possible Calculation of Hausdorff distance between the SSM by PDM and mesh?

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Jearice Mbemba

Jul 1, 2024, 5:18:47 AM7/1/24
to scalismo
Dear Scalismo community,

My name is Jearice and I built a Statistical shape model by using the Point Distribution Model (PDM). In my Project's Validation process, I am using the Leave-one-out technique and I need to find the Hausdorff distance between the Statistical shape model (built with the PDM) and the target mesh.

I coded accordingly, but run into the error shown in the capture attached to this mail. 
How can I solve this and find the Hausdorff distance between the two (target mesh and PDM)? Do I need to convert the triangle/target mesh or the SSM built by the PDM?
Please feel free to let me know.

Screenshot (109).png

Andreas Morel-Forster

Jul 1, 2024, 6:10:18 AM7/1/24
to scalismo
Welcome to the community

If I got you right, then there is maybe a conceptuaal missunderstanding.

A PDM is a distribution of shapes, while the Hausdorff distance compares two shapes.

If you have a model and a target shape, then you would first fit the model to the target. Afterwards you can compare the so obtained model instance and compare it to the target. E.g. in the tutorial 12 the final obtained model coefficients could be used to create the model instance with the method instance.

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Jearice Mbemba

Aug 8, 2024, 1:59:46 AM8/8/24
to scalismo
Hi Andreas,

I thank you for your message. 
I had found the answer by creating the mean shape/shape model after registering meshes and then comparing that mean shape to the target mesh by finding out the Hausdorff distance.

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