Call for Abstracts: SAPLING 2012

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Tony Sloane

Oct 1, 2012, 7:02:17 AM10/1/12
[Apologies if you receive more than one copy of this mail.]

Call for Abstracts for 7th SAPLING Meeting, November 23, 2012

Sydney Area Programming Language INterest Group

10am-5pm, November 23, 2012
Australian National University


SAPLING aims to promote and develop research in the Programming
Languages field within the Sydney area, including nearby regional
centres such as Canberra, Newcastle and Wollongong.

Important Dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: October 22, 2012
- Notification: October 23, 2012
- Meeting: November 23, 2012

SAPLING Meetings

SAPLING meetings allow programming language academics, researchers,
industry practitioners and students to present and discuss their
research and experiences in an informal setting.

The seventh meeting will be held at the Australian National University.
Previous meetings were held at University of New South Wales (2006),
Macquarie University (2007), Australian National University (2007),
University of Sydney (2009), University of New South Wales (2010)
and University of Technology, Sydney (2011).

SAPLING talks are generally of 20 minutes duration with substantial
periods of time available for discussion. Talks can present completed
work, outline work in progress, demonstrate a system, or provide a
short tutorial on a topic of general interest.

Submissions for talks should be in the form of an abstract no longer
than one A4 page in plain text, PostScript or PDF format. The abstract
should be emailed to Tony Sloane (Anthony.Sloane AT by
close of business on October 22, 2012.

As far as possible, selection of presenters is non-competitive, with
all interested qualified speakers given an opportunity to talk, within
the time constraints of a one day meeting. Preference will be given to
topics of general interest.

No proceedings will be published but the talk abstracts and links to
related material will be published on the SAPLING website. There is no
registration fee to attend this meeting. Participants will be
responsible for their own lunch costs.

Local Organiser for the 6th Meeting

Steve Blackburn (Steve.Blackburn AT

SAPLING Steering Committee

Anthony Sloane, Macquarie (Chair), Anthony.Sloane AT
Manuel Chakravarty, UNSW, chak AT
Steve Blackburn, ANU, Steve.Blackburn AT
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