Correct way of using multiple ConnectionPools

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Apr 6, 2018, 8:05:21 AM4/6/18
to ScalikeJDBC Users Group
In my application, I have to interact (read-only) with multiple MySQL DBs one-by-one. For each DB, I need a certain no of connections. Interactions with a DB do not occur in a single stretch: I query the DB, take some time processing the results, again query the DB, again process the result and so on. Each one of these interactions require multiple connections (I fire multiple queries concurrently), hence I need a ConnectionPool that spawns when I start interacting with the DB and lives until I'm done with all queries to that DB (including the interim time intervals when I'm not querying, only processing the results).

In addition to the said interactions with different DBs one-by-one, I also need a single connection to another DB throughout the lifetime of my entire application. This connection would be used to make a small write operation (logging the progress of my interactions with other DBs) after every few minutes. Therefore, I create multiple ConnectionPools (one for each DB) by using different names for each pool.


I'm able to successfully create a ConnectionPool with desired no of connections and obtain the implicit session
def createConnectionPool(poolName: String, poolSize: Int): DBSession = {
implicit val session: AutoSession.type = AutoSession

= poolName,
= "myUrl",
= "myUser",
= "***",
= ConnectionPoolSettings(initialSize = poolSize)


I then pass this implicit session throughout the methods where I need to interact with DB. That ways, I'm able to fire `poolSize` no of queries concurrently using this session. Fair enough.
However my application is quite big and has many nested method calls, so passing implicit session through all methods like this (see below) isn't feasible.
def methodThatCallsAnotherMethod(implicit session: DBSession): Unit = {

def methodThatInteractsWithDb(implicit session: DBSession): Unit = {
(poolSize = 32, fetchSize = 2000000)

def getResultsParallely(poolSize: Int, fetchSize: Int)(implicit session: DBSession): Seq[ResultClass] = {
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize))

  val resultsSequenceFuture
: Seq[Future[ResultClass]] = {
  (0 until poolSize).map { i =>
      val limit
: Long = fetchSize
      val offset
: Long = i * fetchSize

Future(methodThatMakesSingleQuery(limit, offset))

  val resultsFutureSequence
: Future[Seq[ResultClass]] = Future.sequence(resultsSequenceFuture)

Await.result(resultsFuture, 2.minutes)


From what I could make out of ScalikeJdbc's docs, I came up with following way of doing it that doesn't require me to pass the implicit session everywhere.
def createConnectionPool(poolName: String, poolSize: Int): Unit = {
= poolName,
= "myUrl",
= "myUser",
= "***",
= ConnectionPoolSettings(initialSize = poolSize)

def methodThatInteractsWithDb(poolName: String): Unit = {
(DB(ConnectionPool.get(poolName).borrow())).readOnly { implicit session: DBSession =>
// interact with DB

Although this works, but I'm no longer able to parallelize the db-interaction. This behaviour is obvious since I'm using the borrow() method, that gets a single connection from the pool. This, in turn, makes me wonder why that AutoSession thing worked earlier: why was I able to fire multiple queries simultaneously using a single implicit session? And if that thing worked, then why doesnt this work? But I find no examples of how to obtain a DBSession from a ConnectionPool that supports multiple connections.

ScalikeJdbc's little docs aren't offering a lot of help and blogs / articles on ScalikeJdbc are practically non-existent.
Please suggest the correct way / some work-around.
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Apr 6, 2018, 8:24:36 AM4/6/18
to ScalikeJDBC Users Group
Here's the link to my StackOverflow question on this issue
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