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2024 In-Person Conference Call for Abstracts + Conference Details!

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Janet Nackoney

Mar 15, 2024, 5:28:54 PM3/15/24
It was great to see folks this week at our SCGIS-DC Meetup at Conservation International! 
I would like to thank Vivian Griffey and Pui-Yu Ling as SCGIS-DC co-leads for their leadership in putting the session together, and Conservation International for hosting us! We had a great line-up of speakers. Here is a photo of the group attached. 

Now onto other exciting SCGIS news: The SCGIS 2024 Conference has been announced, and the Call for Abstracts is open! Please see the message below from our SCGIS Conference Coordinators. 

Hosting the conference at the nearby National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV provides a great opportunity for us DC folk to participate and get involved.  Please consider submitting your Abstract or thinking about proposing a curated session! The deadline is April 1. 

See below for more information-- thank you very much!

Begin forwarded message:

From: SCGIS Conference <>
Date: March 5, 2024 at 3:34:21 PM EST
To: SCGIS Listserv <>
Subject: [SCGIS Listserv] 2024 In-Person Conference Call for Abstracts + Conference Details!

Dear SCGIS Community,

We are excited to be back hosting an in-person International Conference from 3 to 6 of September, 2024 at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, and we are now inviting you to submit an abstract by April 1st to share your work with our global community!

What conservation GIS projects have you been exploring recently?  Our annual conference is the perfect place to share your work and experience with your colleagues. We invite you to submit abstracts on a wide range of topics pertaining to conservation GIS.  

To submit individual abstracts for presentation (note, in person only), please fill out the Abstract Submission Web formWe ask that presentations be 12-15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions. 

**Please note that in order to submit an abstract, you will be prompted to login (or create an account) through Oxford Abstracts. We appreciate you taking this additional step!

We also invite you to submit proposals for a curated session around a topic of interest in conservation GIS.  This could be centered around GIS work by your organization, a multi-organization working group, in a particular geographic area, an SCGIS Chapter, or just a subject you think is important to explore!  SCGIS volunteers will help organize and host the sessions.  We ask you to provide the content.  For further information on this and to submit ideas for sessions, fill out the Curated Session Submission Web form.

While registration is not yet open, we will have the following rates available:

Early bird registrants (members)

$ 250

Normal registrants (members)

$ 350

Early bird non-member registrants

$ 350

Normal non-member registrants

$ 450

Student early bird registrants

$ 150

Student normal registrants

$ 200

Additionally, the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) has a fixed rate for accommodations + meals while staying at the venue which is $201 USD. Please visit their website for more information.

For questions, please contact  Submission deadline is April 1st, 2024.

We hope to see you there and are excited to hear about your work!


The SCGIS Conference Committee


Questions?  Contact us at

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