Can't generate Scala files from proto

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Mohammed Hakawati

Oct 16, 2019, 7:15:19 AM10/16/19
to ScalaPB
Hi there.

I'm following your steps in order to design a Kafka pipeline to sent and receive a message from the sender and receiver and encode/decode the message using protobuf.

I built two separate projects, sender and receiver and everything were working fine, so I'm able to send encoded messages and receive and decoding fine.

I'm new on Scala and Sbt, therefore I need to merge these projects into a single project, the problem is the compile command doesn't generate any Scala file in the new project.

there is no error during the sbt compile, just info says that, protobuf files found, but no files created on the target

I guess, I need to make some modifications inside the sbt to enforce them gereate the scala file but I don't know how!

Thank you and please help.

Nadav Samet

Oct 16, 2019, 2:11:17 PM10/16/19
to Mohammed Hakawati, ScalaPB
Hi Mohammed,

It sounds like you are trying to achieve a single build with multiple subprojects.

In that example, there's a shared "protos" sub-project, and then a "sub1" project that depends on it. You can then add a "sub2" to build.sbt and create a similar directory structure to "sub1". Here "sub1" would represent your sender and receiver sub-projects.


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