Vienna Scala Users' Group

Contact owners and managers
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We are a bunch of software developers interested in discovering Scala, learning about new techniques and frameworks and meeting other Scala developers in the Vienna area. Our aim is to meet regularly in 4 week cycle and share knowledge and experiences about Scala programming language and its ecosystem.


We post questions, problems, ideas, ... you name it either here in this Google group.

We organize our meetings on Meetup:

We post our code to:

We are on Twitter as @ScalaVienna, we use hashtags #scala #vienna.

We are part of a worldwide network of Scala meetups:

Developers from all skill levels eager to learn more about this great language are welcome! Come on and join us!

The group is lightly moderated so please don't complain about spam etc, but anyone abusing this list will simply be removed.

Recruitment e-mails should NOT be addressed to this list.
Please, write to org at scala-vienna dot org