Meshes with different number of points

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Federica Damonte

Jul 12, 2019, 9:07:44 AM7/12/19
to scalismo
Hello, I'm working to develop a SSM of femurs considering also the cartilage but the data that I have are not in correspondence and the meshes have different number of points. How can I morphe the meshes in scalismo? Moreover is it possible to make a model with the meshes of femur and  cartilage considered separately in order to work only on the parameter of the femur to have the final shape?


Jul 12, 2019, 4:41:15 PM7/12/19
to scalismo
You need to "fit a model". It means you chose one of your meshes as the reference and deform it by some rule to get fit (approximately) to the other meshes (data) that you have. Different number of points does not matter because you are fitting a model (the reference mesh + a mapping/fitting rule) to other meshes. The criteria of a good fit is a measure of distance between two triangular meshes.
What I said is so brief, but your question needs a course. I suggest that you follow this tutorial of Scalismo:
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