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Agenda posted, and share the flyer! Join the SCGIS Annual Conference in Sept!

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Janet Nackoney

Jul 19, 2024, 10:57:31 AM7/19/24
As many of you are aware, the Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS) is an all-volunteer nonprofit that is committed to advancing conservation GIS globally by building and supporting a network of conservation GIS practitioners in the environmental sector. 

I have been a very active volunteer with this group for about 20 years and it is a wonderful network! Our SCGIS-DC Chapter aims to connect folks in the Washington, DC region on topics focused on conservation GIS through meetups and networking opportunities to exchange updates on our work and share best practices.  

This September, we will host our first in-person Annual Conference since 2019. It will be held September 4-6 at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. It is a big deal because it is the first time we will all be able to come together in person as an international network! For those of you who haven't been there before, the venue is great; it's in a forested environment immersed in nature and located in a beautiful area near Harpers Ferry and the Appalachian Trail.

The conference will include a full day of pre-conference technical workshops, keynote speaker Breece Robertson who will share her experiences in conservation and restoration, and two days of sessions (agenda just posted!) focused on conservation remote sensing, conservation prioritization and planning, and forest, wetland and watershed conservation, among other topics.  

This is a fantastic opportunity to join other conservation GIS practitioners from both around the United States and around the world to exchange knowledge and best practices across a wide spectrum of conservation GIS topics!

Since we are all local to the DC area, more of us might have our own cars. If you are planning to attend, and want to help anyone coming from a nearby airport to get to the conference, please consider adding your name to our carpooling tool (select "ADD" to add your car and projected timing). Thank you for being a help to others in our community!

Also, if you are planning on attending and are interested in any volunteer opportunities at the conference, please let me know.

Finally, please help us spread the word by disseminating the attached flyer within your networks. We really lean on our members and their own networks to expand our community. I really hope that you can join us at the conference and I look forward to seeing you there!

Many thanks, 
SCGIS 2024 Conference Flyer Final.pdf
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