However, when I do run it with older version of Scalaz 7.0.5, which I am restricted to use at the moment. I do get these errors:
Error:(63, 7) could not find implicit value for parameter F: scalaz.Functor[Transformers.Task]
_ <- Result.require(y > 0, Error.CannotDivideByZero)
Error:(63, 7) not enough arguments for method map: (implicit F: scalaz.Functor[Transformers.Task])scalaz.EitherT[Transformers.Task,Transformers.Error,Int].
Unspecified value parameter F.
_ <- Result.require(y > 0, Error.CannotDivideByZero)
Error:(68, 9) could not find implicit value for parameter F: scalaz.Monad[Transformers.Task]
div <- Result.point(3)
Error:(28, 121) [A]scalaz.Kleisli[scala.concurrent.Future,Transformers.Env,A] takes one type parameter, expected: two
implicit def taskMonad(implicit M: Monad[Future]): MonadReader[({type R[A] = ReaderT[Future, Transformers.Env, A]})#R, Env] =
Error:(29, 7) not found: value ReaderT
ReaderT.kleisliMonadReader[Future, Env]
Error:(31, 76) not found: type DisjunctionT
implicit def resultMonad(implicit M: Monad[Task]): Monad[({type D[A] = DisjunctionT[Transformers.Task, Transformers.Error, A]})#D] =
Error:(32, 27) kinds of the type arguments (Transformers.Task,Transformers.Error) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type L).
Transformers.Task's type parameters do not match type F's expected parameters:
type R is invariant, but type _ is declared covariant
EitherT.eitherTMonad[Task, Error]
Error:(36, 14) kinds of the type arguments (Transformers.Task,Transformers.Error,R) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type A,type B).
Transformers.Task's type parameters do not match type F's expected parameters:
type R is invariant, but type _ is declared covariant
EitherT[Task, Error, R](Kleisli(f => statement(f)))
Error:(42, 12) diverging implicit expansion for type scalaz.Monad[Transformers.Result]
starting with method eitherTMonad in trait EitherTInstances0
Appreciate any help in any pointer to the code that is working with v. 7.0.5 or any pointer to fixing the code in the gist. Thanks for your help.