Which IDE is the best to use with the scalan project?

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Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 26, 2015, 6:09:28 PM1/26/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com
Hallo guys,

I've downloaded the scalan project but I still can not figure out which IDE is it better to use with it (and perhaps scala in general).
I am trying Neatbeans, but it seems like the sbt project is not working properly. I can build but the project explorer stays empty
so I need to actually go to the file explorer each time. Also, I've stumbled upon navigation problems such as "Getting to the declaration"
does not work. So may be some help here please.

Kind regards,


Alexander Slesarenko

Jan 27, 2015, 12:00:29 PM1/27/15
to Dr. Ivan Zapreev, sca...@googlegroups.com

We are all using latest IntelliJ IDEA with Scala plugin installed.

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Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 27, 2015, 2:59:30 PM1/27/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com
I am currently trying ideaIC-139.1117 (IDEA+14+EAP) and I tried the official IDEA 14 before. Both are failing once the Scala JDK has to be setup. There by trying to download the libraries via SBT it just starts hanging.
By the way in both versions I could not get the plugin by from Plugins browser, so I had to manually install the latest version (1.2.1.) from jetbrains  https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?id=1347
Are there by any chance instructions for setting the project up? The README does not seem to cover this aspect ... The only thing I can think of right now is linux related issues which I am experiencing, as I run Ubuntu.
I will try to do the trick now in Windows 8, although I find it a bit inconvenient to work in a Virtualbox :-D

Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 27, 2015, 3:33:57 PM1/27/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com
Yeah ... this is one of those rare moment in life when you realize that Ubuntu is not perfect... on Windows it all worked like a charm :-D So the project is up and building ...

By the way here are the brief SCALAN-CE project installations steps, might come in handy for the followers ... Steps to perform:

0. Install JDK http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
1. Install Scala http://scala-lang.org/download/
2. Install SBT http://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html
3. Install GIT http://git-scm.com/download/win
   3.1 Install git.exe to be collable from command-promt
   3.2 Install to check out with Windoes end of line and check in with unix end of line
4. Install IntelliJ IDEA https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/download_thanks.jsp
5. Start IDEA and install the Scala plugin from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?id=1347 (manual download and installation)
6. Check out the SCALAN-CE project from the Github

Works like a charm, except for some doubts about the git configuration settings in step 3. ...
I am not sure about the WIndows/Unix line end symbols, what are the project conventions? Is everything stored on Github in Unix style?

Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 27, 2015, 3:38:29 PM1/27/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com
By the way, after the project was build IDEA still asks me (once a scala source file is opened there is a yellow bar on top of it with a message) the set-up the SDK, the same step the Linux version was hanging in.
Here the setting up process via creating a new library seems to be working ... the download is on its way and I can see the progress. Perhaps is also worked in Linux but there the progress bar was not showing
anything and I was not patient enough to wait for indefinitely long time :-D

Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 27, 2015, 6:41:11 PM1/27/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com

And ... it did not actually built. There were errors related to not being able to find the scala library.
Once fixed, I got other errors for the other packages/libraries used in the project.
Is it so that I really need to download all of them and link to the project? I'd expect this to be done automatically ...
It feels like the sbt project uses unmanaged dependencies, which is fine but somehow they are not download ...
and now I manually have to do the managed style ... Is it the right way to do that?

Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 27, 2015, 7:29:56 PM1/27/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com
Ok, so it build from the SBT console but it does not build from IDEA .... also troubles with refreshing the sbt project ... I wonder why ... but I get an SBT 'scalan-ce' project refresh failed ...
I will probably leave this issue for now but there are two things which are not working from within the IDEA ... the project refresh and the project build which does not see the SBT-imported libraries ...

Alexey Romanov

Jan 29, 2015, 2:07:01 AM1/29/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com, ivan.z...@gmail.com
We are using Debian (wheezy), so it definitely should work on Ubuntu (are you using OpenJDK or Oracle JDK?). The one reason I can think of for the refresh failing in IDEA while SBT succeeds is if you are missing `lms-virtualization-core` or have different proxy settings.

For line endings see https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/. Normally you should use
git config --global core.autocrlf true
and override it if a specific project requires a different setting.

Alexey Romanov

Jan 29, 2015, 2:12:12 AM1/29/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com
We haven't tried NetBeans at all. Eclipse-based ScalaIDE works well enough, but I didn't get an opportunity to try 4.0 yet. One problem with IDEA is false error highlighting, which can mostly be ignored; you need to actually compile the project to see the errors. Second is https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-8081 which you may be running into.

Dr. Ivan Zapreev

Jan 29, 2015, 8:43:18 AM1/29/15
to sca...@googlegroups.com
Ok, thanks for the reply. I will keep working on Windows, for a while since that is already set up.
Perhaps in Ubuntu I was just not patient enough to wait until the SBT thing would finish, as the progress bar there is broken.
Building from IDEA works fine as well if I build from the SBT console. Building from the menu fails, but as far as I know this is a known issue, has to do with support of SBT unmanaged libraries in IDEA ...
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