Hi Julien,
Yes - this is indeed possible.
During the last GSoC, we had discussions about whether or not to
provide some idiomatic support,
so that you could combine any two measurers.
TL;DR In the end, this turned out too difficult, and such a measurer
would have obscure semantics, so we decided not to implement this
However, it should be possible to implement a custom measurer that
does this - both combine execution time and memory,
and also obtain the return value of the benchmarked function.
class MyCustomMeasurer extends Measurer[(Double, Int)] {
def name = "time-and-memory"
def measure[T](ctx: Context, measurements: Int, setup: T =>
Any, tear: T => Any, regen: () => T, snippet: T => Any):
Seq[Quantity[(Double, Int)]] = {
// rough implementation (see Measurer.scala in scalameter
repository for better, complete implementations)
val x = regen()
val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
val atStart = System.nanoTime
val memStart = runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory
val atEnd = System.nanoTime
val memEnd = runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory
(atEnd - atStart, memEnd - memStart)
class CustomBench extends Bench[(Double, Int)] {
// implement executor, persistor and reporter here
// make sure that the executor uses your custom measurer
Note that the HtmlReporter can currently only represent Numeric
Since tuples are not numeric (unclear how they would be represented
on the graph), that leaves logging reporter for displaying results,
which dumps them to command line.