group by and apply the same reduce method on all (non-group by) fields

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Aug 21, 2017, 5:25:59 PM8/21/17
to Scalding Development
Hi all,

In Field-based API, is there any way to group by a field and apply the same reduce method on all other fields?

I'm thinking about something like:

pipe.groupBy(new Fields("fieldName"))(_.reduce(Fields.ALL -> Fields.ARGS){ (accum:TupleEntry, next:TupleEntry) =>
      someMethod(accum, next)

the above code gets compiled but I believe it does not generate the output I expect (in the output schema in the execution trace I only see the groupby field name and nothing else).

As a concrete example, assume the following is your pipe:

field1, field2, field3
1       , 2      , 3
1       , 1      , 1
2,      , 10    , 1

I want to group the pipe by field1 and sum up the values in the other fields so that the output is:

field1, field2, field3
1       , 13      , 5

of course the logic that I want to implement in practice is more complex than simple summation and yes I don't know how many fields I have in the pipe, so, using typed api is not an option.


Oscar Boykin

Aug 21, 2017, 5:42:08 PM8/21/17
to, Scalding Development
in the typed API, this would be something like:

val input: TypedPipe[(K, (T, T, T, T, T))] = ??? { (t1, t2) => fn(t1, t2) }))

There is not convenient way to do that in the Fields API that I see at the moment.

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Aug 22, 2017, 2:11:04 PM8/22/17
to Scalding Development,
Thanks very much Oscar. Seems that even in the typed api we need to know the number of columns (or the type structure) in advance (e.g. TypedPipe[(K, (T, T, T, T, T))]). What if you are dynamically building up a pipe and you don't know how many columns you will have at compile time (let's say all I know is that the first column is the one I want to group by and I don't have any idea about how many other columns are in the pipe). Do you know if typed api is able to handle such scenario?
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Cyrille Chépélov

Aug 22, 2017, 2:19:06 PM8/22/17
to, Scalding Development


In the variable column scenario, you can build a TupleGetter that transforms your Cascading tuples into something that looks like

   case class KeyedRecord[K, T](key: K, values: Iterable[T])

Then your TypedPipe is TypedPipe[KeyedRecord[K, T]]

(fancier stuff quite possible, if you can derive a stronger subtype consuming an exact amount of columns based on the leftmost columns, e.g parsing EDI records)

  - - Cyrille

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Aug 22, 2017, 2:28:59 PM8/22/17
to Scalding Development,
hmm, I guess this is what I've been looking for. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for your help Cyrille!

Aug 23, 2017, 2:48:00 PM8/23/17
to Scalding Development,
I was able to implement the logic I was looking for using the typed api, however, I believe Field-based api is also able to handle this scenario. In case anyone reading this thread is interested you should be able to do it as follows:

pipe.groupBy('some_field){_.reduce(Fields.VALUES -> Fields.ARGS){(cumulativeTuple:Tuple,next:Tuple) =>  //do whatever you want here and return a tuple } }

Fields.VALUES makes sue you iterate over the non-group field and Fields.ARGS makes sure you will have as many output fields as the number of non-grouping fields.

Hope it helps.
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