DB.localTx { implicit s => applyUpdate( insert .into(InsertableProfileType) .namedValues( column.id -> id, column.mnoId -> mnoId, column.mnoName -> mnoName, column.profileClass -> profileClass, column.profileVersion -> profileVersion, column.subscriptionType -> subscriptionType, column.displayName -> displayName, column.materialNumber -> materialNumber, column.materialVersion -> materialVersion, column.lockFlag -> lockFlag ) ) }
Hello everyone,Can someone tell me what is wrong with this? Currently I'm using SQLSyntaxSupport described in http://scalikejdbc.org/documentation/sql-interpolation.html
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s.StatementExecutor$$anon$1 - SQL execution completed[SQL Execution]insert into profile_type (id, mno_id, mno_name, profile_class, profile_version, subscription_type, display_name, material_number, material_version, lock_flag) values ('50fdf25d-9cc2-4111-8c05-ba354ffa54a3', 'zvaohbqZjs', 'Plus', 'TEST', 0, 'SMDP-SubscriptionType-qr', null, null, null, null); (4 ms)
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