Hi. we hacked up the generation source to support this but its not supported on the way out without overriding every model with something like:
trait BLSQLSyntaxSupport[A] extends SQLSyntaxSupport[A] {
override val useSnakeCaseColumnName = false
object ClientTypesModel extends BLSQLSyntaxSupport[ClientTypesModel] {
Obviously you don't need this on every db file but every DAO/Model needs to extend it instead of SQLSyntaxSupport. Either jdbc or scalikejdbc is counting on this naming convention and in my mind i can either extend each model (editing after generation), or change my column names. Is any support of camelCase columns desired in the future?
(i like snake_case_columns for mysql). If not i'm likely to change our DB structure since we are new and young.
Hopefully this will help someone else :)