ProScalaFX ported from JavaFX

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Sep 5, 2021, 9:42:56 AM9/5/21
to ScalaFX Users
Many of us have been appreciating the ProScalaFX code as reference point to our projects. Sometimes I end up also checking how the original JavaFX code is modeled. I still think that without ProScalaFX effort 

I understand the ProScalaFX is almost direcly translated from JavaFX, including its Java based practices and architectures (use of var's, classes etc.).

I'm wandering if there'd be time and resources to produce a second passage transforming the code even closer to Scala based practices, what would be the key topics to address in that case?


Sep 5, 2021, 2:23:33 PM9/5/21
to ScalaFX Users
ProScalaFX project was started by Raphael to illustrate use of ScalaFX. It also impacted  development of some features in ScalaFX giving use cases to work out, to improve API. Scala and JavaFX  changed a lot over that time. For instance, lambdas/SAMs were added in Java and JavaFX and later also supported by Scala (SAMs). There were significant changes in collections and changes in implicits (for instance, some bugs and kinks removed in Scala 2.13 and 3).

It may be a good time to review ProScalaFX code, make it cleaner, and possibly modify ScalaFX to help with certain use cases.  

Can you share some examples how ProScalaFX could be improved?

This is a community project so all resources/contributions come from volunteers.  

I ended up coordinating contributions, merging PRs, etc. ProScalaFX is one of the first paces I started my contributions. Currently my personal plan, time permitting, is to finish the cell factories issue for R25 ( - mostly testing and documentation at this point. The main next thing after that will be FXML support in Scala 3 (ScalaFXML or some other way). I can help with coordinating ProScalaFX improvements, but not planning on major contributions myself.
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