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Jiri Jetmar

Dec 14, 2017, 6:36:21 AM12/14/17
to schedulix
Hi guys, 

the website behind the Zope Webserver seems to be down: 

"NOTICE: This domain name expired on 11/27/2017 and is pending renewal or deletion."

Therefore my schedulix installation script similar to this one: 

does not work, because of: 

docker: Download error on [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages may not be found!

Any ideas or input where/how to download Zope2?

Thank you

Best Regards, 
Jiri Jetmar

Ronald Jeninga

Dec 14, 2017, 6:57:17 AM12/14/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

we discovered this issue last week or so and we're working on a solid solution that reduces the dependencies on external resources.
In the meantime you can install the zope server with another command.

Instead of the easy_install you use pip:

(with zope2version == 2.13.26).
In the mentioned script that would be line 472 to replace.

I already updated the spec file for the rpm generation, but didn't have time to create the rpms yet.
In the near future we'll do some more changes to the installation procedure, but the result, an installed and running zope server, would be the same.

Pleas report if you have further issues. And thank you for reporting this one!



Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 4:41:29 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hello Roland, 

thank you for the quick response. 

Unfortunately, I got the following result: 

virtualenv --no-site-packages Zope && cd /Zope
export ZOPE2VERSION=2.13.26

  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/5f/e7/75/5ffa050bd67ee477359988bd12b312423ee4bf509f6dfee6f8
  Running bdist_wheel for MarkupSafe ... done
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/a3/fa/dc/0198eed9ad95489b8a4f45d14dd5d2aee3f8984e46862c5748
Successfully built AccessControl Acquisition DateTime DocumentTemplate ExtensionClass Missing MultiMapping Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript Persistence Products.BTreeFolder2 Products.ExternalMethod Products.MIMETools Products.MailHost Products.OFSP Products.PythonScripts Products.Sessions Products.StandardCacheManagers Products.TemporaryFolder Products.ZCTextIndex Products.ZCatalog Record RestrictedPython Sphinx ZConfig ZODB3 ZServer Zope2 ZopeUndo docutils initgroups mechanize repoze.retry repoze.tm2 repoze.who tempstorage transaction z3c.checkversions zExceptions zLOG zc.buildout zc.lockfile zc.recipe.egg zc.recipe.testrunner zdaemon zope.annotation zope.broken zope.browser zope.browsermenu zope.browserpage zope.browserresource zope.component zope.configuration zope.container zope.contentprovider zope.contenttype zope.deferredimport zope.dottedname zope.event zope.exceptions zope.filerepresentation zope.i18n zope.i18nmessageid zope.interface zope.lifecycleevent zope.location zope.pagetemplate zope.processlifetime zope.proxy zope.ptresource zope.publisher zope.schema zope.sendmail zope.sequencesort zope.size zope.structuredtext zope.tal zope.tales zope.testbrowser zope.testing zope.traversing zope.viewlet MarkupSafe
Installing collected packages: ExtensionClass, zope.interface, Acquisition, pytz, DateTime, transaction, zc.lockfile, ZConfig, zdaemon, zope.event, ZODB3, Persistence, Record, RestrictedPython, zope.browser, zope.component, zope.i18nmessageid, zope.schema, zope.configuration, zope.contenttype, zope.exceptions, zope.i18n, zope.proxy, zope.location,, zope.publisher, zExceptions, zope.deferredimport, zope.testing, AccessControl, zope.sequencesort, zope.structuredtext, DocumentTemplate, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Missing, MultiMapping, Paste, PasteDeploy, PasteScript, Products.OFSP, ZopeUndo, docutils, tempstorage, zLOG, zope.tal, zope.tales, zope.traversing, zope.pagetemplate, zope.browsermenu, zope.browserpage, zope.browserresource, zope.dottedname, zope.lifecycleevent, zope.filerepresentation, zope.size, zope.broken, zope.container, zope.contentprovider, zope.processlifetime, zope.ptresource, zope.sendmail, zope.annotation,, mechanize, zope.testbrowser, zope.viewlet, initgroups, Products.ExternalMethod, Products.MailHost, Products.MIMETools, Products.PythonScripts, Products.Sessions, Products.StandardCacheManagers, Products.TemporaryFolder, Products.ZCTextIndex, Products.ZCatalog, ZServer, Zope2, Products.BTreeFolder2, Pygments, Sphinx, zc.buildout, mr.developer, repoze.retry, repoze.tm2, repoze.who, z3c.checkversions, zc.recipe.egg, zc.recipe.testrunner

zc.recipe.egg is in an unsupported or invalid wheel

Best Regards, 


Ronald Jeninga

Dec 15, 2017, 4:53:48 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

ok, a few days ago the installation went smooth. I'll have a look at it.
Today I wanted to proceed with the building (and testing) of rpms anyway.

As soon as I know more, I'll come back on you immediately.

Sorry for the hassle :-(



Dieter Stubler

Dec 15, 2017, 4:58:13 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hello Jiri,

which python version do you use ? (python --version)
which Operating System and Version do you use ?

I tested with python 2.7.5 on Centos 7 and had no problems installing Zope.


Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 5:16:37 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hello Roland and Dieter, 

my environment is a 'dockerized' ubuntu:14.04. 

Within this container I;m executing the '" script. 


root@1753ee4bf343:/Zope# python --version
Python 2.7.6

root@1753ee4bf343:/Zope# bin/pip --version
pip 9.0.1 from /Zope/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)

Best Regards, 

Dieter Stubler

Dec 15, 2017, 5:35:44 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

Just installed Zope successfully on my ubuntu 14.04. using python 2.7.6.

I did:
$ virtualenv xxx
$ cd xxx

Its a 32bit ubuntu in a virtualbox guest.

Just give this a try, maybe the error was due to a network problem during installation.


Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 6:10:32 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Dieter, 

hmm, thank you for the input. 

I can confirm that it works even in a minimal docker ubuntu:14.04 x86_64 container.

See here : 

Ok, I need to verify what is different in my environment. 

A question here - are there any hard reasons, why an ubuntu:14.04 or centos7 linux must be used? I would like to use a
much smaller Linux, e.g., since schedulix runs in a kubernetes cloud environment as an
enterprise scheduler. 

Thank you. 

Best Regards, 

Ronald Jeninga

Dec 15, 2017, 6:24:31 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

no there aren't reasons for Ubuntu, CentOS or RedHat apart from the fact that those are widely available and we can't test all Linux distributions.
There's no doubt whatsoever that schedulix can be installed on SuSE, Fedora, Mandriva and others.

In fact, since our requirements are really small, it should run on virtually any Linux.
Installing isn't a real problem, if you've understood what we're doing. I'd say it's all pretty straightforward.



Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 6:38:59 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Roland, 

" I'd say it's all pretty straightforward."

:-) Well, I agree with you from the conceptional point of view, but the practical installation steps including compilation, packaging, etc. the whole process
is not that easy anymore.  

From my perspective, it would be useful, when the Schedulix enterprise scheduling system can be "composed" of the following building blocks: 

- Schedulix FE (The Zope UI)
- Schedulix BE (The Schedulix Server)
- Schedulix DB (.. the required DB)
- Schedulix Jobservers

This structure is already here somehow, but not directly "visible" and useable. One needs the "" script, that runs a while...
Since Schedulix is using mostly Java, a kind of

- java -jar schedulix-be.jar --conf=schedulix-be.conf and
- java -jar schedulix-job-server.jar --conf=..

would be useful and will also minimize the entry barriers for new schedulix users. 

Best Regards, 

Ronald Jeninga

Dec 15, 2017, 7:37:26 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

well, I subdivided the entire installation into 6(7) rpm packages:

   This contains the jar file and other files that are used by multiple parts of the installation
   In fact I did a schedulix-server-pg and a schedulix-server-mysql or so. It adds all files that are required to run the server
   This counts as 2 packages.
   This adds the files required to run a jobserver
   well, ... obvious I'd say
   This installs the examples and the example jobservers
   No need to install the docs everywhere

My next step will be to create debian packages as well. But it'll take some time, I'm not a specialist.

As you can see, I already did something like you suggested.
We are making things easier, but we still have problems doing everything at once; it's a process.

For a docker environment it would probably be better to separate schedulix-server and schedulix-db too.
This is not possible in rpms or debs though. It is hard to automate the installation if you need manual input (where's the DBMS, DBMS-credentials? Schema name?, ...).
Hence the inexperienced user will simply install rpms. The experienced user will probably do the same and then optimise the installation according to his ideas.
But this is not different compared to other server software. I can't imagine that a serious production environment with (for instance) postgres is installed from rpms without an optimisation afterwards.

If you feel like writing java installer scripts, I definitely won't stop you. On the contrary.
It could also solve the Windows support problem. schedulix runs on windows, but the installation isn't as easy as in a Linux environment.
If this can be hidden within some java installer, that would be a huge benefit for everyone.
The same applies to Unix systems where no rpms or debs can be used.
Converting the rpms to use the java installer should be a piece of cake.

Best regards,


Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 7:47:30 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Roland, 

ok, I see your point. Thank you. 

In general a kind of 

'make schedulix-base schedulix-jobserver'
that generates rpms is the right step. Are the required files already on the github repo so that I can try them out?

Best Regards, 

Ronald Jeninga

Dec 15, 2017, 8:17:03 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Jiri,

it's really very simple. Of course you'll need some tools to create rpms in the first place, but after obtaining those a simple

make rpm

does the job.
It expects that your sandbox is called schedulix-<version>, like schedulix-2.7.

The end of the output looks like

# create the required directory structure
mkdir -p /home/ronald/rpmbuild/BUILD
mkdir -p /home/ronald/rpmbuild/RPMS
mkdir -p /home/ronald/rpmbuild/SOURCES
mkdir -p /home/ronald/rpmbuild/SPECS
mkdir -p /home/ronald/rpmbuild/SRPMS
cd /home/ronald/schedulix-2.7/..; \
tar czf /home/ronald/rpmbuild/SOURCES/schedulix-2.7.tgz --exclude .git schedulix-2.7/*
if [ -x ~/bin/buildrpm ]; then ~/bin/buildrpm ../lib/centos7.spec; else rpmbuild -ba ../lib/centos7.spec; fi
spawn rpmbuild -ba --sign ../lib/centos7.spec
Enter pass phrase: 
Pass phrase is good.

I use inspect to automate the signing process.
If you have a script called ~/bin/buildrpm it will use that, else it will call the standard RedHat rpmbuild.
My buildrpm calls rpmbuild, but also takes care of signing the packages. It looks like

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
  ### rpm-sign.exp -- Sign RPMs by sending the passphrase.
  set timeout 70
  spawn rpmbuild -ba --sign {*}$argv
  expect -exact "Enter pass phrase: "
  send -- "this is where the pass phrase has to be specified\r"
  expect eof

Pretty simple as you can see. And if there's no need to sign the packages, you can simply use the standard rpmbuild.

Best Regards,


Jiri Jetmar

Dec 15, 2017, 8:28:35 AM12/15/17
to schedulix
Hi Roland, 

ok, thx. I will try it out!

Best Regards, 
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