Dear SCGIS Community,
Our virtual SCGIS 2023 Annual International Conference is this August (15-18), and we look forward to hearing from you! We invite you to submit an abstract by May 5th to share your work with our global community.
What conservation GIS projects have you been exploring recently? Our annual conference is the perfect place to share your work and experience with your colleagues. We invite you to submit abstracts on a wide range of topics pertaining to conservation GIS (please see list of suggested topics below). The conference will be virtual as we strive to bring our members and colleagues together in spite of the pandemic.
To submit individual abstracts for presentation, please fill out the Abstract Submission Web form. We ask that presentations be 12-15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions. Presentations will be live via Zoom and we will attempt to schedule sessions that are convenient for the presenter’s time zone. Any presenters joining with low internet bandwidth are strongly encouraged to submit a pre-recorded presentation and join the live session for Q&A.
We also invite you to submit proposals for a session around a topic of interest in conservation GIS. This could be centered around GIS work by your organization, a multi-organization working group, in a particular geographic area, an SCGIS Chapter, or just a subject you think is important to explore! SCGIS volunteers will help organize and host the sessions. We ask you to provide the content. For further information on this and to submit ideas for sessions, fill out the Curated Session Submission Web form.
For questions, please contact Submission deadline is May 5th, 2023.
The SCGIS Conference Committee
Below is a list of suggested topics for presentations for the SCGIS 2023 Annual International Conference, but submissions are not limited to this list. We welcome presentations on a wide range of conservation GIS topics.
Cartography & Data Visualization
Spatial Conservation Planning
Remote Sensing Applications
Climate Change and Adaptation
Facilitating GIS Collaboration or Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental Justice Applications of GIS
Cultural Preservation Applications of GIS
Collaborating with Indigenous Communities
Utilizing Community (or Citizen) Science
Public Participation GIS
Land Trust Applications
Machine Learning Applications
Drone Applications
Species Movement & Telemetry
Species Distribution Modeling
Online Conservation Tools
Landscape-level Conservation Planning & Modeling
Field Work & On-the-Ground Data Collection
Camera Traps & Data Analysis
Questions? Contact us at