Some organisation changes

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Michal Bigos

Nov 11, 2012, 2:39:06 PM11/11/12
Hi everybody,

During last week some interesting things happened. Rafael and Martin did some research about how other Scala groups manage their local communities and most of them use to do it. Rafael created a Vienna Scala User Group at He also gladly sponsor the monthly quota. In other words our homepage will be moved to Meetup. It comes with various benefits as easier organisation of meet ups, with shared calendar, photos, polls and pages.

From now on there will be no announcements via Doodle. Therefore I kindly ask all the members to create an account on Meetup and join the group there. You can find already a scheduled meetup for november there. Please be so kind an RSVP again.

This group (on Google Groups) remains as a first communication channel for your questions, proposals, etc. but do not hesitate to use Meetup  "Discussions" too. in relation to this group, I made several changes in the setting of this group, to avoid spammers. Group is moderated, but very lightly. Only members can post, and membership is approved by managers of the group. These are currently me, Radim and Rafael. If an user is a member, he/she can post freely. If an user spam this group he/she will be banned. I've also enabled "Tags" functionality in this group. Each post can be marked with a tag for better searching. I've created only basic tags like: question, proposal, meeting, announcement (see this post). Please use this, to help us better organise the group. If the tags will become overwhelming, they will be moderated too.

According to our GitHub account at, I've also made some changes there. First of all public URL was changed to Meetup. Organisation GitHub account is moderated too. Everybody who will ask for membership, has to be approved first. Afterwards he/she can create repositories, pull & push freely. Those of you who are interested to show us something on meet ups, please feel free to create a repo with some example code too.

When you will be browsing all the services, you'll notice a logo used in all of them. For now this is temporary, but it is one from proposals created by Rafael. Please feel free to come with your own proposals to November meet up :)

Again thank you Rafael and Martin and I'm looking forward to all of you on our next meet up.

Btw: We are still searching for venue on 29th :) 

Alexander Daniel

Nov 13, 2012, 5:22:05 AM11/13/12
openForce can provide a meeting room for 29th of November. It's located in Dresdner Straße in 1200 Vienna near Traisengasse (Schnellbahn). We have beamer, LAN and room for about 10 participants.

Looking forward to meet you there!


Michal Bigos

Nov 13, 2012, 5:42:34 AM11/13/12
Perfect, we are currently 11, so it will be tight, but I think it will work :)
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