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Spectral Indices for Land and Aquatic Applications: Open, Online NASA ARSET Training Invitation

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Oct 19, 2023, 12:43:52 PM10/19/23
to Society for Conservation GIS - DC Chapter

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Spectral Indices for Land and Aquatic Applications. This training will provide an overview of spectral indices for land and aquatic applications. Not only will the sessions discuss the correct circumstances under which to use these indices, but participants will also take part in hands-on indices calculation over relevant study areas.

The training will also discuss pre-calculated index products such as Terra MODIS vegetation indices and HLS vegetation indices suite and upcoming data products available based on user feedback provided to the Satellite Needs Working Group. Use cases from recent Earth Action projects (such as NASA DEVELOP) will further highlight how spectral indices can provide essential information about land and aquatic environments.

If you would like to join us or pass along to colleagues who will find it useful, please do so. Please see the training details and registration information below. 


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Spectral Indices for Land and Aquatic Applications

This training will provide an overview of spectral indices for land and aquatic applications. Specifically, this training will begin with an introduction to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), along with its calculation, uses, and prominence in Earth science. In session two, we will expand to other spectral indices primarily used in aquatic ecosystems, such as the Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI), Normalized Difference Aquatic Vegetation Index (NDAVI), Floating Algal Index (FAI), and Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) for aquatic applications. In the final session we will review additional land-based indices such as the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), and Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR).


Not only will these sessions discuss the correct circumstances under which to use these indices, but participants will also take part in hands-on indices calculation over relevant study areas. Learners will work with data from Landsat 9 OLI-2, Sentinel-2 MSI and Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) for indices calculation.


The training will also discuss pre-calculated index products such as Terra MODIS vegetation indices and HLS vegetation indices suite and upcoming data products available based on user feedback provided to the Satellite Needs Working Group. Use cases from recent Earth Action projects (such as NASA DEVELOP) will further highlight how spectral indices can provide essential information about land and aquatic environments.


Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


Course Dates: October 26, November 2, & 9, 2023


Time: 11:00am-12:00pm or 15:00-16:00 EDT (UTC-4); There will be identical sessions at two different times of the day. Participants need only to register and attend one daily session.


To Register


Learning Objectives: 

By the end of this training attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize commonly used spectral indices in land and aquatic environments
  • Distinguish between spectral indices to select those best suited for a given land or aquatic system of interest
  • Compute spectral index calculations over appropriate areas of interest
  • Acquire spectral index products from a variety of sources



This training is primarily intended for local, regional, state, federal, and international organizations involved in land or aquatic ecosystem management.


Course Format: Three 1-hour parts including Q&A.


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Thank you!

Brock Blevins

Training Coordinator
Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)  
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) 

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