getting/manupulating all fields in a pipe in scalding

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Jun 30, 2017, 5:13:35 PM6/30/17
to Scalding Development
Here is the question:

Assume I have a pipe and I want to rename all the fields in the pipe programmatically, meaning that I don't want to hard code the field names in my code. Any idea how I can do this?

As a concrete example, assume I have a pipe with two fields: "name" and "age" and I want to rename these fields to "employee_name" and "employee_age". Obviously the natural solution is to write a piece of code as below:

pipe.rename(('name, 'age) -> ('employee_name, 'employee_age))


pipe.rename(new Fields("name", "age") ->  new Fields("employee_name", "employee_age"))

However, what I need is to be able to iterate through all fields in the pipe without knowing their names.

There are a couple of methods (resolveIncomingOperationArgumentFields and resolveIncomingOperationPassThroughFields) callable on a pipe which look promising but the issue is that they both take and input argument of type cascading.flow.planner.Scope which I don't know where can I get it from in a scalding job.

Another solution that comes to my mind is using "each" method on the pipe and implementing a cascading function and pass it to the each statement. But I was now able to find any sample code for that either.


Alex Levenson

Jun 30, 2017, 6:51:09 PM6/30/17
to, Scalding Development
Probably not what you want to hear, but the scalding dev team is really only developing + supporting the Typed API at this point -- which would make something like this even more difficult.
But the question I'd probably ask is what are you trying to do, and can you use strong types, the Typed Api, and maybe an extractor method or similar instead? 

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Alex Levenson

Jun 30, 2017, 7:07:16 PM6/30/17
to Scalding Development,
Thanks for the reply Alex!

I'm trying to implement a couple of scenarios. The first scenario is pretty much what I explained in the post (i.e. appending a fixed prefix/suffix to every field name in a pipe). The second scenario, is that I want to iterate through all fields in a pipe and call a function on them based on their names. For example, let's say I have a bunch of different fields in a pipe and if the pipe name contains the string "_list_" I want to convert the List[Any] to a sparse representation of the list in the String format. I guess if I write a Cascading Function in java and invoke an "each" method on my pipe that should do the trick, but I was wondering if there is a cleaner/easier way of doing this in scalding:

import java.util.Iterator;
import cascading.operation.*;
import cascading.tuple.*;
import cascading.flow.*;

public class Sparser extends BaseOperation<Tuple> implements Function<Tuple>
public Sparser()
  super(new Fields( "sum" ) );

public Sparser( Fields fieldDeclaration )
  super(fieldDeclaration );

public void operate( FlowProcess flowProcess, FunctionCall<Tuple> functionCall )
  // get the arguments TupleEntry
  Fields fieldNames = functionCall.getArgumentFields();
  TupleEntry arguments = functionCall.getArguments();

  // create a Tuple to hold our result values
  Tuple result = new Tuple();

  Iterator iterator = arguments.getTuple().iterator();
  int i = 0;
      Object obj =;
      if (fieldNames.get(i).toString().contains("_list_")){
          java.util.List<Double> tmp = (java.util.List<Double>)obj;
          String sparsRepresentation = tmp.toString();// TO BE IMPLEMENTED

  // return the result Tuple
  functionCall.getOutputCollector().add( result );

btw, I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "an extractor method", can you please send me a pointer to an example?

Any input is greatly appreciated!
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Alex Levenson

Alex Levenson

Jun 30, 2017, 7:13:53 PM6/30/17
to, Scalding Development
Yeah, I guess what I was sort of getting as is that if you are using the Typed API, you try to use types instead of names for these sorts of things, and a lot of your code about casting one type to another goes away. But it can be painful to rewrite your entire world in this way. I'm not familiar enough with the un-typed API to tell you how to do this unfortunately, but at least here at Twitter we would try to push our users towards using strong types, and maybe the implicit typeclass pattern for extractors / converters / etc. For example, you can see how TypedPipe.sumByKey takes an implicit strongly typed Semigroup which explains how to "sum" two values. Similarly, you can create an implicit Sparser type class that is picked based on the types of the data at compile time.

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Alex Levenson

Jun 30, 2017, 7:18:10 PM6/30/17
to Scalding Development,
Your suggestion makes sense. I will try to give typed API a try. Thanks very much for your input!

Alex Levenson

Jun 30, 2017, 7:25:17 PM6/30/17
to, Scalding Development
Sure! Sorry I don't know how to do that at the cascading layer.

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Alex Levenson

Koert Kuipers

Jun 30, 2017, 8:01:30 PM6/30/17
to, Scalding Development
you can do an operation on all fields along the lines of:

import cascading.tuple.{ Tuple => CTuple } -> Fields.ARGS){ (ctuple: CTuple) => ... }

however this does not give you access to the field names


Jun 30, 2017, 8:31:50 PM6/30/17
to Scalding Development,
Thanks very much for the suggestion koert. Yes, this does the trick for me. However, as you mentioned I won't have access to the field names which I guess is fine. For the scenario that I explained, I can just check the tuple elements and see if they are of type List or not, if they are I will invoke the method I want, otherwise I won't touch their values.

Thanks again!
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Oscar Boykin

Jul 1, 2017, 3:23:46 PM7/1/17
to Scalding Development,
You can do Koert's trick except with a function accepting TupleEntry and you will then have access to the field names.

Jul 1, 2017, 6:36:14 PM7/1/17
to Scalding Development,
Thanks Oscar! By function, do you mean a cascading function or I can still do this in pure scalding?

Koert Kuipers

Jul 1, 2017, 7:29:19 PM7/1/17
to, Scalding Development
import cascading.tuple.{ Tuple => CTuple, TupleEntry} -> Fields.ARGS){ (te: TupleEntry) => ... }

You have access to the field names this way but cannot change then. Your function is TupleEntry => CTuple

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Jul 1, 2017, 7:44:53 PM7/1/17
to Scalding Development,
That's exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks Koert, Oscar, and Alex.
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