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Chris K Wensel

Feb 9, 2017, 11:47:21 PM2/9/17
Hey all

Sorry for the cross post, but I felt all three communities should be brought up to speed on the state of the Cascading community.

First off, I recognize Cascading isn't the coolest technology in the data space, it’s rarely mentioned in the press, occasionally put on resumes or job descriptions as a skill. Even trivialized by those who don't really get what Cascading or data engineering is about.

That said, every user of Cascading, Scalding, Cascalog (and now PigPen) I’ve met over the years has been solving incredibly hard and often interesting world class problems. And many companies have standardized on or made one of these projects the primary technology for their data engineering efforts.

So thanks to everyone using, commenting, contributing to, and promoting Cascading and all its related projects and sub-projects. The public and private feedback and input, and the knowledge that people are getting their jobs done has been a highlight of my career.

I founded Concurrent, Inc. in 2008 to figure out how to continue developing Cascading and create tools to help data engineers be more successful with Cascading and other related projects. 

In the fall of 2016 we sold Concurrent to Xplenty to continue this effort. This includes ownership and stewardship of Cascading. 

I have moved on to take the role of Chief Data Officer at Q Bio ( where we are building technology that quantifies, digitizes, and simulates human physiology to create positive health outcomes for our customers, if not for everyone. I felt I needed a stronger mission in my professional life.

But I have agreed to stay involved with the community, answering questions and integrating patches, and other tasks. 

More importantly, we plan to use Cascading and Scalding at Q to support our ohmic profiling, analytic, security, and privacy efforts.

So over the next year keep an eye out for new features, platforms, and projects from my team at Q. Do reach out privately if you want to learn more.

In the near term, I am actively finalizing a Cascading 3.2.0 release — this incorporates quite a few planner fixes I worked on after Concurrent and before Q. This should be released this week and it is strongly recommended that projects upgrade.

For those who have contributed in the past, moving forward Xplenty has asked anyone who wishes to continue contributing to sign a new contributor agreement and forward it along. See after the 3.2.0 release.

Also keep an eye out on the Cascading mail list for an introduction from Xplenty. They are a great team, and I look forward to hearing more about their plans for Cascading.

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