 Apr 2023 20:09:01 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [1186(1186)]    03 Apr 2023 20:09:01 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [1186(1186)]    03 Apr 2023 20:09:01 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_NEW'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[*************]';
MESSAGE [1186(1186)]    03 Apr 2023 20:09:01 GMT UserConnection terminated

Please advise me on how to debug this issue.

Apr 5, 2023, 3:29:10 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
Hello again,
I am still facing the same issue and any help will be appreciated as we are delayed with testing.
Anything I try to run on this jobserver gets to a running state.
One taskfile is created and the taskfile name is starttimes.GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_1043_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_1043_MAAS_DEV'
but the jobserver with this name doesn`t even exist in schedulix GUI. It is configuration from previous instance which I dropped.
I don`t have ETL_1043_MAAS_DEV configured in jobservers nor in named resources but it is taking this name from somewhere.
I am 100% sure I made a mistake in the configuration I am just not able to spot where.

This is the name configured in Jobservers and Resources - GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY 
This is the NODE I am using ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
I can`t find any mention of ETL_1043_MAAS_DEV anywhere and I am trying to get why I see it in taskfiles because I think that`s the mistake I did during configuration.

Apr 5, 2023, 4:31:09 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
I am behind this issue for last two days.
The jobserver is green in Schedulix, there are no errors in the log of the jobserver, I found no errors in logs of schedulix server but everything is getting stuck in runnable state.
We need to manage this issue as soon as possible as there are a lot of people waiting for this jobserver to go up.
I am already just repeating the same remediative actions expecting different results.
Please if there is any log I can forward so that you can help this issue just let me know.

Dieter Stubler

Apr 5, 2023, 6:27:07 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
Hello Patrik,

This sounds quite strange, so we have to get into this systematically.
First do a show 'show jobserver GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY' and send us the result.
Second stop or kill the the jobserver if running. After some time (a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the nop interval setting of the server they should go red.
Make sure that the jobserver is down using ps. Do a 'list session' and send us the result. There should be no 
ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY listed. Also there should be no session for ETL_1043_MAAS_DEV .
The 'taskfile' with name starttimes.xxxx is not a taskfile but a file to store the process start times used to check for jobs beeing a live, so it looks like that that there is no real taskf file created which is good because a taskfile is only created after the job gets a least the state 'starting'.
Do another  'show jobserver GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY'. It should be disconnected right now.
No start the jobserver  ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV_BLUESKY. It should turn green in the gui and another 'show jobserver' should show it connected.
'list session' should show the jobserver now. Do another 'show jobserver' to verify it is connected and not suspended.
If now still no jobs are started do an 'alter server with trace level = 3;' wait a few minutes and do a 'alter server with trace level = 1;' again.
Please send us the bicsuite server log after that as well as the jobserver log file.
Hope we will sort that out quickly.

Apr 5, 2023, 7:35:10 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
I am sorry if the communication from my side is chaotic but I didn`t sleep much in last days (we really need this to go up).
Meanwhile I am investigating traffic on our ETL server because I think that the issue may be caused by closed inbound on our ETL server (I am still not sure about this).
Since I have send the first message I have renamed the jobserver to GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV



                ID : 92120257
             OWNER : ADMIN
              TYPE : SERVER
      IS_TERMINATE : false
      IS_SUSPENDED : false
        IS_ENABLED : true
     IS_REGISTERED : true
      IS_CONNECTED : true
             STATE : 1
               PID : 10922
              NODE : ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
              IDLE : 266
            ERRMSG : <null>
           COMMENT :

-- ----- --- -----------

       COMMENTTYPE : <null>
           CREATOR : SYSTEM
       CREATE_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 09:03:13 GMT
       CHANGE_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 11:14:53 GMT
             PRIVS : KCPDEVGRX
         RESOURCES :

-- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------- ---------- ------ ------------------ ------ ----------- ----------------- --------- ------ --------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ---------- --------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- -----
60    60 RESOURCE CATEGORY KCPDEVGR <null> <null> <null>  <null>     <null> <null>             <null> <null>      <null>            <null>    <null> <null>    <null> <null>     <null>       <null>            true         false      <null>         <null>     <null>                <null>  <null>  <null>  <null> <null>

            CONFIG :

KEY                   VALUE                                                LOCAL ANCESTOR_SCOPE                             ANCESTOR_VALUE
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
BOOTTIME              NONE                                                 false DEFAULT                                    NONE
CREATE_WORKDIR        false                                                false DEFAULT                                    false
DEFAULTWORKDIR        /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/work/       true
DYNAMIC                                                                    false DEFAULT
HTTPHOST                                     true
HTTPLOGENCODING       utf-8                                                false DEFAULT                                    utf-8
HTTPPORT              8907                                                 true
HTTP_PORT             etl_dev                                              false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV etl_dev
JOBEXECUTOR           /home/maasetld/schedulix/bin/jobexecutor             false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV /home/maasetld/schedulix/bin/jobexecutor
JOBFILEPREFIX         /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/taskfiles/  true
KEYSTORE                                                                   false DEFAULT
KEYSTOREPASSWORD                                                           false DEFAULT
NAME_PATTERN_LOGFILES /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/work.*\.log true
NOPDELAY                                                                 5 false DEFAULT                                                                           5
NOTIFYPORT                                                                 false DEFAULT
ONLINE_SERVER         true                                                 false DEFAULT                                    true
RECONNECTDELAY                                                          30 false DEFAULT                                                                          30
REPOHOST                                                                   false DEFAULT
REPOPORT                                                                   false DEFAULT
TRACELEVEL            3                                                    true
TRUSTSTORE                                                                 false DEFAULT
TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD                                                         false DEFAULT
USEPATH               true                                                 false GLOBAL                                     true
USE_SSL                                                                    false DEFAULT
VERBOSELOGS           false                                                false DEFAULT                                    false


KEY                    VALUE              LOCAL ANCESTOR_SCOPE           ANCESTOR_VALUE
---------------------- ------------------ ----- ------------------------ ------------------
SCH_JOBID              JOBID              false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV JOBID
SCH_KEY                KEY                false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV KEY

        PARAMETERS :

-- ---- ----------- ---- -------- ---------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------- ------- -----------

Job Server shown

After I killed the jobserver

SDMS> list session;

List of Sessions

THIS SESSIONID PORT START                        TYPE      USER                                                UID      IP            TXID       IDLE  STATE  TIMEOUT INFORMATION                                    STATEMENT     WAIT
---- --------- ---- ---------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------- ---------- ----- ------ ------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- ----
          1003 2506 Tue Apr 04 08:21:12 EDT 2023 JOBSERVER GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3.MDM_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV 43248095  2406571866     3 IDLE       300 jobserver[*********************************]
          1005 2506 Tue Apr 04 08:21:14 EDT 2023 JOBSERVER GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV      9344  2406571869     2 IDLE       300 jobserver[****************************]
         11546 2506 Wed Apr 05 07:25:17 EDT 2023 USER      SYSTEM                                                     0 2406571845    15 IDLE        60 BICsuite!web[]
 *       11548 2506 Wed Apr 05 07:25:29 EDT 2023 USER      SYSTEM                                                     0  2406571874     0 ACTIVE       0 sdmsh[maasetld@lctcvd7426]                     list session;
       1234321    0 Tue Apr 04 08:20:46 EDT 2023 USER      SchedulingThread                                           2 <null>        2406571849    13 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234322    0 Tue Apr 04 08:20:46 EDT 2023 USER      GarbageThread                                              2 <null>        2406551639 11084 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234323    0 Tue Apr 04 08:20:46 EDT 2023 USER      TriggerThread                                              2 <null>        2406571852    13 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234324    0 Tue Apr 04 08:20:46 EDT 2023 USER      PoolThread                                                 2 <null>        2406571405   284 IDLE         0 <null>
      19630127    0 Tue Apr 04 08:20:46 EDT 2023 USER      TimerThread                                                2 <null>        2406571872     1 IDLE         0 <null>

9 Session(s) found



                ID : 92120257
             OWNER : ADMIN
              TYPE : SERVER
      IS_TERMINATE : true
      IS_SUSPENDED : false
        IS_ENABLED : true
     IS_REGISTERED : true
      IS_CONNECTED : false
             STATE : 1
               PID : 12504
              NODE : ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
              IDLE : 395
            ERRMSG : <null>
           COMMENT :

-- ----- --- -----------

       COMMENTTYPE : <null>
           CREATOR : SYSTEM
       CREATE_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 09:03:13 GMT
           CHANGER : SYSTEM
       CHANGE_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 11:20:14 GMT
             PRIVS : KCPDEVGRX
         RESOURCES :

-- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------- ---------- ------ ------------------ ------ ----------- ----------------- --------- ------ --------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ---------- --------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- -----
60    60 RESOURCE CATEGORY KCPDEVGR <null> <null> <null>  <null>     <null> <null>             <null> <null>      <null>            <null>    <null> <null>    <null> <null>     <null>       <null>            true         false      <null>         <null>     <null>                <null>  <null>  <null>  <null> <null>

            CONFIG :

KEY                   VALUE                                                LOCAL ANCESTOR_SCOPE                             ANCESTOR_VALUE
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
BOOTTIME              NONE                                                 false DEFAULT                                    NONE
CREATE_WORKDIR        false                                                false DEFAULT                                    false
DEFAULTWORKDIR        /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/work/       true
DYNAMIC                                                                    false DEFAULT
HTTPHOST                                     true
HTTPLOGENCODING       utf-8                                                false DEFAULT                                    utf-8
HTTPPORT              8907                                                 true
HTTP_PORT             etl_dev                                              false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV etl_dev
JOBEXECUTOR           /home/maasetld/schedulix/bin/jobexecutor             false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV /home/maasetld/schedulix/bin/jobexecutor
JOBFILEPREFIX         /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/taskfiles/  true
KEYSTORE                                                                   false DEFAULT
KEYSTOREPASSWORD                                                           false DEFAULT
NAME_PATTERN_LOGFILES /home/maasetld/jobservers/jobserver_maas/work.*\.log true
NOPDELAY                                                                 5 false DEFAULT                                                                           5
NOTIFYPORT                                                                 false DEFAULT
ONLINE_SERVER         true                                                 false DEFAULT                                    true
RECONNECTDELAY                                                          30 false DEFAULT                                                                          30
REPOHOST                                                                   false DEFAULT
REPOPORT                                                                   false DEFAULT
TRACELEVEL            3                                                    true
TRUSTSTORE                                                                 false DEFAULT
TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD                                                         false DEFAULT
USEPATH               true                                                 false GLOBAL                                     true
USE_SSL                                                                    false DEFAULT
VERBOSELOGS           false                                                false DEFAULT                                    false


KEY                    VALUE              LOCAL ANCESTOR_SCOPE           ANCESTOR_VALUE
---------------------- ------------------ ----- ------------------------ ------------------
SCH_JOBID              JOBID              false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV JOBID
SCH_KEY                KEY                false GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV KEY

        PARAMETERS :

-- ---- ----------- ---- -------- ---------- ------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------- ------- -----------

Job Server shown

after I started the jobserver again it is shown as connected



                ID : 92120257
             OWNER : ADMIN
              TYPE : SERVER
      IS_TERMINATE : false
      IS_SUSPENDED : false
        IS_ENABLED : true
     IS_REGISTERED : true
      IS_CONNECTED : true
             STATE : 1
               PID : 27607
              NODE : ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
              IDLE : 25
            ERRMSG : <null>
           COMMENT :

I am not able to add attachments not screenshots from my work laptop.
Required resources of the jobs stuck in runnable state are pointing to  GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
Here is the jobserver log after restart:

 cat jobserver.out.4
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:breeding files not in jidsWithEiThread only
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Adding feil for jid 92120535
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:running breed()
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:breeding files not in jidsWithEiThread only
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:breeding jid 92120535 from breed()
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT > alter job 92120535 with status = running, run = 2, exec_pid = '12540@N0+1680693594', ext_pid = '12541@N0+1680693594', timestamp = '05-04-2023 11:19:54 GMT';
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT < feedback="Job altered"
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT > alter job 92120535 with status = finished, run = 2, exit_code = 1, timestamp = '05-04-2023 11:19:54 GMT';
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT < feedback="Job altered"
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:removing jid 92120535 from jidsAwaitRunning, state = FINISHED
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Server:removing jid 92120535 from jidsAwaitRunning, state = FINISHED
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT Removing feil for jid 92120535
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:27:38 EDT > get next job;
ERROR   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT (04504092058) Error executing command (get next job;): Read timed out (
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT Trying GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'/********@**************...
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT > connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by 'dent' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT < error=[code="03204102020", message="Server already connected"]
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:38 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (27607) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:42 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:42 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29603) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:45 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:45 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29678) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:49 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:49 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29734) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:52 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:52 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29787) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:55 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:55 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29883) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:59 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:31:59 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (29962) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:02 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:02 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30013) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:05 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:05 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30102) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:09 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:09 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30138) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
ERROR   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:12 EDT (04504092058) Error executing command (connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by 'dent' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';): null (
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:12 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:12 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30201) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:15 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:15 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30241) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:19 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:19 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30281) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:22 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:22 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30349) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:25 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:25 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30415) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:29 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:29 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30466) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:32 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:32 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30518) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:35 EDT ***ERROR*** (04301271457) Cannot connect: (03204102020) Server already connected
FATAL   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:35 EDT Program aborted
[scrolllog] Waiting for child (30555) to terminate
[scrolllog] Child exited with state 1
[scrolllog] Try to restart child (child terminated with exit code <> 0)
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:39 EDT Server:breeding files not in jidsWithEiThread only
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:39 EDT Server:running breed()
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:39 EDT Server:breeding files not in jidsWithEiThread only
DEBUG   [Jobserver]     05-04-2023 07:32:39 EDT > get next job;

I`ll paste the server log into separate message (we have trace level 2 there)
Thank you for looking into this.

Apr 5, 2023, 7:38:36 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:09 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:09 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:09 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [11561(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11561(11561)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11561(11561)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11561(11561)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:14 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:14 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:16 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:16 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT purgeLow = 2406572163
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [11562(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11562(11562)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11562(11562)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11562(11562)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:24 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:24 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:26 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:26 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT purgeLow = 2406572177
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:31 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:31 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [0,11560(Worker2)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Disconnect : 0 ms
MESSAGE [0,11560(11560)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:32 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:34 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:34 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:36 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:36 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT purgeLow = 2406572192
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [11563(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11563(11563)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11563(11563)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11563(11563)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:44 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:44 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:46 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:46 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT purgeLow = 2406572212
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [11564(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11564(11564)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11564(11564)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11564(11564)]  05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:54 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:54 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:28:56 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:56 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:28:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT purgeLow = 2406572226
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:28:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:01 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:01 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:04 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:04 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:06 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:06 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT purgeLow = 2406572241
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11565(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11565(11565)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11565(11565)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11565(11565)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:14 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:14 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:16 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:16 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11566(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11566(11566)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11566(11566)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT CONNECT 'SYSTEM' IDENTIFIED BY '**********' WITH PROTOCOL = PYTHON, TIMEOUT = 60, SESSION = 'BICsuite!web[]', COMMAND = (list job with mode = tree, ( master_id in (92120402) and ( master  or (( JOB_STATUS IN (SUBMITTED,RESOURCE_WAIT,RUNNABLE,STARTING,STARTED,RUNNING,TO_KILL,KILLED,BROKEN_ACTIVE,BROKEN_FINISHED,UNREACHABLE,ERROR) or PENDING OR WARNING)))), PARAMETERS = ('LOG_DISPLAY_LIMIT'), EXPAND = (92120819,92120727,92120617,92120539,92120411,92120409,92120402)

MESSAGE [0,11566(Worker1)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 2 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT purgeLow = 2406572261
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT CONNECT 'SYSTEM' IDENTIFIED BY '**********' WITH PROTOCOL = PYTHON, TIMEOUT = 60, SESSION = 'BICsuite!web[]', COMMAND = (show job 92120926

MESSAGE [0,11566(Worker1)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 7 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT CONNECT 'SYSTEM' IDENTIFIED BY '**********' WITH PROTOCOL = PYTHON, TIMEOUT = 60, SESSION = 'BICsuite!web[]', COMMAND = (version 2406557198 show exit state profile 'STANDARD'

MESSAGE [0,11566(Worker2)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 0 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT CONNECT 'SYSTEM' IDENTIFIED BY '**********' WITH PROTOCOL = PYTHON, TIMEOUT = 60, SESSION = 'BICsuite!web[]', COMMAND = (version 2406557198 show exit state mapping 'UNIX'

MESSAGE [0,11566(Worker1)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 0 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT CONNECT 'SYSTEM' IDENTIFIED BY '**********' WITH PROTOCOL = PYTHON, TIMEOUT = 60, SESSION = 'BICsuite!web[]', COMMAND = (version 2406557198 show job definition SYSTEM.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'COMMON'.'SNS_MESSAGING'.'SNS_S3_MESSAGE'

MESSAGE [0,11566(Worker2)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 1 ms
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT
MESSAGE [11567(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11567(11567)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11567(11567)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11567(11567)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:24 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:24 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:26 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:26 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT purgeLow = 2406572275
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:31 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:31 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:34 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:34 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:36 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:36 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT purgeLow = 2406572290
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11568(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11568(11568)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11568(11568)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11568(11568)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:44 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:44 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:46 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:46 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT purgeLow = 2406572310
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11569(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11569(11569)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11569(11569)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11569(11569)]  05 Apr 2023 11:29:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:52 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:52 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:55 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:55 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:29:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:29:57 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:57 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:29:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:29:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT purgeLow = 2406572324
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 26 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:02 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:02 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:05 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:05 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:07 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:07 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT purgeLow = 2406572339
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11570(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11570(11570)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11570(11570)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11570(11570)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:12 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:12 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:15 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:15 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:17 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:17 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT purgeLow = 2406572359
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
WARNING [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT Connection (user 0) timed out
MESSAGE [0,11566(11566)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [11571(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11571(11571)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11571(11571)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11571(11571)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:22 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:22 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:25 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:25 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:27 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:27 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT purgeLow = 2406572373
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 11 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:32 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:32 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:35 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:35 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:37 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:37 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 6 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT purgeLow = 2406572388
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11572(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11572(11572)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11572(11572)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11572(11572)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:42 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:42 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:45 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:45 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Start Pool Check
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Number of Pools to check: 0
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT End Pool Check
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckPool : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckPool : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT purgeLow = 2406572408
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:50 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:50 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11573(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11573(11573)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11573(11573)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11573(11573)]  05 Apr 2023 11:30:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:52 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:52 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:55 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:55 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:30:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:30:57 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:57 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:30:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 6 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:30:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 8 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT purgeLow = 2406572428
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:02 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:02 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:05 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:05 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:07 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:07 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT purgeLow = 2406572440
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11574(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11574(11574)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11574(11574)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11574(11574)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:12 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:12 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:15 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:15 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:17 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:17 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT purgeLow = 2406572460
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11575(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11575(11575)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11575(11575)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11575(11575)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:22 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:22 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:25 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:25 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:27 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:27 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT purgeLow = 2406572477
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:32 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:32 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:35 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:35 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:37 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:37 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11576(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:38 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11576(11576)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:38 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11576(11576)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:38 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11576(11576)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:38 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT purgeLow = 2406572491
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11577(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11577(11577)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11577(11577)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11577(11577)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11578(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11578(11578)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11578(11578)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11578(11578)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11579(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11579(11579)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11579(11579)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11579(11579)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:47 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:47 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11580(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11580(11580)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11580(11580)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11580(11580)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT purgeLow = 2406572517
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11581(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11581(11581)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11581(11581)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11581(11581)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11582(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11582(11582)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11582(11582)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11582(11582)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11583(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11583(11583)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11583(11583)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11583(11583)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:58 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:58 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:31:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 6 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11584(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:31:59 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11584(11584)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:59 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11584(11584)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:59 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11584(11584)]  05 Apr 2023 11:31:59 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:31:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 8 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT purgeLow = 2406572540
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11585(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:02 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11585(11585)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:02 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11585(11585)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:02 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11585(11585)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:02 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:03 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:03 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11586(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11586(11586)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11586(11586)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11586(11586)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:08 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:08 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11587(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:09 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11587(11587)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:09 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11587(11587)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:09 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11587(11587)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:09 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT purgeLow = 2406572558
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11588(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11588(11588)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11588(11588)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11588(11588)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11589(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11589(11589)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11589(11589)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11589(11589)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [11590(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11590(11590)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11590(11590)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11590(11590)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:13 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:13 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11591(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11591(11591)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11591(11591)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11591(11591)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 6 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11592(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11592(11592)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11592(11592)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11592(11592)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:18 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT purgeLow = 2406572586
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [11593(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11593(11593)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11593(11593)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11593(11593)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11594(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:22 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11594(11594)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:22 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11594(11594)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:22 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11594(11594)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:22 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:23 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:23 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11595(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:25 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11595(11595)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:25 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11595(11595)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:25 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11595(11595)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:25 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:26 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:26 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [11596(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11596(11596)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11596(11596)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11596(11596)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT purgeLow = 2406572609
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11597(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:32 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11597(11597)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:32 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11597(11597)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:32 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11597(11597)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:32 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:33 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:33 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11598(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:35 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11598(11598)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:35 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11598(11598)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:35 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11598(11598)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:35 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:36 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:36 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
WARNING [92120257,11557(11557)] 05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Connection (jobserver 92120257) timed out
MESSAGE [92120257,11557(11557)] 05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [11599(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11599(11599)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11599(11599)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.Connect : 1 ms
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(11599)] 05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT register with pid = '30589';
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.RegisterServer : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.RegisterServer : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(11599)] 05 Apr 2023 11:32:39 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:39 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [92120257,11599(Worker0)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT purgeLow = 2406572634
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT purgeSetSize = 4
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [11600(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11600(11600)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11600(11600)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11600(11600)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:43 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:43 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:46 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:46 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT purgeLow = 2406572654
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [11601(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11601(11601)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11601(11601)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11601(11601)]  05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:53 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:53 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:56 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:56 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:32:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:32:58 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:58 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:32:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:32:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT purgeLow = 2406572671
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:03 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:03 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:06 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:06 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:08 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:08 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT purgeLow = 2406572683
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [11602(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11602(11602)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11602(11602)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11602(11602)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:13 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:13 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:16 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:16 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT purgeLow = 2406572703
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [11603(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11603(11603)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11603(11603)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11603(11603)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:23 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:23 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:26 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:26 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:28 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:28 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT purgeLow = 2406572720
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:33 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:33 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:36 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:36 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:38 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:38 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT purgeLow = 2406572732
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [11604(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11604(11604)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11604(11604)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11604(11604)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:43 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:43 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:46 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:46 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT purgeLow = 2406572752
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11605(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11605(11605)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11605(11605)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11605(11605)]  05 Apr 2023 11:33:51 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:53 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:53 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 11 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:56 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:56 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:33:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:33:59 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:59 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:33:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:33:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT purgeLow = 2406572769
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:04 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:04 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:06 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:06 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:09 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:09 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT purgeLow = 2406572781
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11606(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11606(11606)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:11 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11606(11606)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:12 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11606(11606)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:12 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:14 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:14 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:16 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:16 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT purgeLow = 2406572801
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11607(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:22 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11607(11607)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:22 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11607(11607)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:22 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11607(11607)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:22 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:24 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:24 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:26 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:26 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:29 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:29 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT purgeLow = 2406572818
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:34 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:34 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:36 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:36 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:39 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:39 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT purgeLow = 2406572830
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11608(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:42 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11608(11608)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:42 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11608(11608)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:42 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11608(11608)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:42 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:44 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:44 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:46 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:46 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:34:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT purgeLow = 2406572850
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11609(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:52 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11609(11609)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:52 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11609(11609)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:52 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11609(11609)]  05 Apr 2023 11:34:52 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:54 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:54 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:56 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:56 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:34:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:34:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:34:59 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:59 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:34:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT purgeLow = 2406572867
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:01 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:04 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:04 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:07 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:07 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:09 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:09 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11610(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11610(11610)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11610(11610)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11610(11610)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT purgeLow = 2406572881
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:14 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:14 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:17 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:17 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 6 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11611(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11611(11611)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11611(11611)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11611(11611)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT purgeLow = 2406572901
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:24 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:24 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:27 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:27 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:29 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:29 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:29 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:30 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:30 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:30 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:30 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:31 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT purgeLow = 2406572916
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:32 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:33 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:34 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:34 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:34 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:35 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:36 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:37 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:37 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:37 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 12 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:38 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:39 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:39 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:39 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:40 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:41 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11612(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11612(11612)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11612(11612)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11612(11612)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT purgeLow = 2406572930
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:42 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:43 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:44 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:44 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:44 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:45 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:46 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Start Pool Check
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Number of Pools to check: 0
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT End Pool Check
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckPool : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,PoolThread(Worker0)] 05 Apr 2023 11:35:47 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckPool : 1 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:35:48 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT purgeLow = 2406572945
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:49 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:50 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:51 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11613(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11613(11613)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11613(11613)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11613(11613)]  05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:52 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:53 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:35:54 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:54 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:35:54 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 10 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:55 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:56 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:57 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:57 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:35:57 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:58 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:35:59 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT purgeLow = 2406572962
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 42 ms
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT -----------> Start Time Scheduling <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT -----------> End Time Scheduling   <------------
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TimerThread(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:00 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.TimeSchedule : 30 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:01 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:02 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:02 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:02 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:03 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:04 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:05 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:05 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:05 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:06 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:07 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:07 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:07 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:08 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:09 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT purgeLow = 2406572977
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT purgeSetSize = 3
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 1 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:10 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:11 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11614(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11614(11614)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11614(11614)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7426]';
MESSAGE [11614(11614)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:12 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:13 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:14 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:15 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:15 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:15 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:16 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:17 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:17 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:17 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT Start Trigger Check
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT End Trigger Check (0 triggers checked)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT Start Resuming Jobs
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT End Resuming Jobs (0 jobs resumed)
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,TriggerThread(Worker0)]      05 Apr 2023 11:36:18 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoCheckTrigger : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:19 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:19 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoSchedule : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT ---------------> Start Synchronize Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT ---------------> Start System Resource Scheduling <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT ---------------> Start Cleanup LifeTables   <-------------------
StartTime = 0
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT purgeLow = 2406572997
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT purgeSetSize = 2
MESSAGE [2,SchedulingThread(Worker0)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT ---------------> End Resource Scheduling   <-------------------
EndTime = 0
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:20 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 8 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:21 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [11615(Listener)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT UserConnection initialized
MESSAGE [11615(11615)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT UserConnection started
MESSAGE [11615(11615)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT connect jobserver GLOBAL.'CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV'.'ETL_7427_MAAS_DEV' identified by '**********' with protocol = serial, session = 'jobserver[maasetld@lctcvd7427]';
MESSAGE [11615(11615)]  05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT UserConnection terminated
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:22 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:23 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:24 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [9344,1005(1005)]       05 Apr 2023 11:36:25 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:25 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [9344,1005(Worker0)]    05 Apr 2023 11:36:25 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 7 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:26 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker1)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(1003)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:27 GMT get next job;
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:27 GMT Server Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 0 ms -- Start Committing
MESSAGE [43248095,1003(Worker0)]        05 Apr 2023 11:36:27 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.parser.GetNextJob : 9 ms
MESSAGE [2,Notifier(Worker2)]   05 Apr 2023 11:36:28 GMT Execution time for class de.independit.scheduler.server.DoNotify : 0 ms

Dieter Stubler

Apr 5, 2023, 8:32:49 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
Hello Patrik,

you can try to do the following on your ETL machine:

Use sdmsh to issue the commands:

connect job server GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV   identified by 'xxxxx'; << use your server password here

The response should be:

CONNECT_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 12:20:45 GMT


alter job 0 with state = STARTING;

The  response   should be:
ERROR:03110251037, Key 0 not found (de.independit.scheduler.server.repository.SDMSKillJobTable)
since there is no job 0

If there is no response, try this from the machine the schedulix server is runing on.
If this works this would be a hint that there is a network/firewall problem.
Run the connect job server and the alter job commands in short sequence to not run into the connection timeout for jobservers which is 3x NOPDELAY seconds.
Let me know what you found out!


Apr 5, 2023, 8:38:01 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
 SDMS> connect job server GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV   identified by '************'

ERROR:03204102020, Server already connected

 SDMS> alter job 0 with state = STARTING;

ERROR:03110251037, Key 0 not found (de.independit.scheduler.server.repository.SDMSKillJobTable)


Dieter Stubler

Apr 5, 2023, 8:49:05 AM4/5/23
to schedulix
Hi Patrik,
you should stop the job server and very with a list session that the job server is no longer connected before trying to connect with sdms.

Apr 10, 2023, 3:55:09 AM4/10/23
to schedulix
I am currently sick hence the delay with my messages.
I tried the same again  (disconnecting the server, connecting it again and immediately going with alter job 0 with state = STARTING;)
[SYSTEM@**********] SDMS> connect job server GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV   identified by 'dent';


CONNECT_TIME : 10 Apr 2023 07:45:12 GMT


[SYSTEM@************] SDMS> alter job 0 with state = STARTING;

this time I am getting no response.
I will send more logs and details to within next 2 hours.
We still didn`t find the root cause of runnable state.

Apr 10, 2023, 4:16:34 AM4/10/23
to schedulix
I just realized that I do not have any more details to send but I will be in call with network team today and they are responsible for the machine on which the jobserver is located so in case you have any advice on what we definitely need to check with them please tell me.

Dieter Stubler

Apr 10, 2023, 4:48:22 AM4/10/23
to schedulix
Hi Patrik,
Did you try the same from the machine the scheduling server is running on ?
Do you get the same behavior as over the network ? 

Apr 10, 2023, 6:06:21 AM4/10/23
to schedulix
from scheduling server it looks like network/firewall issue.
Currently I am trying to solve it with our network team.
I expect it is network because I was able to configure the jobservers correctly everywhere besides one server which is the only on-premise server.
Here is output I got on the schedulix server.

[SYSTEM@localhost:2506] SDMS> list session;

List of Sessions

THIS SESSIONID PORT START                        TYPE      USER                                                UID      IP            TXID       IDLE STATE  TIMEOUT INFORMATION                                    STATEMENT     WAIT
---- --------- ---- ---------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------- ---------- ---- ------ ------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- ----
          1003 2506 Tue Apr 04 12:21:12 UTC 2023 JOBSERVER GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV3.MDM_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV 43248095  2407469146    1 IDLE       300 jobserver[*************]
          1005 2506 Tue Apr 04 12:21:14 UTC 2023 JOBSERVER GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV.MDM_MAAS_DEV      9344  2407469143    3 IDLE       300 jobserver[***************]
        122538 2506 Mon Apr 10 10:01:14 UTC 2023 USER      SYSTEM                                                     0 2407469084   39 IDLE        60 BICsuite!web[*******************]
 *      122540 2506 Mon Apr 10 10:01:45 UTC 2023 USER      SYSTEM                                                     0     2407469148    0 ACTIVE       0 sdmsh[**************]    list session;
       1234321    0 Tue Apr 04 12:20:46 UTC 2023 USER      SchedulingThread                                           2 <null>        2407469138    5 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234322    0 Tue Apr 04 12:20:46 UTC 2023 USER      GarbageThread                                              2 <null>        2407459019 6066 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234323    0 Tue Apr 04 12:20:46 UTC 2023 USER      TriggerThread                                              2 <null>        2407469102   29 IDLE         0 <null>
       1234324    0 Tue Apr 04 12:20:46 UTC 2023 USER      PoolThread                                                 2 <null>        2407469041   65 IDLE         0 <null>
      19630127    0 Tue Apr 04 12:20:46 UTC 2023 USER      TimerThread                                                2 <null>        2407469117   21 IDLE         0 <null>

9 Session(s) found

[SYSTEM@localhost:2506] SDMS> show jobserver GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV;


                ID : 92120257
             OWNER : ADMIN
              TYPE : SERVER
      IS_TERMINATE : false
      IS_SUSPENDED : false
        IS_ENABLED : true
     IS_REGISTERED : true
      IS_CONNECTED : false
             STATE : 1
               PID : 12490
              NODE : ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV
              IDLE : 848

            ERRMSG : <null>
           COMMENT :

-- ----- --- -----------

       COMMENTTYPE : <null>
           CREATOR : SYSTEM
       CREATE_TIME : 05 Apr 2023 09:03:13 GMT
       CHANGE_TIME : 10 Apr 2023 09:48:14 GMT
[SYSTEM@localhost:2506] SDMS>  connect job server GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV.ETL_7426_MAAS_DEV   identified by 'dent';


CONNECT_TIME : 10 Apr 2023 10:03:02 GMT


[SYSTEM@localhost:2506] SDMS>  alter job 0 with state = STARTING;

ERROR:03110251037, Key 0 not found (de.independit.scheduler.server.repository.SDMSKillJobTable)
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