On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Meredith Gregory
lgreg.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> bash-3.2$ ant build
> Buildfile:
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml
> scalac:
> [scalac] Compiling 1 scala and 4 java source files to
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/war/WEB-INF/jribble
> [javac]
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml:64:
> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
> gwtc:
> [java] Loading inherited module
> 'com.biosimilarity.iacontainer.iacontainer'
> [java] Loading inherited module 'org.atmosphere.gwt.Client'
> [java] [ERROR] Unexpected error while processing XML
> [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorExt
I don't have a concrete suggestion from what you've given, but it does
sound like some error in the build files and/or your environment
variables. GWT is looking for a class that ships with GWT and is not
finding it. One possible explanation, according to a little Googling,
is a mismatch of GWT versions:
For example, have you been using the GWT plugin for Eclipse to edit
this project? If so, it might be worth exiting Eclipse and doing a
clean build from the command line. Maybe Eclipse is using a different
version than ant?