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integration with atmosphere?

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Meredith Gregory

Oct 21, 2012, 1:00:07 AM10/21/12
Dear Scalagwt'rs,

i'm attempting to build a variant of the Showcase scalagwt demo that integrates atmosphere. i think i've run into a version problem between scalagwt and atmosphere gwt dependency. The scala compilation succeeds, but the jribble compilation fails with the trace below.

If anybody has a workaround, i'm all ears. i noticed that atmosphere has a version of their extensions module that works with a more recent version of gwt libs. However, after getting that to build it fails to compile with an internal compiler error. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best wishes,


bash-3.2$ ant build
Buildfile: /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml

   [scalac] Compiling 1 scala and 4 java source files to /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/war/WEB-INF/jribble
    [javac] /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml:64: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

     [java] Loading inherited module 'com.biosimilarity.iacontainer.iacontainer'
     [java]    Loading inherited module 'org.atmosphere.gwt.Client'
     [java]       [ERROR] Unexpected error while processing XML
     [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorExt

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
7329 39th Ave SW

Lex Spoon

Oct 21, 2012, 9:07:13 AM10/21/12
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Meredith Gregory
<> wrote:
> bash-3.2$ ant build
> Buildfile:
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml
> scalac:
> [scalac] Compiling 1 scala and 4 java source files to
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/war/WEB-INF/jribble
> [javac]
> /Users/lgm/work/src/projex/stellar/mdp4tw/twoten/biosim-emeris/scalagwt/build.xml:64:
> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
> gwtc:
> [java] Loading inherited module
> 'com.biosimilarity.iacontainer.iacontainer'
> [java] Loading inherited module 'org.atmosphere.gwt.Client'
> [java] [ERROR] Unexpected error while processing XML
> [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorExt

I don't have a concrete suggestion from what you've given, but it does
sound like some error in the build files and/or your environment
variables. GWT is looking for a class that ships with GWT and is not
finding it. One possible explanation, according to a little Googling,
is a mismatch of GWT versions:

For example, have you been using the GWT plugin for Eclipse to edit
this project? If so, it might be worth exiting Eclipse and doing a
clean build from the command line. Maybe Eclipse is using a different
version than ant?


Meredith Gregory

Oct 21, 2012, 2:13:10 PM10/21/12
Dear Lex,

Thanks for your response! i appreciate you giving the problem some attention.

i don't use Eclipse (or IntelliJ or Netbeans). i use emacs.

As near as i've been able to ferret out, the problem of the conflicting versions of gwt come from the difference in expectations between scalagwt and atmosphere.  As you can see from the error, the problem is that 

Loading inherited module 'org.atmosphere.gwt.Client'

creates a demand for 


When i open the version the gwt-dev.jar shipped with the scalagwt samples project i see that this class is not included. Additionally, when i google for the problem i see that this class was an issue around gwt 2.2, yet scalagwt is using a version of this jar somewhere around 2.4. That's why i was attempting to get the atmosphere code that works with gwt 2.5 built.

Until atmosphere and scalagwt sync up on gwt versions, it looks like i might need to use a different websockets toolkit with scalagwt.

Best wishes,

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