hmm. I don't have any good ideas about your issue. If you really need
to enhance SQL interpolation, modifying the library code to have
necessary changes may be the straightforward solution.
On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 4:49 AM Nikita Pedorich <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> So I'm trying to slightly modify ScalikeJDBC because I need to use it with Apache Phoenix which requires column names and sometime table names be wrapped in double quotes. So right now I'm trying to extend QuerySQLSyntaxProvider and override result field so it can return something like `C."key" as k_on_C` and I got this weird behavior when I get NullPointerException when I'm trying to override this val. Even if I didn't change behavior and just coped exact code from the library. The exception itself happens at `scalikejdbc.SQLSyntaxSupportFeature$QuerySQLSyntaxProvider.<init>(SQLSyntaxSupportFeature.scala:492)` on this line there is `val resultName: BasicResultNameSQLSyntaxProvider[S, A] = result.nameProvider`. I also tried manually override `resultName` in QuerySQLSyntaxProvider. I'm attaching runnable example, you don't need any actual DB connection settings. I can't understand what's wrong here.
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