Hi team
I am looking to enable SQL logging to figure out a nagging persistent issue.
Here are my dependencies -
"org.scalikejdbc" %% "scalikejdbc" % "3.5.0",
"org.mariadb.jdbc" % "mariadb-java-client" % "2.7.2",
Here is the code snippet for logging sql
def dbInit(): Unit = {
GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime = LoggingSQLAndTimeSettings(
enabled = true,
singleLineMode = false,
printUnprocessedStackTrace = false,
stackTraceDepth= 15,
logLevel = 'info,
warningEnabled = false,
warningThresholdMillis = 3000L,
warningLogLevel = 'warn
def start(): Unit = dbInit()
This is an akka-http app and start() is called in the bootstrap
No matter what I do, im not seeing the SQL logs.
Thanks in advance for your help
what am i missing?