Coding Dojo Invitation

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Christian Haas

Jan 15, 2014, 12:44:58 AM1/15/14
Hello there!

After yesterday's Scala coding dojo, I've been given the permission to advertise here for a general dojo that I am organizing.

I started with a company-internal one at my workplace, and now I want to make a general, public dojo for the Vienna area.
It is meant to be language-agnostic, so participants can come with a laptop and a prepared IDE, workspace and testing framework in their programming language of preference. In the future, some evenings might also be centered around a certain language and/or tool.

The plan is to have it on Wednesdays every second week, 6pm to 8pm - with the next one happening next week on the 22nd of January.
For this I am using the facilities of the company: Frequentis, in the 10th district, Innovationsstraße 1.

As I need to register participants as guests, I need the names of those willing to come. Since I am not on meetup, I simply use Doodle for now:
Important: Use given & surname!

Note that for now it is limited to 10 people - I want to grow it and avoid an early incursion; test the waters and so forth. Also, the deadline for registration is the 20th, 11:59pm (On the 21st I need to pass the list on for the next day).
For reference, the current composition of people would be those of my company (Mostly Java & C# people) and you.

Don't hesitate to contact me directly for questions and general interest about the dojo - I don't want to completely hijack this list :)
If you already know what will await you or you are curious anyway, enter your full name on Doodle to reserve your entry. (Best thing is probably you sent me a mail also when you registered, to confirm it.)

thank you!

Sebastian Nozzi

Jan 15, 2014, 4:15:18 AM1/15/14
Hi Christian,

Thanks for the invitation. And thanks for coming yesterday, you really seem to have gotten into this immutability / functional thing :-)

The 22nd is not a good day for us, since we have our next meetup. See:

But I'll try to make it after this one.


Peter Kofler

Jan 16, 2014, 2:42:02 AM1/16/14
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

This is good news as just yesterday some ppl from Java User Group decided to also have a Dojo and I favour having a language agnostic one, so we can welcome devs from all areas.

Also I am discussing with the Vienna.rb group when to run the 2nd Ruby coding dojo there. Ruby group has access to Sektor5 which is a place to run dojos as well, but also limited in size.

I would really like us all (you, Sebastion, me, Andreas Schlapsi and probably more facilitators e.g. from Python group) to link up and share the organizing. I am fine with running a dojo now and then but also I would like to participate from time to time, so spreading the "load" would be great.

When this gains traction and really we are able to run a dojo every second week, I will help covering the cost for a Meetup account.

Christian Papauschek

Jan 21, 2014, 11:06:26 AM1/21/14
I'm also very interested in this.

How does a language-agnostic coding dojo work in practice?
I personally would probably have a lot of difficulty reviewing/changing someones Ruby or Python code because I have never used those languages?


Christian Haas

Jan 21, 2014, 11:31:04 AM1/21/14
Hello there!

A dojo is meant to give you place & time to practice and learn new
stuff, as well as get new ideas. In a 'free' dojo, you also have the
chance to learn new things from a different language than the one(s) you
are used to.

You don't have to be in a pair where a different language than the ones
you know are handled; You can pair up with people speaking your
language(s) (pending availability of course). In mixed setups, it should
be though that at least one knows the language (and tool-chain) quite
good and the other is open to learn about it.
Yet this is the case for any unknown; If you have a different IDE, you
are also training a bit to work with it.

For example, some are used to work with null/undefined. Apart from
learning the Null-Object pattern, working with a language that gives you
different approaches (Option in Scala and others) can give you new
ideas. Simply from the fact "There it works this way - and it's not even

In such a setup you might not produce the best code in this 'new'
language - but it could help you think about different approaches in
your 'native' language(s).

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